play to the end

Good morning.

After recent events, I want to ask you something.

If France play Argentina in FIFA Football World Cup. After 80 minutes, Argentina leads by 3-0.

Would it be cool?fun?accepted? that France just sat down on the grass the last 10 minutes?

I think none of the players in that squad would ever be accepted for their national team again if they showed such a behavour.

Esports is different than other sports, yes i know, but shouldnt it still be a kind of a code of honor even in matches and events?

I know it is pain to be fullholded at first stage, on any maps in this game, but that shit sometimes happends, just as a team can go down hard in other sports.

Powerlines amateurs lost 0-24 to Mamelodi Sundowns on sunday in South Africa’s premier cup

Powerlines amateurs coach said:
QuoteStill, it hurts. Losing 24-0 is nothing to be proud of, but I’m proud of my team. They reached the last 32 stage of South Africa’s premier cup competition from an initial entry of many hundreds

QuoteThey learnt enormously from their 90 minutes of torture and will come out much better players as a consequence

I think there is many players in this scene that should learn something here.. We all want to win, we all want to make a good show, but its not possible for everyone to manage this in every match.

I hope i never ever again see that a team which playes a gamestv match, does not play to the last "whistle". I also know that if any of the Norwegian players would behave that way, they would never be accepted in Norways NC team again as long as I am captain.

Now what i want to know is: Am I totaly off here? Is it no problem since this is Esports? Is it totaly ok?

link to match plz
The questions is made on general behavour, but it was one spesific match that made me think of this.

Creds to FinlandIron for sticking in with it and keep fighting.
well, if i got fullholded i play the next round its a good pracc :)
why using France as exemple of loosing :(?

anyway, yeah, totally agree with you, was kinda pathetic
I could have used Italy, or Germany, or Brasil.. I just need an example with two great nations in the history of Football... no offence to France..
I know, i was kidding dude :)
me no understand i-net humor.. me is tooo old... :)
since i obviously seemed to miss sth, could u explain what happened?
Finland became afk the last 4 minutes on supply after getting fullheld at flag for 11 minutes.
merci monsieur smartix
got no probs with it tbh, if the round is over i dont mind if you go afk or quit hell go to spec if you want, "play to the end" is a noob attitude which never gets you anywhere, no point of trying to act cool for the sake of it, do what you do but dont judge others on that
Quote"play to the end" is a noob attitude

Quoteno point of trying to act cool for the sake of it

I honestly dont understand how you can even say that it is a noob attitude, and who is the one trying to act cool? the ones who plays to the whistle goes, or the ones who just goes afk because they are "to cool the get smashed"?

Quotedont judge others on that

Thats exactly what I do, and I can assure you that if someone did something like this in "real" sports, 95% of the world would judge to.
QuoteThats exactly what I do, and I can assure you that if someone did something like this in "real" sports, 95% of the world would judge to.
In the "real" sports 95% will judge you even if you were the league scorer leader. Usually they're just like you. Complaining about the stuff which hardly ever is worth of complaining of.
Yeah cause in e-gaming there are millions of viewers who would be pissed off if you didn't play the second round
not exactly:)

but it is more acceptable when it is only 500 viewers compared to 5 million viewers?

In football there are sponsoring contracts that cost millions. People pay to watch the footballmatch.

/get a life
I do see the difference and understand what you mean.. I just think that even tho there are big differences, no money etc, honor should still be on line..

regarding the last line of ur comment, its really not worth giving any further answer to..
I agree that it's totally pathetic of those guys to go afk.

But comparing an ET match with a WC Football match, seriously :DDDDD.
goe bezig man! :D
Hij heeft de discussie gequit. Als ze da in reallife zouden doen

nie te stoer doen tege de snubble astu
ik meen da wel he, dak u ni attrapeer he
ok mijn excuses.
I do hope you understand that i did not compare the seriousity of ET & WC.=)

I just think that no matter if it is a WC, a ET NC or a friendly volleyballmatch between 4 friends, you do finish the game you start.. that was really my point, not that ET and WC fotball is same big deal..:)
Have to say I fully agree with you, and big props to Iron.
I would like to see Iron tell them to stop acting like kids!
i totally agree with u !
time to switch off the finnish flag
I don't really see how people are arguing against this. I wouldn't do this in any sport I have ever played, it is the epitome of pussy behaviour. Only little girls act like this "waaah we're not winning so I'm not playing anymore waaah".

Pretty much the definition if a bitch move.
oh noes they stopped playing an online game for 4 min :'(
fins stopped playing? that is kind of a big deal! :D
Every sport is different so your example just one point of view.

Do you know that professional chess players give up after a wrong step?

We just need a "resign" button in ET menu so when the team 50%+ push it then we can go to next round. simply as that.

Oh other thing that i hate when somebody say "gg" ingame and they still fight seriously. I just watched a goldrush on ettv (dunno what teams) and there was more than 2 minutes left at bank stage....
the "gg" ingame before the match is settled, is just as good sportsmanship as when Jens Weissflog, in the Winter olympics 1994 said to a japanese at the top of the hill. Congratulation with gold medal.

Jens then jumped, did a good jump, and the japanese came after totaly failing.

Germany took the gold..

Fair played to Jens!
no hero in Finland
In table-tennis, set gets forfeited if score goes 6-0 for other, no point to play to the end. We used to have kinda same at bandy when playing kiddie-games, after 15-0 game was stopped so there wouldn't be any unnecessary shit or actions. It is just rude to kick when some one is down.

But still, you should try till the end, especially in "important" matches.
kanker bek houwe
get off your high horse plz :D

this is like saying you should never quit a sc2 game 'till you lose all of your units..doesnt rly happen and does not make any sense

btw if you want to compare ET to football it would be more like Argentina is up by 3 and theres 1 minute left on the clock. there is no way you can set a time with 3-4 minutes left on supply depot if you havnt got past the first stage
There's a difference between an SC2 match and an ET match though. ET has a timelimit whereas in StarCraft you would have to wait till the very last building got destroyed. Imho there is still action going on in ET for the spectators whether it's still winable or not.
its still an apt analogy :D

the point here was not the time left it was the absolute demand that all teams must play to the VERY matter if they have a shot at winning

so according to snuble sc2 players would have to keep trying untill they lost their last unit and building (never happens and quitting is not considered poor sportsmanship)
I do hope that you are able to see the difference..

I compared football and ET.. i could compare many sports or other competitions.

I however did not compare chess to ET, or Sc2 to ET.

If you only have your king left in chess, while the oppo has runners, queen and tower left, you might as well end the match without anyone taking offence by it.

but in challenges where there is two teams fighting eachother, and action can be done untill the very end (as butchji for example said), there should, imo, not be acceptable to just stand still the last part of the match.

You say "according to snuble". no no no mister. According to the way you decide to "understand" me yes, but not what I actually mean..

I cant understand how this can be so damn difficult for you.
you make unneccesary distinctions like "but in challenges where there is two teams fighting eachother, and action can be done untill the very end" does it really matter if its two teams or two single people playing each other? It doesnt make any sense to argue for this if you dont apply it for competition in general

honestly i dont think you understand what you really are arguing for here :D

its ok for a chess player to forfeit when he thinks hes gonna lose but an ET team with no chance of winning a map cannot...does not compute
its two very diffierent type of games.. with different type of actions. And it is also different for the viewers and for the opponent.

If you take a loss and quit in for example chess (to continue with that comparison), it is one opponent that you give the victory to.

this guy can then go do something else.. he won.
the spectators can go watch a different game.. cause the match is finished.

What should UK done last night? go afk to get some drinks or something? then maybe fin suddently started playing, which could be dangerous as there was many minutes left on the map.

Anyway, we can talk about this for ages. you clearly dont understand what Im trying to say here, and therefor you come up with issues that doesnt really have anything to do with what im trying to get a discussion about here.

anyway, thanx, good chatting with you.
UK couldve callvoted timelimit low enough for round to end.
lol what? shouldnt fin do that then?
Nah fins would benefit from the pause to gain motivation and/or team spirit. If UK wouldn't want to run around like retards for 5 minutes though, they could've voted for a lower timelimit.
fins could have taken that break between the rounds.

One msg stating 5 minutes break would also give the spectators the info they needed to know its a 5 minute break.

I wonder if the shoutcaster enjoyed casting the last end of this match.
Shoutcaster did not enjoy, I can assure you -- was tuned in to owzomeness.

Anyway yeah sure they couldve taken them inbetween rounds -- but would that be more spectator friendly then?
imo yes, with the short sentence: brb - 5 minutes.

but thats my opinion:) its a good thing we can have different opinions:)
No I didnt mean that, I agree that stating youd go afk would be a nice thing to do.

What I meant was that would it be better for spectators if they took that pause in between rounds instead of at the end of the map like they did? (adding an additional 5 minutes to the match)

This was the quote I was discussing: "fins could have taken that break between the rounds.".
yeah. i actually think so..

there is often a little break anyway between rounds, and I think that would be a better time to cool down than during the play.
pretty pathetic from the finland guys...
Well tbh I can understand this.

I guess they just went afk to not fuck up the spirit and be motivated for the second map, that's how I see it. Ofc that's not nice for people speccing or for the opponents but it can be stressful and it can certainly create some kind of bad spirit in the team if you get your ass fucked like that. Doing a 5 mins pause can be helpful
Well of course it's not exactly nice for your opponent to just go AFK there isn't really much point to play the last 4 minutes of a fullhold on first stage. And the reason the Finns went afk (to refresh themselves and the team spirit) is actually quite a good one. Everyone's done it in one way or the other tbh, once you realise you can't win anymore you just go for frags or damage or just play passively because there's no point anyway. It's exactly the same.

Would have been better if they just mindlessly continued playing but I think what they did isn't dishonourable in any way. In fact who gives a shit about spectators, really? They're not paying the players to play till the end or something. I don't think me running around supply cave the last 2 minutes of a game has ever made a group of noobs get me kicked out of my team. :D
For what it's worth it was only wrong because they went afk before it was impossible to set a time. Doing so in the first stage at 2 minutes left would be completely fine (and at 15 seconds left nobody would even notice) since the round would already be effectively over as it's theoretically impossible to make any difference to the result. They did quit at like the 6 minute mark while the map can be done in 3, so that was indeed fucking stupid.

However you are allowed to do whatever the fuck you please in your match so your whining makes little sense. The mistake only harmed the one who made it, it's not against the rules, and no player has a responsibility to entertain the viewers.
You cant compare ET to football (or any other major sport). In sports, there are many players/teams who get violent when they know its over, which is much worse than just stopping playing.
I am not saying I like to see someone going afk/quitting, but its understandable. Its still better to let ppl handle some irl stuff (long toilet breaks, smoking, getting food/drink, walking out the dog, whatever...) in time during round when they know, there is no way of winning than just pointlessly playing and then waiting 10 minutes between rounds.
lol I always use this "I'am walking out the dog guys" if you know what I mean ;)
stfu filus before i get humM3l involved, learn your place bitch
should've just called a timelimit vote to finish the round fast
Was thinkin of writing the jounral abou that match also and the behavior that finns show. Yes this is e-sports and there are "only" 500 viewrs.

Well this are just reasons and the thing is to respect the game and the opponent. Going afk on the last 6min was wrong in every way. You disrespect the opponent and that is something that usually kids do. When you are representing a team or a nation you really need to stick it up and act like a grown up.

This is because in any sports. You always respect your opponent and play till the end.

Graet jounral!
thanx.. I appreciate both the comments from those who disagree with me and those who agree, but i very much appreciate that you really understand what I wanted to say..

to many people here is thinking too much of the comparison between football and ET, which never was ment to be the case..

well said!
From a spectators point of view sure, things like that shouldnt occur. The players on the other hand could easily benefit from taking a break if things aren't going as planned -- and if they need that to add further excitement next round/map, spectators shouldn't care too much (rather that than a massive break in warmup). And when you're about to lose anyway, there's no impact on the game. Spectators could just take a break to take a piss and a smoke or something anyway while waiting for the next round or map.

Good sportsmanship from those who continued playing, but idc about those who didn't.

To sum up, yes let them go afk if they want to.

btw snuble, ET isnt what it used to be -- should be happy people are still playing it instead of whining over this
oh yes.. people still play ET, lets be happy about that and stfu about everything else..

agree, wisely said!

btw mr Zodiac.

not every word you say that is negative towards someone or something is whine.
Yes, let's complain about everyone else missing the point and comment on a comment without even trying to discuss -- and use master suppression techniques instead.

Wp sir, wp.
.. now you lost me..

and regarding master suppression techniques.. maybe so, i just found what u said was really dumb, thats all.. (regarding the "be happy people are playing at all)
Youre complaining about everyone else missing the point (discussing the football aspect instead of the sportmanship aspect you intended to discuss), still you manage to only discuss the last sentence of my wall of text -- instead of discussing my points about regaining motivation etc.

And there you go again with those techniques. What I said wasn't dumb, it was just another way of putting "dont take ET too serious" (and dont take this as a personal insult, because it isnt).

Also, don't be so rediciously harsh in your comments against me as if I've hurt your feelings or something. All I did was disagree, and with quite valid points as well.
sorry for the harsh way.. not intented.

And yeah, i should have written the entire journal different, as I see allmost everyone is focusing on
np, guess it wasnt intended, it just sort of bugged me anyway. But I see you discussed twidis points which frankly were almost like mine -- so I don't care if you didn't discuss my points anymore.. :p
yup;) im gonna be writing all night if i have to discuss the same points from everyone;) hehe

yeah i know
yes you did;) but twidi was more "attacked" by my journal then you, and therefor deserved an answer imo..hehe
I agree with you!
Game was over, we were playing shit and the spawn times didn't favour us either. There was no chance for us to even get through the first stage so it would've only gotten us more frustrated to keep on playing and bashing our heads against the wall. Instead we decided to calm down and try to put ourselves together for the next round. Obviously this didn't work out quite well as our performance yesterday was just so horrible, but in my opinion we had a better chance this way to get back into the game.

I understand that it wasn't very enjoyable for the spectators and players involved, but to be honest those last minutes wouldn't have offered any entertainment to anyone. Personally for me it's just the same if the players start screwing around on the server or just stay put doing nothing after the round is over. Your football comparision doesen't quite work here as in football they're being paid to entertain the audience and have all the sponsors to be responsible for. Also in football you can't really gain anything positive by stopping to play as it is a totally different game compared to ET. For example in football if you'd quit playing at the end of first half your opponent might just score a couple additional goals and the result would stay there for the 2nd half. In ET if you're going to get fullheld on 1st round it can't get any worse resultwise during the last meaningless minutes.

Also I'd like to point out that we didn't mean to offend anyone even if we just thought of our own advantage in that situation. We just used that time to prepare better for the next round and as soon as the first round ended we were ready for the second to do the best we can. This is a pretty rare situation, but if people think that what we did is wrong, perhaps the rules need to be adjusted or some changes in general have to be made? Otherwise I don't really see why we would need to play for the spectators and possibly ruin our team spirit completely during the last minutes.

The only thing I'm going to apologize here for is the fact that we rushed the decision to stop playing and like Vanhaomena said, we should've kept on playing for a bit longer until there wouldn't have been any theoretical chances left to win it.
Hey Twidi.

Thanx for the answer.

I wrote this journal cause of my thoughts regarding what happend, and on general basis with thoughts of respect for opponents, viewers etc.

but as you show with ur words, there are allways several sides on each story, and I understand why you guys wanted to chill out the last minutes, i just dont agree with the way it was done.

Anyway, thanx for good answer and gl in next match.
as a conclusion u play only to win than?sponsors or no sponsors to pay u so u can entertain the viewers,well than why u playing for becase:u did not entertained,u acted like pussy cowards,loosing is not part of your selection?

put some god damn attitude in your mentality please.u ppl are good at insulting and trolling,yet when it comes to do a thing by the very end u fail if faith is not on your side.pathetic
What everyone is forgetting is the disrespect that it showed to the UK players. By being whiney little bitches it cheapened the UK teams' victory.

As for people saying "oh the football analogy doesn't work because they're being paid and there are millions of spectators", does not hold sway. I play a lot of football and not one time in any match have I ever played have we just sztopped playing. Some times in my time playing football where we have just been absolutely battered we still play to the end. I suppose that that is just true competitive spirit.

And for the "morale" argument did that really work? Personally my morale would be raised far more if we actually got past the flag and maybe even constructed the crane controls than just getting held @ flag.
You just simply don't have any reason to quit playing in football as you can't gain any advantage with it. In ET it is a totally different situation and that's why you shouldn't even try to compare them.

"Whiney little bitches"? Cheapened their victory? I can't understand this. UK were a lot better than us and they were able to put up such a good hold that we had no chance to get through, us stopping to play just makes them look even better. I didn't see any of us whining at all during the game or after it, did you? UK played absolutely well and deserved the victory.
They also deserved opponents that actually played for the allotted time instead of just sitting out half of the map because it wasn't going their way. Personally my confidence would be a lot higher if we had the cp, instead of being stuck on 1st spawn.
Atleast for me it wouldn't have made any difference if we had gotten through the first stage during the last couple minutes. Obviously there's a difference between being fullheld after a close round and getting fulheld at the flag, but at that point you couldn't really save the round anymore. Chances for us to get through the first stage also were almost next to zero to be realistic.

If we had continued playing it would've most likely gone into just running around like headless chickens or taking some random classes for example and I don't see how that would be any more respectful towards the opponent. It's better to just forget about the current round once you've lost it and concentrate on the next one to do better on it.
asdasda dont tell me finland not only got bashed but quit before the end :ASdasd
Angsty fins trying to save face "lol guiz??:D didnt even care about the gamez lolz, we went afk before it was impossible to set a time loelsz XD, we aint even care xDDD"

also Snuble nicest guy on crossfire?
u take this way to serious dude, its fking inet game.
that might be true;)

but its good to have a few discussions from time to time;)
yh but still, if they didnt feel to play for it, knowing they cant do anything anymore, then no point playing, the morale obviously drops down after getting fh 10 min at flag, at such important game, so noone had motivation to play anymore that map.
Can't see how this is even remotely close related to football? 3mins left on the clock, anything can happen, therefore you play to the end. You also get paid which has a massive influence, including sponsors, and not the mention the press and criticism you would get if you refused to continue (look at tevez for example). With 3 mins left on the clock, what's the point in trying to attack, when your more likely going to get annoyed and pissed off which will result in you playing even worse the next round and map. I'm not saying what the finns did was right, but its what ive done in the past, and would do, if it meant a better hope in playing better next round/map (which we did see on radar). And for the spectators? majority of spectators go afk or do something else when a team is getting fullheld at flag with 3/4mins left on the clock - Including owzo the caster. Where does it say in the rules that a team has to play till the end just to entertain the viewers? They can do whatever they want in their match.

The UK had a pretty sick game and deserved the win, even if Finland continued to play, they wernt getting that flag, the defence was too solid, and they had a nice spawntime. All i can say is the finns made a decision in their favour which everyone is hyping up for no apparent reason, which to be honest wasnt even that bad. Everyone complaining about sportsmanship an shit, they only went afk for like 3/4mins. They didnt whine or complain once, they took it on the chin, and prepared for the next round, which simply wasnt good enough.
so many retards in this journal
your comment was one of the few that made sense :)
team finlanders arent allowed to commentate
that s because ego in this game is bigger that the god damn empire state building.specially on ppl like matias who seems that DON T understand a simple thing:

Its people like you that kill the game. With your retarded opinions and pathetic comments which have absolute no relevance to the subject. Get a grip and grow up, stop trying to be some troll artist u mongol.
is kids like you that makes me sick cause i just know u are fake here .don t expect a stupid teenager to understand anything than what his minds dictate:that he knows everything.well i ve been there and done that
When you can speak English or atleast word a sentence correctly, I'll make a serious reply to you, retard.
this kind of replies are overrated,heard it a million getting hot in here so excuse me but i gotta go,u can stay and eat shit till u drop death.peace amigo!
good insult, probs make it into my top 10 worst insults of all time, keep them coming.
Thought it was hot and you where going out?
For me it depends on the opponent. If they respected my team the entire time while getting owned hard. I don't have a problem to play till the end of the match. But if the opponent didn't respect my team i can't think of a reason to keep on playing. It's just a matter of respect.
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