Poor Angela Merkel

revenge is a "beer" that is served cold

from greece with ..love ;)

Try not to fuck up the proverb next time.
QuoteTry to not to fuck up the proverb next time.

The Third Reich strikes back
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Last week called, they want their video/news back.

Greeks hating at a country which is helping them after they (and only they!) fucked up their own country.
Because you greeks are the victims in that crysis...
part 1 isnt it?
only played 2 :(
dont know, just googled crysis
the filename says crysis2_screen.jpg though
some greeks are hating not _the_ greeks.
Over half of the main greek newspapers are hatin' towards Germany, therefore I think that more than half of the greeks do so.
then the greek newspapers are hating on germany, that doesn't automaticly mean the majority of the greeks are hating.

if stuttgart21 would have been decided by the newspapers/rioters it would have ended different aswell, if u know what I mean.
well, in the S21 case, most newspapers had a pro-s21 or neutral attitude, simply because most people had a positiv attitude, thats why newspapers kep neutral or pro-21.

If we take that over to the greeks, it would proof my point, newspapers write down, what the majority thinks (or what they want the majority to think!)
so BILD had a neutral view? :P (do they ever?)
BILD never has a neutral POV.
But why is everyone always just talking about the BILD when its about german newspapers?
Everyone reads BILD but certrainly noone really give a shit about what is written in it.
I think there is more than enough people believing that shit in it. there is enough examples, like E10.
You don't know what you are talking about... media = general opinion
I know a couple of greeks (that live in greece!) and they all have the opinion that the country should simply go bankrupt now instead of in a few months
we cant let them go south. would kill every nation in Europe which isnt as strong as Germany, France, the nordic countries, Austria, Netherlands, Luxem.
have they ever thought about the situation of living in a country where your bank doesnt give you money anymore?
or where the police, army, civil cervants, unemployed or retired people dont get paid anymore?

I most certainly don't wanna experience that in my country, even if that is only for a few months or years like it was in argentina.
it always was and ever will be easier to blame others than admitting own mistakes and failures. medias are cheap and retarded, making money by telling shit. its not that different in germany with bild, as we should know by ourselves here.
besides that all those real rioters, setting up fires, destroying others property, engage against police or w/e else, are braindamaged lefties. you simply cant just generalize these idiots with a nation itself - tho many of them surely blame germany for the situation, which brings us back to my 1st sentence.
I never even mentioned the rioters, in my opinion, most greeks dont give a fuck about it anymore.
69% of the greeks believe the German politicians are trying to create the 4th Reich. :)

source polling institute VRPC
even if that was true, 69% would still be a part of the greeks, not the greeks ;D
as a waiter i've seen shit like this happen way to much and can say it's probably lack of expierience. I mean the way he moves in is terrible :')
He actually got pushed, watch closer at the guy behind (probably a bodyguard) , he touched the plate and tilted it.
It's actually part of your job to make sure you won't get pushed, this was just his own lack of experience or just sleepyness
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