
Hi crossies!
Tomorrow i'm gonna book my flight to Poland which will be scheduled in the easter hollidays...
I'll be going to Krakow and staying there for 7-8 days.
Anyone who lives there or has been there and knows some nice places to visit or some nice bars/clubs to go to?
Maybe some cultural hotspots as well?

Thnx in advance :)

image: lyn4
I live in krakow, best city to visit in poland. Market square is full of cafés, clubs, pubs so you wont miss anything. Take a look at wawel castle, market square, mariacki church, old city, boulevards and many others
Thnx i'll certainly check those out. Realy excited to go there, i've never been in Poland before.
Ofcourse i'll taste some wodka as well. I drank Wódka Zoladkowa Gorzka already and i realy liked it :)
try Wyborowa, polish finest
Aight, i'll give it a shot :)
But it'll be hard for beers to convince me since i'm from Belgium (that one thing we can be proud of ) :p
try Krupnik
Krupnik sux, image: 41606_246872109804_3760226_n is much better imo
Wroclaw disagrees :)
Poznan > Krakow
no disbelieve meant but just asking why u think it's better?
man there are ~ 350 pubs and clubs around the main square so you have a nice choice:P depends on what atmosphere/music taste u have or like. about cultural spots, mainly what johnny said, but again, you have shitload of them over here:P depends on ur taste haha
Well i'd like to see some local pubs or happenings with some local people. And about music i realy like D&B but i don't know if you have a d&b scene there?
And further i like common rock music and electro and minimal
sure, Im also much into d&b scene so I know some places:P
there was the best cracow club with such music but it got closed couple of months ago, unfortunately :( but couple of followers got opened after that, including dobre bity club @ jozefa street, prolly the best club atm. we have also Fabryka but its for some bigger events. if u told me exactly date of ur visit i could leave here some events maybe ;)
Sounds nice, thnx :)
Im coming on the 3rd of April and leaving again for Belgium on 11th of April
if u pmme like in 10 days ill know more cause now theres not much informations about april and looks like theres no bigger event aswell, so i dont know much atm :P
Okay, thanks a lot for checking anyway!
If i don't forget i will pm u when we get a little closer towards April ;)
There are plenty of jews there, yes
cracovia krakau !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hope you dont get

pick one or get whole package :D
you're speaking out of experience?
we just love to bash polaks :D xD just kiddin
The main square is very nice, lots of places to go. Found the Jewish district very nice as well, some pretty chilled out bars there, food you can eat there is also amazing. Wawel castle is nice to see on a sunny day!
Thnx for the information, i'll check it out :)
the food was made from jews
Anyone from Finland or Ireland going to Lebanon in 2monhts as a peacekeeper? see you there !
image: winobranie20112

PolandZIELONA GÓRA fuck all eu :D:D

XDD pojebalo ptaszka w locie
a pierdolisz :DDDDD
Went last year and enjoyed our stay immensely!

For accommodation if you haven't booked it, check out Greg and Tom's Junior hostel. The showers in that joint were better than the one I have here at home. The market square is lovely, but check the back alley ways for cheaper restaurants, as your risk paying a fortune on the square itself. Some nice polish dishes were found for a low price in such a cafe.

For cultural hotspots check the square and the castle. You may also want to take a look at going to Auschwitz, as its quite close to the city (30/1hr or something iirc).

For a night out, I can't say we had our own experience as it was all organised for the hostel. However, we did have a VERY fun night out and it was great meeting people.

Enjoy yourself!
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