Voca me(dnb/drumstep remix)

I remixed some classical music, share/favorite/download if you like!

Drumstep. :XD
what Frop said.
hyvä matti, en kyllä alkuperästä oo kuullu mut ihan OK tää oli!
how long have you been working on music?
I played drums and sang when I was a kid, been making electronic music for like a year now.
ahhh, that switching sound makes me dizzy^^

liked the beginning and the part from 1:12 to 1:34, especially 1:30 to 1:34 though i don't like those..."distortion" sounds that much. thought about making one with overall a faster rythm? or maybe have already?
bpm = 161.19 or 160.19 I think, I don't really like tracks over 170 tempo, it's just too fast for me :p

anyway thanks for feedback!
wow nigga dat shit sounds baad
dont like that bridges that much but i like that style :b somehow reminds me on arkasia ^^

+ followed :b
thanks for feedback and I love arkasia's tracks! :D
:DDD pandemonium and satellite are just incredibly awesome :b
original is super and this is decent, but maybe way too simplified.
I wanted to make this simple, just add some bass, 1 or 2 sounds and a drum beat! also did some vocal sampling if u can notice! :D

the original is prolly one of my favorite tracks and it's impossible to make it better!
Can't say I like this either.

and what Frop said
too soft for me
i don't like it
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