Where do you work?

So, just bored as hell at work and had a co-worker take a picture of my trophy!

Best sales person in the office! Had that trophy for 4 times in the past 5 months, me so pro!

image: 419062_360618477306300_100000744519265_1130466_356868606_n

We are one of the biggest web companies in EE, selling websites and shit. I work as a Web Specialist and I meet up with clients and do all kinds of sales stuff!

Where do you work and what do you do?
I work at home for a company called Finland Kela
I was supposed to start working from home since last Thursday, but one of our former employees offered one of our clients that he would build the same website for a cheaper price and got fired and since I am a close friend with that former employee, I am now being considered as a safety risk and cannot be let home with all the company data and information. (Like I couldn't steal it from here if I wanted to). And now I have to work in the office again, FML.
I feel you bro
best employer in Finland
Im getting my paycheck from the same address
cant tell you that...sorry
I work here : image: tennis-argentiere

Giving tennis lessons.
That scenery looks awesome!
we got the beach on the other side behind a road :)
cant tell you that...sorry
I am pretty sure you will be without a career since the "play all day, play all night" positions are being filled in a matter of seconds.
nice that you know so much about me.
I know that you're a retarded fuck who plays all day, plays all night.
:D you're sad, sorry.
no, not really
so fucking true
QuoteYou have € 1800 on de survive
You lost

I start next week to work in a lab on my Master thesis in chemistry.
I want too :(((
you will one day and you will be younger than I am now :)
olga so awesome! <3
joeeeeeeeey <3
If I told you, I would have to kill you.
you're a secret agent !!!
I work at a grocery store :D The Albert Heijn hehe, its just to make some extra money, don;t have a fulltime job cuz of school :)

And I was a trainee at Vacansoleil the past 6 months, the biggest provider of luxury camping holidays. Worked at the marketing department, was pretty interesting.
I´m working in KHL as Statistic (for HC Lev Poprad)

image: khl image: hc-lev-poprad-slovakia-logo-khl-e1279324684573-274x300
I worked in a hospital as a driver for one year and now I study :)
I'm a student who dislikes his subject but is without ideas what else to do, working at playmobil during summerholidays :S
working in quality check for polish branch of dr. Schneider automotive, atm more of part time job, cause i didnt finnish my uni yet. But after i graduate i will work here full time.

On a side note: going to work
im engineer architect
architect and engineer in 1 sentence is invalid!
in french ingénieur architecte - for stability and concrete
cant say more
car paint and body shop :)
Used to do the same before office stuff. :) Loved my job but I had some 24 hour work days and shit (not only car bodyshop)
Studying in the best part of Paris. mad :)
office shizzle
more like garlic shizzle.
mais non!
Software engineer
im working as intern, but they gave me alot of work to make pdf files available to fill in for in my free hours. 15euro/h pretty nice for a student.
what's work? I play ET for living :)
working in a supermarket, really much fun in evenings =)
Marketing Manager at Akzo Nobel.
Quitted my job 11 months ago. Propably not gonna work ever again(as a "normal" job).
How comes?
Call-center of Carrefour Belgium
working in office as IT specialist
no job or school atm, i'll see what happens
weren't you working in some awful bar
ye lol , weekend work :D it's not a bar, it's a club that can hold +/- 1500 ppl :p
Sometimes i work there during the week but it's not worhty calling a job :D
going to school, earning money as a half-time waiter
Poor student and too lazy to find a job beside it.
Dj/ Sound engineer in a radio station

and ofc engineer student
I'm a SOP service desk manager for Fujitsu Technology Solutions in Poland.
still got 2 months school left and afther that i go repair some busses for comppany called Pohjolan Matka
student with no income. np 4 me
watchman on building + school
and what am i do
i watch movies on laptop and bored :D
student but when i'm finished ill be working as operator :)
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