Klitschko vs Mormeck

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Henry Ramirez (Klitschko): “Obviously Klitschko. Wladimir, he won like 14 in a row, barely lost any rounds. Obviously he’s superior in every area: better puncher, better technician, much bigger. Big heavyweight. Mormeck’s 39, 40 years old. He’s a former cruiserweight. To be honest, he shouldn’t even be getting the fight, but hey, Klitschko’s taking a voluntary defense. I don’t see it going past five or six rounds.”

Ronnie Shields (Klitschko): “You know, I haven’t seen Mormeck fight in years, since he was [cruiserweight] champion at one time. I haven’t seen him, but I think Klitschko is just going to be too big for him anyway. Klitschko’s going to be too big. The jab is too good. He’s too strong. So I predict [a Klitschko win] within five rounds.”

Eddie Mustafa Muhammad (Klitschko): Klitschko. He’ll probably stop him in the middle rounds. The Klitschkos are bigger, physical guys. Mormeck, he got stopped as a cruiserweight. I just can’t see him — I mean, the size alone, the reach and the overall skills.”

John Scully (Klitschko): “I can't see Klitschko losing that. I can't see him not winning by stoppage. The other guy’s just probably too old, too small, just too minus everything. He’s got no real obvious upside in this particular fight.”

Sam Garcia (Klitschko): “Klitschko. I don’t see anybody at heavyweight really beating either Klitschko as long as they’re on their game. Everyone has a chance, and if Mormeck has a game plan, but for the most part the Klitschkos are just too big and too strong. Most of all, they understand how to box more than anything. They understand what the jab is for, and they use it. As many times as they get criticized, they refuse to fall into the realm of what other people think. They understand that their educated jab is what’s going to be their money, and it sets everything up. Klitschko by KO, I’d say like in the eighth round.”



Fight Starts at 22:00 GMT

Your predictions?
Your predictions.

V. Klitschko 1.012
JM Mormeck 15.00
if u look at both faces, pretend this scenario: if u walked down some alley in the middle of the night and u saw this guy standing right in front of u. which face would make u shit more colours?

ofc klitschko is gonna win this just look at his face, like fucking tony montana, mormeck looks like some huggybear
klitschko all the way

he is just so massive... if only he would play more agressive ,like K.O. within first round
its not even worth turning the tv on
its a money fight...nobody really doubts the winner of this match,so i cant really see any thrill in watching this
nerd like computer games instead of box

lol hähä usomad i just fucked my gf and before i was at the gym lifting 200kg :'DDDDD
and eating tons of omega3 pills and having own restaurants and 2 companies and riding cls 6.3 AMG and sniffing coke and fucking hot models

Quelle chaîne en France ?
orange sport
Mormeck, your doing it wrong..
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