Punkbuster kick

im connecting to hirnlos server and after a few minutes i got kicked with this reason :

Server disconnected -punkbuster kicked player 'NBS:HARMEN' (for 0 minutes) ... restriction : servive communication failure : PnkBstrB.exe initialization failed

what i have to do ?

Random Chick
are you this guy who's speccing every ETTV match and talking bullshit?
no some guys put my name and insult
there is some post on http://et.trackbase.net/ how to fix this i think
posting a link is really hard isnt it
the link takes me to Google.
"harmen busted cheater" umad?
nice selfbust bro
(url) [tz-ac.com]
Anti-cheat status: OK
Update pb? (don't know if it can be done now)
hahahah nice selfbust!
I think Server disconnected and punkbuster kicked player 'NBS:HARMEN' for 0 minutes because of restriction : servive communication failure : PnkBstrB.exe initialization failed

my work here is done
This guy gets mad so easy please piss him off more.

Also selfbust
Vid_restart bug, also selfbust.
QuotePunkbuster kick (17 comments)
Posted by Harmen69 on Sunday 4th March 2012, 06:17

QuotePunkbuster kick (17 comments)

QuotePunkbuster kick

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