Cebit 1on1

So i just came by to tell everyone that i worked from 8 - 17 clock at the Cebit today in the servicesection and well.... after closing time i walked around and saw a quakelive-booth. and who was playing ? - fatal1ty !

then i asked him for a 1on1 and he said yea sure. so i sat next to him (like in the wcg finals stuff) played in front of some guys who spectated us on big screens and .... i let him win :D Later i talked with him and he said that he played once some ET but not so much. at the moment he isnt playing any quakelive tournaments at all, because he tries to help companys (or gain money) from sponsors with promotion etc ;)

even dunzy wouldnt be able to kill him once .. srsly.. its easier to luger mAus than killing him ;x

image: r3rw7pro

hard day with nice ending ;)
froggy like
i wouldnt even consider talking to this faggot

just kiddin:p
Is he the tall one or you the short one?
just look at their clothing and u will find out :D
Nerds meeting outside of lans lol
Am I wrong or does fatal1ty look a bit like Paul Scholes? :o
mAus is lugable tbh
sure he is,but not from you
ba dum tss
i already knifed mAus ;(
lol yeah turk "working" at cebit..alright olo :XXDDD
gutes geld ;D
bin jelly as fuakr :(
So first you say that you let him win and then you say that its almost impossible to kill him? I see no sense
rumors say goku killed him atleast twice.
rumors are wrong
nice iphone4 you have.
Are you a wizard?!
2012:03:06 17:51:20
nice one :D

I might come around this week to check some kewl stuff
Senji talked to him at Qcon 06 as well!
he used to play rtcw

image: fatalityyy
met him at cebit in 2007 at his promo stage, guys had to do 10 push ups to get a shitty playercard with his name. I am not a fanboy at all but at this time fatality was like the most known gamer in the world, so i said to him, fuck it i dont do push-ups for a playercard, i just want a 1on1. he said he will play some live 1on1s later on the stage and i could try my luck to play against him.

later at the 1on1 stage he picked me as the second comepetitor out of the crowd and said that this guy (me) already challenged him and wants to get owned.
map started and i nearly did the first frag (he had 2hp left). After first frag, he started to own me hard, killed me like 10 times in 5 sec, spawnkill after spawnkill :D crowd went crazy and i got completly destroyed 40:0 or smth ^^. i was rly pissed and started to flame cause the guy before me was a noob playing ultrahighsens and they didnt give me the time to change it. Everyone with a kill got a pokerset and for a win a motherboard.
cool story bro
idd cool story
got destroyed hard aswell :P but we played a shit longrangemap and i fell down like 8 times because while jumping he hit me in the back and i jumped to far ;P

but nearly knifed him once, but then he knifed me :(
olo s+ena..warum heißt du jetzt eigentlich fiiedah?
weil ich jetzt ein nazi bin
ah cool cool..liegt ja grad bisschen im trend wa
schon geil^^
you so happy on that picture LOLÉdASD:SD:DS:DD

z3R0 is qlgod, fat not kul
not rly happy...

just really wasted from my job :)
cribo und ich kommen am samstag mal rum.

league of legends finals :D
lol nice :D
Sick. You working there tomorrow?
ye all over the week in House no. 16 in the Restaurant ;)
ive been to cebit in 2k6 if im correct and there has been a quakelive duel area located on the Creative stand (if im right) with Sweden fox playing and another one with fatal1ty (dunno which company he was there with). But the fatal1ty area was totally crowded and i couldnt play him... a girl was playing Quake 4 vs him ^^
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