Crossfire's mouse?

I want to do a little inquiry about mice, so my questions are:
What mouse do you use?
How much did it cost you?
Why did you buy it?
Do you use a mousepad(which one)?
What's your dream mouse?(ie. What are you planning to buy next/Which one would you like to get for free)
What's your dream mousepad?(same as above but about mousepads)

I made a little format for you that you can use to answer my questions.
current mouse:
reason you bought it:
dream mouse:
dream pad:
anything more you want to leave about mice:

I will do an example for myself:

current mouse:Logitech G9
price:60 euro if I remeber correctly
reason you bought it:At the time I though high DPI/laser ment something aswell as adjustable weights.
mousepad:Puretrak Talent
dream mouse:Steelseries sensei
dream pad:Already own it, don't think there is anything better out.
settings:800 DPI(1920*1080 resolution) 1.3 ingame sens and standard windows 6/11 42 cm/360 turn ingame.
anything more you want to leave about mice: I would recommend reading this Repost from clown:Steelseries dev guys about mice

Thank you very much for helping me out!
current mouse:logitech mx518
reason you bought it:looked nice,good mouse
dream mouse:maybe i'll buy XAI
dream pad:dunno
settings:400dpi : d
anything more you want to leave about mice:no
Funny thing is that the SteelSeries Ikari Laser wasn't suitable for high level gaming either, even the optical version was a tad off.
Posted the article not to show my love for steelseries but rather about the info inside it. As far as I know everything there is true.
current mouse: Logitech mx518
price:[/u] 35 euro ( i think )
reason you bought it: best mouse evah
dream mouse: none
dream pad: none
mousepad: QPAD ct
settings: 400 dpi ,sens ingame 2.80 ,500HZ
current mouse: deathadder V2
price: 50
reason you bought it: awesome, beautiful, ergonomic
mousepad: QPAD CT large black edition 4mm
dream mouse: I'm not good enough to design my own mouse :)
dream pad: would like to test that puretrak talent
settings: windows default, ingame 1.2, 450 DPI, 1000 HZ
anything more you want to leave about mice: working great, low sens :)
current mouse: mx518
price: ~30e
reason you bought it: good mouse, fits to hand
mousepad: Razer Goliathus Alpha
dream mouse: G400/mx518
dream pad: Goliathus
settings: 400dpi, 500hz, 6/11, ingame 4.0, accs removed --> ~25cm/360
anything more you want to leave about mice:
current mouse: MX518
price: ~35€, 3-4 years ago
reason you bought it: It was supposed to be good, it is.
mousepad: Ultimat Breathe
dream mouse: not planning to change
dream pad: same, maybe bigger if I change my table at some point
settings: 400dpi, slow sens.
anything more you want to leave about mice: First thing you do when you buy new mouse, get proper skates on it, at least mine had some shitty & sticky ones on it, hyperglides (I think, can't remember 100%) rock. Teflon anyway.
current mouse:[/u] Logitech MX518
price:[/u] $30
reason you bought it:[/u] large, simple, comfortable, recommended by others
mousepad:[/u] SteelSeries QcK+
dream mouse:[/u] don't have one
dream pad:[/u] don't have one
settings:[/u] 800 dpi, 500 hz, 6 win sens, 1.8 in-game sens
anything more you want to leave about mice:[/u] no
lol you got almost the same as me
must be why we both are so good
Thanks for even using [ b] and [ u]
large, simple, comfortable, recommended by other
sure u aint describing ur mom?
current mouse:mx518
price: 25/26 euros
reason you bought it: many ppl said its a great mouse
mousepad: steelseries qck mini, used to play on my desk now my mousefeet are fucked :p
dream mouse: g400
dream pad: dunno
settings: 800dpi 1.80 sens
anything more you want to leave about mice: great mouse
current mouse: logitech value optical
price: 8.90 euro
reason you bought it: i didnt
mousepad: some papers
dream mouse: game mouse
dream pad: game pad
settings: 3.2 sens ?400 dpi?
anything more you want to leave about mice:
current mouse: G400
price: 30 euros
reason you bought it: low budget and for better grip in comparison with razer diamondback
mousepad: steelseries qck heavy
dream mouse: this
dream pad: qck heavy
settings: 400dp 1000hz pollingrate 1.22 sens
anything more you want to leave about mice:no comment
current mouse:[/u] Razer Deathadder
price:[/u] £45
reason you bought it:[/u] Owned discontinued razer mouse which broke before, needed replacement
mousepad:[/u] SteelSeries QcK+ Heavy
dream mouse:[/u] seriously?! :D
dream pad:[/u] Again, seriously :D?!
settings:[/u] 800 dpi, 7 win sens, 0.7 in-game sens (yes, UBERLOW SENS) :D
anything more you want to leave about mice:[/u] If you get cheap mice, and have a low sens, if you move them quickly you don't move at all -.-
current mouse: Logitech MX518
price: around 30 €
reason you bought it: Poland ZaD recommend this mouse
mousepad: steelseries qck
dream mouse: dont have
dream pad: dont know other pads except qck
settings: 1800 DPI, 3/11 windows, 2.4 ingame
anything more you want to leave about mice:
current mouse: Steelseries Xai
price: I believe I payed €40,- for it
reason you bought it: I had an Logitech G5, but I didn't liked it anymore, after that Netherlandsadeto gave me a Razer Deathadder but it was worn off, so I bought the Xai :)
mousepad: Steelseries QCK+
dream mouse: I guess I'll buy the MX518 if my Xai calls it a day
dream pad: I've heard good stories about the Puretrak Talent, so I would like that one
settings: Standard settings, I'm not into that kinda stuff, and I like to believe that the settings which are normal, are good :p
anything more you want to leave about mice: I like the mouse alot, but sometimes it skips abit, seems like it is really sensitive, make sure its always clean!
current mouse: Logitech MX518
price: 10-15 Euro (I have used one)
reason you bought it: It's legendary mouse and my mate recommended it.
mousepad: QcK Steelseries xxl with sk-gaming logo :]
dream mouse: This one is perfect, so I don't need any other mouse, never dreamed about any :D
dream pad:Already own it, but maybe made from glass?
settings:400 DPI
anything more you want to leave about mice: nope
current mouse:MX518 logitech
price:40 eu?
reason you bought it:[*u]my friend told me its good mouse
mousepad:roccat taito big size
dream mouse:razzer collections
dream pad:atm np1, im fine with roccat
settings: 800dpi 250hz win sens 7/11 and in game i always use 1.5 w/o acceleration
anything more you want to leave about mice: im fine with mx518, but razer would be better but atm im out of cash so..[/b]
Quoteatm im out of cash

Quoteimage: cheater_error

image: 2wemm44
2 much private parties
current mouse: mx518
price: ~30€, dno exactly
reason you bought it: my old 5€-mouse broke (random flips), was one of the few mice which felt comfortable in my hand
mousepad: qck small, gna get bigger one soon (suggestions? :p)
dream mouse: idc? mx518 feels good, will never pay more for a mouse, won't get a new one before this dies
dream pad: never tried a different one, doubt it changes much
settings: 800 dpi, didn't change hz, 5win, 1.34et
same here,especially the buy reason :D:D:D

Puretrak talent is great and big mate! Mousepad should give you as less friction as possible and enough room to perfom your moves on. Last but not least it should work good with your mice sensor.
uhm, 25€ for a mousepad might be more than I want to spend, will see..
mine still does the job, I just can't aim anymore if the enemy makes me turn quickly more than 100°
Puretrak talent is the best you can get
current mouse: Razer Mamba
price: €129.99
reason you bought it: I liked the package
mousepad: steelseries QcK+
dream mouse: might consider buying xai or DA
dream pad: Puretrak Talent(but I can't find one :<)
settings: 800 DPI
1.337 sens
mouseaccel 0.05
anything more you want to leave about mice: nothing

So my question for you would be: where did you buy your Puretrak Talent :o?
current mouse: Steelseries Xai
price: 80.00
reason you bought it: Decent enough reviews and I am left handed so limited in my mouse choices
mousepad: Steelseries 9HD (worn out need a new bigger mat of same hard surface)
dream mouse: This, have no complaints
dream pad: 9HD only bigger
settings: 600dpi
current mouse: Razer Deathadder 1800 DPI
price: 60£
reason you bought it: Wanted progamers mouse
mousepad: Razer Mantis Control
dream mouse: none
dream pad: none
settings: 125Hz, 450 DPI , 1.52 sens
anything more you want to leave about mice: Still working good after 5 years
current mouse: mx518
price: dno \o/
reason you bought it: G5 broke, needed a replacement and couldnt find an old IME
mousepad: steelseries QcK+
dream mouse: an mx500 or one of the old IME's
dream pad: Puretrak Talent
settings: 400 dpi. default win sens, 500hz
current mouse: MX512
price: 27€
reason you bought it: Ragebashed my Razer Copperhead
mousepad: 4d Steelpad worn like a bitch
dream mouse: my Razer copperhead :x
dream pad: idk...
settings: some random shit, 1 pad = 280°
anything more you want to leave about mice: Why does everyone say 'HEY HOW FUCKING UGLY IS YOUR MOUSE?!?"
Current mouse: Logitech G400
Price: 38€
Reason you bought it: I got three mx518s before and all of them broke so I decided to switch. G400 was just 5 euros more expensive and when I checked all the upgrades it had I just had to buy it.
Mousepad: Steelseries QCK heavy
Dream mouse: I think SteelSeries Sensei or Zowie mouses would be worth of trying but they are too expensive
Dream pad: Puretrak Talent, hard to find from Finland tho:(
Settings: Sensitivity 1.7, DPI 450, Windows sensitivity 6/11, polling rate 1000hz, no mouse accel
Anything more you want to leave about mice: I see people still buying MX518, I don't see why. G400 is upgraded MX518 with better features and it still has best features of MX518 such as shape.
current mouse: Razer DA 3500 dpi

price: around 50 bucks

reason you bought it: I didn't, I just used to own MX518 and my whinny little brother owned DA. He wasn't comfty with it, so we just switch

mousepad: I use a regular pad. One you can easily find in an office.

dream mouse: Some time ago I used to have Logitech G5 laser, it has weights on the bottom, was a great mouse.

dream pad: They said Puretrack Talent is beast

settings: Windows sens 6 dpi 450, resolution 720*576 (lol its between r_mode 3 and 4), and ingame sens 2.2
current mouse: mx518
price: 25€, bought it 4 years ago
reason you bought it: looked good, had no clue about mice back then
mousepad: Steelseries qck+ navi edition
dream mouse: none
dream pad: none
settings: 400 dpi, default win sens, default mouse hertz, 3.0 sensitivity in ET
anything more you want to leave about mice: it's losing its skin a bit and disconnects for some seconds after some time using it, dunno why :/
current mouse: Razer Deathadder 3,5kdpi
price: came free with my mousepad
reason you bought it: came free with my mousepad, and eventually it replaced my old beloved 1,8kdpi deathadder :(
mousepad: razer megasoma
dream mouse: deathadder
dream pad: dunno, I like all I have.. guess I'd like that puretrak aswell
settings: 1khz, 400dpi, winsens 6/11, no accel, 2.67 ingame sens
how did u manage to get 400 dpi? how can only choose between 450 and 900 :S
yeah meant 450dpi

e: why are you replying in such an old post? :p
i bought new razer and was searching for settings :) used to play with 800 dpi and was hoping that it is possible^^

but 900 is fine as well i guess
450 is best for a Q3 engine game like ET
oh, alright then. thx.

but with ur settings your sens is pretty low. i mean when you're not playing
current mouse: Apple Magic Mouse
price:£1000 (came with iMac)
reason you bought it: Didn't, came with iMac
mousepad: Sorry?
dream mouse: I don't dream about mice.
dream pad: Always ultra.
settings: I move it, it moves the cursor.
anything more you want to leave about mice: They are pests, you should always tidy up your crumbs because that attracts mice.
Current mouse: Logitech G400
Price: 45Eish?
Reason you bought it: I got multible mx518s before and all of them broke so I decided to switch. G400 was just 5 euros more expensive and when I checked all the upgrades it had I just had to buy it.
Mousepad: Qpad CT Large with lurppis' autograph
Dream mouse: happy with mx518-mouses
Dream pad: no fuckin clue
Settings: Sensitivity 2, DPI 400 is default?, Windows sensitivity 6/11, polling rate 1000hz
Anything more you want to leave about mice: Should i use mousefeet?
not ur business
current mouse: Logitech g9
price: 90
reason you bought it: i hade it before and enjoyed it.
mousepad: icemat and qpad XT-R
dream mouse: ?
dream pad:?
settings: dpi 800 windows sens 2 ingame 0.4
anything more you want to leave about mice:
current mouse:Logitech G5 / Logitech G500 (but i don't use it)
price:75€ / 42€
reason you bought it:Needed a new mouse, bought G5. G500 was a big mistake, it sucks (wanted to change)
mousepad:Steelseries QcK+ heavy / Razer Vespula
dream mouse:Logitech G400
dream pad:PureTrak Talent
settings:800 DPI(1920*1080 resolution) 2.1 ingame sens and standard windows 6/11
anything more you want to leave about mice:read esraelity 1st. and buy only optical mouses
current mouse:logitech G5
price:about €50 dunno have it for 6 years or so
reason you bought it: needed a laser mouse wich was good for gaming i.s.o my ballmouse
mousepad:steelseries qck
dream mouse:no idea this one still doing its job
dream pad:dunno, saw a major improvement when i bought this one, before that i had it on the table
settings:windows 6/11 , 400dpi, no accel. 1.15 ingame sens, 500hz
anything more you want to leave about mice: palyed about 4500hour of ET with it only changed the skates 2 times.
current mouse: mx518
price: 50€ -__-
reason you bought it: my 5euro mouse died
mousepad: no idea tbh
dream mouse:
dream pad:
settings: 0.36 ingame (with acceleration), ....
I will buy you this mouse for your birthday, culan
current mouse: G5 (5/6 years now D:)
price: £35 (was in sale :D)
reason you bought it: my mx518 broke and i wanted a better mouse
mousepad: DESK
dream mouse: lolwut
dream pad: lolwut
settings: 800dpi, 1.5sens, 0.015mpitch, 500hz, 5/11 winsens (AWAITING FLAME FOR PIXELSKIPPING)
current mouse: SteelSeries Xai
price: 70€
reason you bought it: It fits my hand perfectly, and has nice features
mousepad: SteelSeries QcK
dream mouse: my current one
dream pad: Would want to try PureTrak Talent
settings: 400dpi, 3.2 IG sens, 6 windows sens, accelfix, 1000hz
anything more you want to leave about mice: Xai is personally my favourite by far, dont think ill find anything to match it anytime soon
current mouse: mx518
price: 27 euro
reason you bought it: other mouse was too old
mousepad: corepad xxxl
dream mouse: mx518
dream pad: puretrak
settings: 400dpi 3 sens
anything more you want to leave about mice: no
current mouse: Logitech G500
price: think it was around 60€? was 1.5 years ago, dont remember
reason you bought it: looked like a really ergonomic and pretty (:3) mouse
mousepad: a ~46x30 cm denim mousepad, selfmade (shoutout to MAYDAY), the canvas price is probably below 2€
dream mouse: im really happy with the g500, fits my hand really comfortably, though i guess id like one of those small steelseries mice, for when i want to really lowsens something; or even a low razer mouse for playing mobas/RTS games
dream pad: already have it; i like the durability and texture of it - its really smooth and soft but not up to the point where it would be slippery; also ive used it for over a year and it shows absolutely no signs of wear, if anything, it has become better, smoother. just needs the occasional washing/ironing (yeah i iron my mousepad, badass.jpeg)
settings: 6/11 800 2.60 500Hz
anything more you want to leave about mice: what ive noticed at myself: i use a palm grip while playing fps games (ET/cod games/killing floor/quake 3&live/) and a claw grip while playing HoN (clickclickclick), so id rather have a low-profile razer mouse for rts/moba games and an ergonomic-shaped mouse like my g500 for fps games, or a small mouse like the steelseries ones
current mouse: G500
price: $50
reason you bought it: My mx510 broke down after 5 years (best mouse evah) bought an mx518 but it didn't feel that good. I'm happy with the G500
mousepad: Xtrac Ripper
dream mouse: lol
dream pad: lol
settings: lol
anything more you want to leave about mice: mx510 es #1
current mouse: razer abyssus
price:35 €
reason you bought it: lightest mouse I ever played with, no error correction like most other razer and logitech mice
mousepad: razer goliathus
dream mouse: been thinking of trying out xaii
dream pad: urtierpad which actually tracks infrared sensors
settings: 450 dpi / 1000 hz / wcafix / 2.4 sens / m_pitch 0.022 / m_filter 1
anything more you want to leave about mice: jitters when moving up and down on a lot of pads. theres a topic on about which pads work with the mouse. not steelseries qck or most other pads i tried. Goliathus rarely jitters.
dream pad dream mouse u serious xD?
Just a pad/mouse you would like and do not own at the moment for whatever reason.
current mouse: Logitech G400
price: 45 euro ( i think )
reason :ou bought it: nice tracking wonder :D
dream mouse: none
dream pad: Puretrack Talent
mousepad: Puretrack Talent
settings: 400 dpi ,sens ingame 2.40 ,500HZ
Current mouse: Logitech G4
Price: €45
Reason you bought it: Closest to mx518 that I could get over here
Mousepad: Steelseries QCK
Deam mouse: MX518
Dream pad: Already own it, don't think there is anything better out.
Settings: 6/11 Windows, 400 DPI, 500 herz, 2.7 ingame
current mouse: MX518
price: 34€
reason you bought it: Tried one a friend had and aiming was like walking on sunshine
mousepad: Steelseries
dream mouse: MX518
dream pad: Steelseries
settings: 800dpi 500hz
anything more you want to leave about mice:
current mouse: Roccat Kova (+)
price: 56 euro if I remeber correctly
reason you bought it: my old logitech mx310 got broken...
mousepad: Roccat Taito
settings: 800 DPI(1920*1080 resolution) 4,36 ingame sens and windows 7

lol - am I really the first one playing on a roccat mouse 0o?
current mouse: Razer Deathadder
price: No idea
reason you bought it: Last one broke, had deathadder for 3-4 years already
mousepad: Puretrak Talent
dream mouse: deathadder
dream pad: puretrak talent
settings: 450dpi / 500hz / default windows sens / full razer sens / 2.1 ingame sens
anything more you want to leave about mice: no idea!
current mouse: DeathAdder
price: 40€ (???)
reason you bought it: been using mx510/518 and intelli 3.0 all those years, figured may as well try
mousepad: razer goliathus control
dream mouse: deathadder
dream pad: *shrug*
settings: 900 dpi, 500hz, 1920x1080 reso, 105 fov aaaaaand 2.7 ingame sense
current mouse: Logitech MX518
price: dunno i guess I bought it for ~30€
reason you bought it: my razer deathadder broke down and I needed new mouse so I chose mx518
mousepad: Everglide Titan GamingMat
dream mouse: Razer DA was better i think
dream pad: Everglide, but I would try Puretrak talent
settings: 800dpi / 6/11 windows sens / 1,25 ingame sens
anything more you want to leave about mice: mice will not give you skill!1
current mouse: MX518
price: 25 euro
reason you bought it: old mouse was old and wasnt smooth.
mousepad:steelseries QCK+
dream mouse: idc just gimme a mouse
dream pad: idc this is fine wtf
settings: 800dpi/ ingame 1.3 sens/ default windows sens
anything more you want to leave about mice: no
current mouse: IME 3.0
price: ~30EUR
reason you bought it: Because of the shape + my DA had died
mousepad: Everglide Titan
dream mouse: Razer Deathadder (1st version)
dream pad: Puretrak Talent
settings: Default dpi, 500Hz, no drivers, default win sens, 1920x1200, ET sens: 2.5
anything more you want to leave about mice: For me the IME 3.0 is a bit too big and the DA was a bit too small.
Both were too heavy, but the WMO is too light for me. Something inbetween would be perfect.
~2000dpi is more than you'll ever need.
Laser sensors and wireless mice suck. If you disagree you suck, too :D
current mouse: G400
price: +- 30 €
reason you bought it: Came from a G5 and didn't like the buttons on the G500.
mousepad: Razer Mantis speed
dream mouse: G400
dream pad: Puretrak Talent
settings: 2800 dpi - default windows sens - 0.4 ingame sens
anything more you want to leave about mice: do some research before you buy something
current mouse:Itntellimouse 3.0
price: €10, Ronner @ LAN
reason you bought it:Fits my hand like a glove, no prediction, good enough sensor and nice buttons
mousepad:Puretrak Talent
dream mouse: None, I'd like to try the EC1/2 though
dream pad:Using it
settings:~420*c over my mousepood
anything more you want to leave about mice: I have 9.
your mousepad is 48,3 cm btw ;)
current mouse: mx518
price: dunno, 30 €?
reason you bought it: positive feedback and price was decent
mousepad: razer galiathus?
dream mouse: none im satisfied with mine
dream pad: current one is ok, could just be a little bit bigger
settings: 800 dpi I think, default windows sens, 2,36 ingame, 500 hz,
anything more you want to leave about mice:
current mouse:[/u]G400
reason you bought it:[/u]Came from MX518
mousepad:[/u]Puretrak Talent
dream mouse:[/u]Owning it already
dream pad:[/u]Owning it already
settings:[/u]400 DPI, default winsens, 2 to 3 in-game (depends of which screen I'm playing on
anything more you want to leave about mice:[/u]Bestest mouse ever
current mouse: Razer Deathadder
price: 50 euro
reason you bought it: Because it fits most of the games
mousepad: Razer Galiathus
dream mouse: Razer Deathadder
dream pad: Razer Sphex <3
settings:1000hz 3500dpi 2.65sens ingame
anything more you want to leave about mice: It gets dirty fast :D
current mouse: Zowie Ec1
price: 0 euro
reason you bought it: I did review for Team Decerto, got it for free
mousepad: Roccat Taito mtw edition king size
dream mouse: SS sensei
dream pad: I guess puretrak talent
settings: 500 dpi 3 ingame sens
anything more you want to leave about mice: Got this and Roccat Kone[+] for free + some other stuff
current mouse: Logitech mx518
price: 39.99€
reason you bought it: filuS approve
dream mouse: none
dream pad: none
mousepad: qIIp
settings: 800 dpi ,sens ingame 3.15-3.05 , def HZ Windows sens 6/11, Driver sens 6/11, pointer accuracy "on"
current mouse: Microsoft IMO 1.1
price: 15 Euro
reason you bought it[/b]: SpawN used it. + perfect shape, light weight, reliable sensor, no prediction, no fancy adjustable crap
mousepad: Puretrak Talent
dream mouse: IMO 1.1 SE (original)
dream pad: Already built my own dream pad back then. Using the Talent because it's more comfortable to use (it's soft, dirt doesn't really matter, easy to pack and doesn't wear down the mousefeet)
settings: 400 dpi, 500hz, no accel, win 6/11, 2.4 ingame, 1024*768 (streched to 16:10). Cm/360 should be around 38 I guess. Pretty inactive so low sens is easier to control (noob mode on!)
anything more you want to leave about mice: Have fun with your glowing 9000 dpi mice, marketing puppets :-))
current mouse: Microsoft IMO 1.1
price: 15 Euros
reason you bought it: I wanted to use the side buttons to lean in ET and COD + the shape is really nice
mousepad: Icemat
dream mouse: WMO with side buttons but still keeping it as light as a feather (with my own colours on it ofc!!)
dream pad: My Icemat is a dream!
settings: 400 DPI, 500 HZ, Windows Accel OFF, standard Windows sens, 800x600, 14 cm/360 (have changed this around from 12 - 18 over the years though), cl_mouseaccel 0.2
anything more you want to leave about mice: Still curious as to why people spend so much on mice when you have what can only be described as perfection for less than 20 Euros at the most :O)
Nice one mate :)

current mouse: Sensei fnatic
price: exchange it for a xai + 25€
reason you bought it: coz of my hobby (till the baby camed :) + the upgrade of xai.Dunno if is a mouse on the market that i didn't try it :P just the RAT series maybe.
mousepad: tryed lots till i got an puretrak talent on ebay for 15€
dream mouse: nothing atm
dream pad: would like to try 9HD with the mouse
settings: 400DPI,1000hz,no acc,win6/11,3.0 sens
anything more you want to leave about mice: don't waste money on gears :) simply it will not increase your skill :)
current mouse: Logitech MX518
price: Was like 50 euros when I bought it, 6 years ago
reason you bought it: Best mouse out then
mousepad: Puretrak Talent
dream mouse: MX518 is pretty good.
dream pad: Puretrak Talent is pretty good.
settings: 800dpi, 500hz, 3.2 sens, windows default sens. ~9cm/180.
anything more you want to leave about mice: Nothing special.
dream mouse: ms1.1 weight with deathadder 1800 sensor
that's pretty much zowie AM
current mouse: Logitech G5
price: for free just i ask it to the IT
reason you bought it: my MX518 died
mousepad: Ednet Gaming Mouse Pad GMP10 Soft
dream mouse: My actual G5.
dream pad: fan of edned
settings: 800 DPI(1600*1200 resolution) no acceleration
anything more you want to leave about mice: 2 x 1.7 g
current mouse:[/u] Logitech g500
price:[/u] ~$60
reason you bought it:[/u] Had a G5 before, and really liked it until the cable went.
mousepad:[/u] SteelSeries QcK+ (45 x 40 cm :D)
dream mouse:[/u] Happy with my g500, but might consider a g400, don't really need the high DPI
dream pad:[/u] Quite happy with the one I have -- it's comfortable and the mouse tracks well on it.
settings:[/u] 500 dpi, 1000hz, 2.6 sens, default Windows sens
anything more you want to leave about mice:[/u] For FPS games you don't need a high DPI, especially in Q3 based games (negative accel at high DPI)
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