LulzSec working with fbi

Well, what would u do if they charge u to go to jail for life or work to them?
image: Balloon-Tank

Seriously i agree with you, I'm not blaming LulzSec but the fbi's method.
making a website go offline for 1 day > 124 years 6 months.
breivik > 21 years max
Seems legit
shows how afraid they are of the internet
breivik > not that many people suffer. Approx 500? (including families, friends and other relatives and excluding those who just feel bad, because theyre told to feel bad)

popular website offline for 1 day > can affect millions of people
you should win nobel prize for peace with this finding :D
Hahaha thanks! While typing this I was started to think... "Wow, I'm a genius =D"
ye my whole life is torn apart from that day!
He is right. Now megaupload is down my life is shit.
nice life you have
are you seriously comparing the loss of a person, doesnt matter if known to you or not, to a website where you can post a status and upload pictures?

image: 3cd8a33a
you just got trolled
Thank you, Captain Obvious from the Humor Escapes Me fleet
i help where i can

image: CaptainObvious
i hope so, otherwise he should get executed for being that dumb..
executed for being that dumb? You ignorant people with all your morals and bullshit. I'm only being realistic.

"to a website where you can post a status and upload pictures?" It goes much further than just those websites. Remember the Playstation Network fiasco(I don't have a ps btw)? Much worse things happen in Africa on a daily base and nobody gives a fuck. Just because it doesn't reach the news channel every night. But you do know that that is the truth. But get one breivek and we're all suppose to care and to feel some sense of compassion?

There is no need to care of feel any kind of compassion for allthese people you do not even know. Let the terrorists drop bombs on US soil. I don't give a fuck. This breivik and hacker years of being sentenced comparison was bullshit anyway
we were talking about facebook.. you think that people would go insane if facebook is offline for one day? If you could choose between facebook going offline forever or peace in africa, what would you choose? The answer will basically be the thing that is more important to you..
I have to disagree with this and hope you're trolling, friend.
internet serious business
those 124 years 6 months is the amount of prison sentence he can get for all his crimes added up together.

simply put; it doesn't mean he would have gone to prison for that long, as in America you will be prosecuted for each of these crimes separately and you will sit all these out simultaneously.

god people are so stupid nowadays

if you watch/read/listen to news

try to understand them not just read the headline

fucking monkeys
LulzSec working with fbi
Thank you for posting news from Tuesday.
Anyway, Anon made a statement, saying these rumors are untrue and the FBI is trying to screw Anonymous groups.
dunno what you mean by that.
Anyway groups like Lulzsec and Anon don't receive my support anymore,
they simply do too much stupid stuff instead of bringing changes I had hoped for.
News from Tuesday? I thought this was much older... o0
lol, internet drama
this guy looks like some mexican beanhead not like best hacker in world

this be scam
Stopped reading at
QuoteThe world's most notorious computer hacker
all the way to the f...b....i
need fbi, cwege (cereal's clan) has been e-raped!!!
my first thoughts was about Poland FBI team
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