maurice,missile,med skill,8 years of et and no clue,kamz,lady in red

First more thumbs up for him:

ok now important stuff:

missile beta4 great map big congratulations and much much love for eim and his team for what they did,i love every time when ppl work and loose time to make us happy to give us something new,different and exciting.keep up the good work people

for noaim,maurice friend and everybody else who things they have bad connection or something similar:

image: 288utfl

After you did this,u start downloading and boom from 8 minuts guess what:u going to maybe less than 1 minut.

Reasons to flame here:

1)Is a journal made by me.
2)I say something which in 2012 every med skiller player should already know and yet they don t, believe it or not.

In other news ,my thaughts in this difficult times for Kamz:

Dear Kamz,i m not upset u banned me so many times from your channels for no reason except i played your little games ,and made u feel like u own something on the trolling bussiness.I m not upset that u always move me while i m playing my low wars on owzo and stray ts3 from my channel to others.But i m upset that your channels are gone Kamz.Wanna know why?Because i think this happend to fast.This was supposed to happen when your new channels would have been so "popular" as the et.6on6 ,so the taste of defeat to be much much more sweet.

"Let's not pretend that things will change if we keep doing the same things. A crisis can be a real blessing to any person, to any nation. For all crises bring progress."

Albert Einstein

Have you ever been hated or discriminated against?
I have, I've protested and demonstrated against
Picket signs for my wicked ryhmes Look at the times
Sick as the mind of the motha fuckin' kid thats behind
all this commotion Emotions run deep as ocean's explodin'
Tempers flaring from parents just blow 'em off and keep goin
Not takin' nothin' from no one,give 'em hell long as I'm breathin'
Keep kickin ass in the mornin and takin' names in the evening
Leav'em with a taste of sour as vinegar in their mouth
See they can trigger me but they never figure me out
Look at me now, I bet ya probably sick of me now
aint you mama I'ma make you look so ridiculous now

i hope it is your first and last journal
He won't stop :XD
u make a journal to ask for antivirus where google is much more better.i make a journal to tell some idiot who wanna be a med skill how to download a map,cause he can throw bananas at target but he dont know where the bananas are even if he sit in the banana tree,i share my thaughts bout another troll retard and how he tricked so many ppl who probably liked to be tricked and post 2 you tube songs and desire my journal to be last?

dont be idiot
please leave this community we already have plenty of other retards like you
i think that your teenager hormons are making u write unnecessary me a favour and talk with your parents about this
ur comments are so bad :DD really how old are you 30? still no work?
check my profile,i have no secrets,including place where i work,and my comments are made to help ppl not to troll.what is bad for you is that u argue with me and idk what is worst:a kid that calls a a 30 year old guy retard on internet,or me that i give u any attention at all
i m not argue with you as much as i m concerned this is my last reply to u,i switch u to ignore life nice and full of happyness,married,have a son,got a decent job i m happy with myself.see ya or...not
31 years old
putting trash on gayming community site(s)

image: meme_troll_desktop_1920x1200_wallpaper-292954
Good morning ;)

new seareal , but worse
who is seareal?

what exactly you understand from this journal? was not made for you asshole
Then you'd better send this via pm to those concerned OR MAKE THE EFFORT TO WRITE INTELLIGIBLE THINGS, THANKS
first i dont know their cf profiles,second i tried to explain them yesterday during the match they started to call me retard just like u are doing now.third,please tell me what is not intelligible,as i said this journal is strictly for those involved.u are not,so why the hate?
what should i expect more from you my friend,i even can t be bothered anymore by calling me that.
Quote,cause he can throw bananas at target but he dont know where the bananas are even if he sit in the banana tree
point was that what i wrote can be understand only by those playing yesterday.what happend:we voted to play missile beta 4,we were 11 guys on the server with the map all right,one of the maurice friends whined he can t download the map that he has to wait 8 minuts.i told him how to fix it,what i show in the journal and of course he didn t care to listen.11 ppl were force to change back to missile beta 3 because of one idiot and i was prettty pissed much more easy to learn simple stepts than to fuck up a game cause u can t/don t want to learn smt simple
when will u finally accept that i did what u said. fuckin moron
i won t insult you as u are doing,my intentions are good and real,i wanted/want to help u.perhaps u did checked what i show in the screenshot,but we were already on the beta 3 version,in order for you to check if it was right or not,we should have switched map again and we did not.before u insult me again and rage at me,even though u ruined my entire fun yesterday,are u so kind to come online on the server now,and test one more time again together with me so u can proove me that i m wrong and a fuckin moron as u claim?thank u
no i cant right now cause i play footy (wc3) and if it ruined ur entire fun yesterday i'm really happy that i couldn't download it faster.
better be evil than nice huh?at least u know i m right
oh ronald

u so crazy
good point there, actually seems like 75% of this community don't know how to download a map even though some have played this game for years.
Need 5 mercs :DDD
you are a god damn idiot, nobody likes you, everyone thinks you are a retard, get the fuck out of this community you inbred freak of nature.
i m smarter than u ll ever be,u are nobody so i dont care if nobody likes me,i dont need ppl like you to like me nor i m ass licking cheaters in ass so i can be licked,if that is even supposed to be something inteligent to do,anything that comes from you or others like you for me counts 0,toilette paper,i smoke this every morning before breakfast,inhale exhale and all your shit is something so far away u can t even imagine how untouchable i am,wanna be rapper,eminem of estonia,more likely justin bieber of estonia,and one more thing:if u think somebody likes u in this comunity u are fuckin wrong.except your cheater friend nobody gives a fuck on time u reply to me do it in estonian so i can t read your misspelled shit
beat me to it :D also guy in blue at 0:56, wat?
need 6 mercs for 6on6
You are hilarious
mAus + rice
Fortis bank
oh ronald

u so crazy
you left trackbase forum to troll here now?
im going back lol

image: 130565700599
Im pretty sure that unfo will win the retard of the year 2012.

He really really deserves it, he has been working hard on getting it :|
let s make a bet.if i win i m gonna do what ever u want me to do.if i don t ,will u shut da fuck up unless u have something usefoul to say?

btw u know how to download a pk3?

Ofc, many ways to download a pk3 : d I EVEN KNOW HOW TO UPLOAD EM !
logged in to add you to my ignore list
and yet i m pretty sure u have no clue how to download a pk3
FL-bushido-klingelton-beats + wnb-deep-kollegah-bushido-rapstyle mit ner 0815 stimme das ganze dann noch schlecht abmischen


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