image: ggwp

What's the point of this?
If you're banning seareal, don't ban his IP.
We live in a same house, with same IP's so you can still ban his user, and not his IP, so I can read CF aswell.
I feel sorry for you. for living with seareal that is
he's his little brother :D
Wow, you're genius. Do you want a cookie?
nice retarded comment
Thanks :)
You're welcome :)
for the love of god ban his IP
!ban 82.***.**.*** for the love of god ban his IP

You were banned!
Reason: for the love of god ban his IP
Banned by: saKen
Are you as retarded as he is?
Even more c(:
15 yo kid. Go play with your toys.
Sorry, I am gaming since my 7 if you don't know me.
I stopped playing with my toys since 7 and started to play with mouse & keyboard.

Please, if you do not know me, stop writing bullshit comments under my posts.
Gosh... You'll die virgin...
seareal's 2nd acc I see
Yeah. Sure.

e: I am CS1.6 Player, seareal plays ET.
Check my PC, and check seareal's. Mine one is currently burning, so I have to get another one. CPU gets 80 Degrees, while I'm ingame. Also, I am owner of inVisible eSports, seareal is not :)

Want my picture for proof?
Frop my new hero
e. now i see it aint permanent
At least he can type some more decent English!
Me or seareal?
Seareal is noob imo.
I'm pro. :"D
I used to be friendly with seareal and I can confirm that he has no brothers or sisters.
My name is Sandi Zerjav-Pajic.
seareal's name is: Ervin Zerjav

seareal was born on 1991, i was born on 1998. He is 7 years older than me.
Ask Mommi, and he'll tell you that he has a young brother.
Hello "seareall's brother" (seareal) ;-)
Hi there.
For those who don't know me, my name is hEAVENNN . I want to say a few words in memory of seareal.

Seareal lived a remarkable life, one that inspired me greatly. His adventurous attitude, his broad range of interests, and his happy demeanor made him a wonderful person to know. He was patient, and generous with his time and affection.

He always took an interest in the people he met: there were few people he wouldn't engage at any time or place. I introduced him to many of my friends over the years, and they always told me how interesting he'd been.

searealr pursued his many endeavours diligently, and always rose to meet a challenge. I always felt that he expected the same of me, too.

He was philosophical in his approach to life. He especially had a great perspective when it came to the little things, never displaying anger or impatience. Instead, he showed a great dignity and humour.

He extended this philosophy no matter what obstacle he faced. I have always admired this trait as it doesn't seem to have been handed down.

The strength of his character showed even in criticism. With a few wry words, seareal could be far more damning than most people could achieve with any strong language.

I'll miss his perspective and his shit humour. I'll miss the surprising depth and scope of his knowledge. I'll miss the warmth he extended to everyone he met.

I will miss my seareal dearly. But I will treasure his memory forever.
He isn't banned :"D
Je vais passer ton compte tz-ac aux adminds de cf, ESL, CB et tz-ac :D problem ?
Je vais passer problem da da.
I wasn't talking to you ?
Seems like you are.
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