E-Drama #985

Germany vs Sweden E-Drama #89273

- Germany pauses @ supply crane bug.

- Germany gives Sweden 1 min time

- Sweden claims forfeit


e: Supply score will be 1-1
e: Germany won 3-1
That Goldorack has shit on his brain. W T F.

- The pause was a mistake, BUT it didn't or couldn't change ANYTHING at the game, Germany was even fair and gave up 1 MINUTE, they still won. What a bad decision and lack of common sense tbh.

image: x3d60

- Goldorack can't even notice the game started already and told them to rup, after 34s of game :DDDd

- Joonas, still awesome after ages of inactivity
if I said that, the comment would be deleted
There is still a difference. What i said it's the entire true, i am not biased neither always complaining :P
Your cb/hate journals per week ratio is a bit higher :D
but I always speak the truth!
Ye, i know, but you push it too far sometimes, even if you are right!
Thats because youre a retard >.<
said the cheater
does that mean im a retard ? No.
Being stupid enough to hack with tzac on makes you not only a retard but sad excuse of a "ETPlayer"
i cheated after all the busts so...+ im still playing so i dont have any problem..
Just like you denied cheating on jaymod? pls like I will believe anything you say :D

you can check when i got banned? After all the other one's so.. :) and on jaymod please >.<
do you think really that using bug at crane is a mistake ? its bug abuse.
are you so stupid to think germany needs that to win?

in at least 75% of the cases pausing while the crane is moving is just a mistake...
id delete that comment too pal
You think you can do it better? Become an admin!
Loled. You either did not understand me or are just acting like an idiot once more.
Hah, I still gots it.
For the record, i never said Goldorak did a bad job in this particular case.
I know that. But I thought you were killerboy. Nevermind. Stupid fake nicknames.
Calling this name stupid is a disgrace to the emperor! You shall burn in hell!!!!!
It is TOO confusing for a poor chap like me.

Did you see the game? I was watching the game and it's perfectly understandable that they didn't need or would accomplish anything by pausing the game. Afaik, why should they be forbidden to pause the game? I would understand the forfeit if they pause like 1.5 mins before the end of map... But at their current situation it wouldn't change anything or give them any advantage.

Which kinda proves my point, every case is a case, this one shows that rules are not perfect.

edit: i would propose some more detailed rules for situations like this and for goldrush tank bug (when the tank is damaged and can't be fixed, not sure if there is a rule for this one already). Just a suggestion ;)
nice point you got there :), well as i said on gtv.. rules are rules true it was fair enough to make a 1-1 Tie but still.. ( not to whine ) its just a bit weird this rule.. we gave em 1min and we just spawnkilled them at this point, ( all swedes down) and 3 mins left on the clock ( 2mins cuz we gave em 1min).

This rule should be fixed imo.. but yeah i guess people shall watch the game before talking about this case since our pause wasnt really neccesary.

ggs anyway
As i was pointing out, perhaps not in the best way or words, yeah, the rules NEEDS to be fixed or have some more details for specific situations like this.

I think you guys were kind enough, gave them 1 minute, but we all knew it wouldn't change much because they were death and about to get spawnkilled.

But it's sad to see guys like SlayerSMMA licking admins ass and not seeing the true and the right action between all of this.
There will still be a differece! With the game paused at that stage you can immediatelly escort the truck without any lost second. So if all axis are dead atm you got an advantage. But when the crane is activeted it tooks about 20 sec to load the gold so axis are able to spawn and reclaim their positions before the truck even moves. Or they can fight the truck at back. With the pause you can get it to east wall almost for free!
i don't really think this would have changed too much, GER raped them after that every time the swedes pushed out, so no way for swe to get into position, no matter if they had 30 or 10 seconds respawn.
Well, we can only speculate now. They raped them because the truck was already at east and most of the team could be there at spawn to rape and only one at back just checkin. If the truck was still further down, more allies would be there, so the push at front could be succesful.

Anyway in this case i think that the pause damaged the swedish concentration and the were not fully in the match from that moment.
you really should watch the replay, blade was engr and tried to plant a landmine, he paused coz he didnt had it binded and he didnt know the crane was going bla bla bla, i dont blame ur decision, i just dont find it nice that sweden told u to come to fix that since it was a mistake and not on purpose
obviously exaggerated but: in an official football game, if someone fell on the goalkeeper in a scoring opportunity, would you just continue?

and as you probably noticed, all that waiting and discussing shit contributed to a messed up 2nd map.
you cant compare such a situation with football. There is nothing, rly nothing u can compare smth like that with football.Because u cant just pause the football game, cause someone got the wrong shoes on. The player just gonna go outside and change the while the game continues. Like we said, blade didnt do it on purpose, and you fucked up the 2nd map by urself tbh. And like i said before, we wouldnt have done it, just to mention one reason, the boycot of clanbase couple of seasons.
I am sorry to say, but all you said there is wrong in one way or the other.
1. Your football parable is just bad, in my example there would be: 1 red card and probably a free-kick.
2. It is irrelevant if he did it on purpose or not, and pretty much pointless to speculate if it was or not. Not only did you guys have a pretty bad attitude both before and during game, but you put us on hold until 2 minutes before the first designated time for the game rescheduling, all thx to the same guy iirc?
3. Yes it was pretty much our fault about the 2nd map, with cause of that "incident". I am pretty sure none of us expected it to take 30 minutes of whining and whatnot for it to be solved. The game was already late as it was and people were tired after a hard workday, and the "incident" did not provide a positive attitude towards playing the game. (IOW: MAD)
4. So what do you think you would you have done? Judging from the other shit you wrote you are very biased, but maybe not?
noone of us had a bad attitude before the game and during the game till the accident happend. We let u wait till 2 minutes before because we didnt knew if everyone of us could play at monday thats why. Well it doesnt matter anyways, everyone of us got a bad picture on both side's ( instead of nuggan for me) and for some players maybe another one but at the end of the day it was just bullshit imo eventho we got alot of different opinions in alot of situations. So just call it a day and dont want to discuss about it anymore .. good night
hey idiot, if team ger proposed a draw and sweden accepting it then goldorak did nothing wrong
Butchji seems amused though!
he even stopped moving to laugh like this :D
Good to know you're speccing the most talented gentleman of both teams
in fact i was specing him, but didn't spec the whole game.. was kinda focusing at joonas
my game was minimized to talk to kresti and tornis on irc, and if you read correcttly i ask them to dont rup untill we're still talking.
It is still bug-abuse. And I think it was Swedes decision to claim the forfeit like the rules say, pfff...
sweden claim a fair decison, they never ask for a forfeit.
discuss that nbshunter must die
cu lan

krijg je koekje van me
jONAS was so awesome. Dat aim!
indeed, he is stilll awesome after years ^^
Went smoothly when I came in :D
I am the peace maker!
pretty weak tbh

twidi would've gotten complete forfeit win from that

you cannot into cb warrior business..
rules are pretty clear.. don't see why people still break them.
I was watching it with my non-ET playing roommate and was trying to get to the CB rulebook to find something specific, but didn't find any. Could you give me a link or quote or so?
Well according to the rules.. we would have won supply but we were fair and made it a tie. So no need for whine cause pausing where their/his fault and noone else.
Bad sportsmanship tbh. I know rules must be followed but you knew perfectly, even if they gave up 1 minute, it wouldn't change anything, they would still take the round.

Common sense, none available?
tbh rules are rules!
Ye i know :( But sometimes, they shouldn't be followed strictly.

- What would Germany accomplish with this pause at 4.30 mins to the end of round or smth ? Nothing.

- Is Germany fault, that after so many years this bug is still not fixed? No.

- This 1 round forfeit shows the "fair winner" as Goldorack said? Nop, punishing Germany for what Blade did by mistake is not a solution to the real problem.

People should stop getting excuses to their problem and get SOLUTIONS for the problems.
Sportmanship? I don't see the reason to pause while the crane is active since they already knew they were winning. They could have waited a few seconds. Rules are rules, no excuses. It's what cups make fall apart and it becomes more of a 'carebear we can change rules anyway' cup.
I guess Blade was focusing too much and forgot about the bug thing. Happened to other people before, as i said, they wouldn't achieve anything. Thinking otherwise is just a mistake tbh.
I know, it wouldn't make a difference, thats the thing that soothes this whole drama a bit.
But it doesn't mean that when a team is winning, certain rules can be broken and everyone can do what he/she wants because it doesn't matter anymore. I understand your point of view, but it has two sides. --> Do we want to be strict, or let such rules fall in vain in certain situations. That's the epic question!
Well, my answer: we wanna learn with mistakes, do what's right to do, and improve it for next time.

What i mean is, common sense should be applied in this case, and rules should be changed to prevent this shit all over again.
That would be a good solution indeed :)
Everyone always whines when a team follows the rules saying bad sportmanship....
Thats not what i meant.. I mean it for this specific case because it didn't change anything, they knew they were gonna loose anyway, even if the bug was used and germany gave em 1 minute.

Don't get me wrong ;)
People should just drop this "giving a minute to be nice". Keywords: spawntime, assured stoptime.
In some random 3v3 offi at 3 in the night, tornis had drunk ppl comming and incidentally paused. This was a bit later on the crane sequence and we as allies had around 3 minutes to spare. We were ready to take a map loss on that, but opponents was NICE and had us selfkill on full 3 times in a row or smth like that. We lost the map.
No bro I gotta disagree with you, they broke a rule and IT FUCKING SAYS THAT IT'S A FORFIET, YOU CAN'T FUCKING MAKE UP EXCUSES. It's like when hackers get busted and say I was only using in on pubs....
the time it was paused axis could've set up a defense. It changes 10 seconds in a game, those 10 seconds could be enough time to kill all allies etc. on that moment( so time and place). Giving some extra minute is different since i could also give other team extra minute once the truck is near the end of a map. It's a known bug abuse so cut the childish flame here!
I'm just stating facts, not having a childish flame behaviour. Wanna know why? Because i don't play et competitively anymore, i am not a part of any teams involved in this case, i couldn't care any less tbh. But i still care about fuckedup rules.
Facts? I only see opinions here tbh. and it's yours which doesn't agree with the "stick to the rules" part. We all know it could be done different. Thing is, you can't prevent everything. Therefor there are besides the rules admins who decide for the rare occasions. If you don't agree with the rules used. Create your own cup and make your own. What is this strange excuse: "Because i don't play et competitively anymore, i am not a part of any teams involved in this case, i couldn't care any less tbh." Had to press the flame button?
Should look back at tA vs bF case in EC qualifiers.
if it would have been really close match, i would agree about the forfeit, but tbh: no way for you to win this map/match in any way and if you pause as allies at 3 minutes or something left on the clock, you don't do this because you want timeadvantage or take advantage of it.
Well dosent matter if it was close or not does it? Cause its still a bug abuse and rules are there to be followed. And you never know how much the outcome of a match can be changed after such a thing or a paus. I sure didn't felt that we had no chance to win the match with beating bel and fra in the praccs before. To bad that there was so much drama after supply so we couldnt really focus on goldrush even tho we knew that they are good on that map and it would be hard.
imo a abuse is when you want an advantage out of it and i really doubt that germany needed an advantage when tehre are 3 minutes left to go and all of you on fullspawn
Well anyway like all the rest said we agreed on 1-1 so arguing like this with after thoughts is not nessecary at all.. just steels time. I still think tho that all the ego and bad behaviour from some of the germans was just shit and don't belong in ET at such a level, should learn how to be a good winner.
agree, 100%
Funny how Sweden is always involved in NC drama :P
2 years ago a polak in my team paused while crane was moving

there was no advantage since the gold was not moving during the pause

guess what

cb said forfeit map, even if gold didnt move on

fuck this shit :D
exactly my point. It depends of case/situation, in this case, the 1 round forfeit doesn't make any sense.
oh please u gay go away
afaik they both agreed to do 1-1 so what's up with all this whine.
Roba hacked hunters account and continues the normal CB-whine.
Well the point of my journal was not whine, but just a discussion about the subject and what the right decision is.

Isnt a big deal anyway, since GER won 3-1
i wasn't talking directly about you, but overall about all whining people =)
i am talking directly to you osso pipa fa2 soppie
I can remember when we use it it was 0-2 directly.

dQ vs bsturz, we won the game by 4-0 in the End bsturz now mkidia claimed forfeit win because of that. The score was 2-2 said the admins :D we had to play a decider ! but we wont now its 1-1? why not 0-2 like it was by us. sad for sweden haha
we are talking in here about NC match, dont compare plz
rule is rule so doesn't matter if its NC EC or OC ..
dont say shit plz, you were not on the priv channel with me or kresti so dont argue for nothig about " rules are rules " ... thats the first things i say to Kresti.
If you cant understand it, its not my fault
obviously it's you who doesn't understand with that reply

"It is not allowed to take advantage of or abuse bugs. Any kind of bug abuse is considered cheating and will lead to a forfeit loss, unless defined otherwise in these rules."

You're a shitfaced retard. Ok?
Can you even read the rules you're supposed to enforce? Can your brain process such high complex information?

image: 3976502_50
we talk each other with tornis - kresti and me on a private irc channel, kresti propose the solution 1-1 to sweden and they accept it.
They want it fair its fair solution as both agree.

So before saying shit like " i know everything happen on my back like robert and im a king of nothing " just stfu

Ok? Seeing as you can't even read the rules or write proper english; have you ever been so far even as decided to use go want to look more like?
u mad nice kiddy talk from a 42 (maybe fake) years old cb admin
mb. you had no fullhold on your first part? might be the reason. Germany was 1-0 at this point due to fullhold anyways, so they only lost this round. if they would not have fullholded the enemys,imo score would have been 2-0 for swe
Am i the onlyone that thinks idiots like Robert and ag0n are blowing this shit up for nothing? Germany proposed a draw, sweden accepted it and all fine.

Jesus why did noone come around and ban these 2 fools yet?

Edit: On a sidenote why cant that airen dude keep his mouth shut?
I don't see what the problem with aiRen is in this situation. I watched almost the entire POL - BEL game and only saw him write him in team chat about something which is important to his stream. It didn't interrupt the game or was irrelevant spam.
y, true, but irc would have been another solution to solve problems ;)
If you cast you can't just tab in and out as you please to see what's on IRC. At least not without crossfire complaining about the pauses this would create.
hum, this is ofc true aswell, crossfire seems to be retarded :o)
End of talk, gl to Germany on next round
If CB supports cheating why wouldn't it support bug abuse??
Pls go troll somewhere else.

It is not allowed to take advantage of or abuse bugs. Any kind of bug abuse is considered cheating and will lead to a forfeit loss, unless defined otherwise in these rules.

image: Bills-face-with-a-tightened-smirk-on-his-face-as-he-tries-to-keep-his-composure
we shouldnt argue about such small things this days and be happy that there are people investing there time to organise such cups
change your name
you dont know the real facts :)
The old 1 minute supply crane bug abuse again :D

In that 1 minute, maybe sweden couldve pulled off a sick defence, you never know!
Funny how people are complaining about Sweden's action here. Sweden would've deserved a map win due to bug abuse according to the rules, no question about that. Instead they were fine with just getting a draw from it and people are saying Sweden is lacking sportmanship.. :)
why would they get a map win if germany already fullholded them?
Why the fuck is anyone complaining and whining? If they managed to solve this on their own, where the fuck is the problem? It's even the best if they agree on one solution. God really
just fix the bug problem solved eh
some people from holland & slovenia I spit on but I aint got no beef with them swedes or reichers
feeling little insecure of ourselves, now are we?
blade didn't need to pause to bind his landmines, what a joke. Could easily have /shrugged and got on with completing the round without landmines. Instead he paused and created a problem for the rest of his team mates and admins.

sounds like Gold handled this pretty well with swe captain and de captain being involved in the process - no problem to report. ;]
rules are rules, so a 2-0 for sweden/it was a mistake + germany gave them a minut + would have won anyway. valid arguments from both sides in my opionion so whats wrong with a tie?
As a former Eurocup winner I find that CB has continually gotten worse over the last decade.
so much drama :>
butchji don't used TZAC, that's the real drama. :{D

But he didn't cheated!
said the cheater
butchji don't used TZAC, that's the real drama. :{D

But he didn't cheated!
I don't get you guys,they both agreed about that,SO WHO THE FUCK CARES about you'r own thoughts? cunts,always whining,Gold0raK is doing his job how he sees it for bad or good that's how it goes,and while you can't do better then whining,shut the fuck up.
love this, feels like ET is alive again
Germany's attitude is a joke. Abusing a bug, by mistake or not, and trying to blame Sweden for bad sportmanship. That's fucking ridicolous, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
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