not to take anything off from griim, was a great save, but if germany hadn't played that situation so horribly he wouldn't have been able to do much there :D
I think they were really under pressure, and they saw only Baggiez trying to back rape they rushed it. But I guess the 5 sec timer made them shit their pants.
Shame I dont have ET installed on here, I would of watched this.. Its probs a nightmare to install ET on windows 7 and with all this anti cheat shizzel.
gl rAzZ, sqZz
You won € 973.76
Du dar.
UK lucky on radar
10 stunden pub auf gehts! :D
etpack with everything you need, maps etc, tzac in there for you to install :] ET Pack 2011 / ultimate installer, does patches and stuff for you.
e: delete the pb folder after you install.. + go into etmain and delete the folder called "video". should save you from any known win7 bugs :)
I streamed it
watch it on demand
Doing it for a few months now other people picked it up too it seems
kamz must be mad