
Ya last day working ... bored @ work somebody entertain me plz :D

Your plannings for weekend ?

Gonna buy some nice weed and stay home :-)


plans for weekend: sleep, relax, gf's best friend coming over, sleep, relax.
Oldies seem to do a lot of sleeping and relaxing, can't wait until I'm your age :D!
last couple of weekends I didnt relax enough, thats why!
I am still young, fresh & active! ;D
heading over to HH ina couple, party-hard at saturday ..
- -
meanwhile: http://youtu.be/jt97lmCxz8I
Chilling at home, and going over to a friends place at saturday.
quarrelled with my gf last night very hard so i came back to home at 5 am, got nothing to do, drinking coffee, maybe gonna play some et at BiO then at the evening im going to the stadium of Wisla Krakow to give my best against lech poznan

feels bad man
Poznan will win.
Not sure of weekend plans yet, may change the tyres on my bike and go for a little ride depending on weather, possible movies and other things with my blumekopf!
I got an idea for you!

image: znYRw
Lan party with friends =D
Friday: JERSEY SHORE! + Get down and dirty at my best friends place... need to finish painting their living-room :3 Hopefully home early, so time for movie and drinks :)
Saturday: Work (earn my 16€ loud and proud) and help out at a social event afterwards since they are short on waiters (no cash, but hopefully some free food :D). I'm such a good soul!
Sunday: Work, sort some university stuff out aaaaand spend time with Pandabär 666 :DD


wsk has a small penis!
THIS IS FULL OF LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!
exams on friday fuck ye! en vanavond ga ik heel veel drinken en waterpijpen en dan ga ik overgeven sta ik op en dan ga ik voetballen
laying in bed becaufe of illness ;<
going out tonight, cocktail bar first! I love cocktails, no plans for tommorow yet :)
Work tomorrow too :( Prolly drink just a little bit, just beer.
probably gonna stay home smoke some weed and chill or maybe going saturday no idea
Going to see an Icehockey game to Western-Finland FinlandPori (shithole) today.
not sure yet. first have to recover from last night ...
getting some weed so have a nice stay in sesh with the gf tonight, going to try and make her watch the most recent walking deads, but she is super scared! Tomorrow night it's an old friends birthday, so he'll be doing what he does every single fucking year which is some boring ass pub crawl along putney high street. Ah well, i don't want to go but for friends yhou have to!
Trip to a location we don't know yet, drink a lot. Sleep somewhere we don't know yet.
we are gonna repeat this starting today till sunday.
gonna chill with my girlfriend the whole weekened :)
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