The good The bad The wrong CCDT

Yes here we go! first of all let me make my intentions clear, in no way I'm trying to make drama here, so keep the crap out. I'm also not planning to go in specific cases in this journal, so it's rather general.

I will give you a little inside my point of view about CCDT. The good and the bad will be rather general will The wrong will be about my mistakes.

The good.
The idea, the idea behind this cup is good let's be clear about that. I personally think that the intention of having fun with the community and learning the lower skilled guys some stuff is cool. I also have to say that every time I see someone thanking me or an other admin I'm very pleased, note: I'm not asking for you to thank me I did rather have honest critizism.

The bad.
The massive drop outs of players and captains as well, this was a real big struggle for us as admins. I'm talking about (not exact) nearly 60 dropouts on 192 players. sure we expected some but this was kinda ridicouls, if you sign up for a tourney or whatever I expect you to be there, is that asking for too much? of course some on expected stuff for some people will come up but like I said this was a to high dropout rate if you ask me.

People cannot into read. There were so many people that where to lazy to read the main news, asking questions that were clearly in there, if you are too lazy to read it why should I re-write it for you?

The continuing flame after something was either agreed or disagreed with is also frustrating especially after apologizing. Shit like this happend in more than one case.

The wrong
The preparation wasn't good from out(mine side), some people told us to get more admins sure that might have token off some of the heat but it was about the prepation mostly. I can't blame anyone for that beside myself and I take it as a lesson my previous experience with adming a bit was with the Battle For Berlin. This tournament was prepared very well by Baggiez and had strict rules(I will come to that in a second) that's why I didn't really think of that when perparing this one. I will take it as a lesson ofcourse and will try better in future tournaments that I might run.

The rules, there weren't enough and weren't strict, this was a bad thing and caused confusion, I take that as a failure from my side as well and will probably try to work on that.

The heat of the moment. I'm human thereover I will make mistakes especially in the so called 'heat of the moment'. You have to imagine that I had atleast 10 people querying me at all time during the cup last night and had to arrange other stuff that wasn't about the queries as well, this obviously lead to some bad decisions from my side, I apologized to the people for this already and I can't do more about it so you have to life with that, my bad.

Thanks for the 600+ Queries I managed to score during the last 3 days and my apologize to anyone who had a rather bad time in CCDT. I can also announce to you that there won't be a next edition of CCDT from my side as I personally don't think it's worth the hours for me, and for the guys who would like to know I can happily announce you that only from my side there were atleast.

Insane huge shoutout to SloveniaAnikiy for helping me out yesterday, would have been such a disaster without him.
Trop long; pas lu
haut cinq frere
:D original!
Apology accepted + don't give up so early
I gave up CCDT, not ET in general or hosting a cup, just to make clear.
yeah still don't get up so early, finish off CCDT, see what went wrong, disallow players that dropped out without dropping any reason before, expand crew and try again. you can't give up after 1 try only
+1 - telling him the same the moment we speak!
now that you said it im sure things will change
I will continue with this one just not host an other one. not canceling this lol.
I didn't say you won't, I just gave you steps
You did a great job, everybody does errors....

I would love to play a second edition, it is incredible how much you can learn from a high skilled player :D
you make errors too
good idea

way too hard to organise

where were you when CDT cancel?

i was sat at home drinking pepsi coca when razzah ring

`CDT cancel`


and you??????????????
It isn't cancelled, dont'worry I already called RazZaH.
?! my bnc isnt working atm so im online without my bnc at irc

and no idea what that guy is talking about. dont take him too serious..he is trolling
Those first wild rumors about my antecedents, which weren't even faintly true
Fyi It's not CDT.
Too bad, dunno how was zeh atmosphere in other teams but frozz was very nice and giving us godlike tips&tricks all the time
other capts told me it was too much hassle and bad attitudes from players, ignoring where they were told to go and just ramboing to impress with dmg and stuff.

+ not showing up, dunno if it happened in your team but ross and simon were mentioning it all the time :l
I guess we were just incredibly lucky then coz everyone showed up here, was nice and did what he was told to do.
If there was a draft like that few years ago I'd be excited to take part in its back then but I guess only retards/not giving shit ppl left playing this game nowdays.
for those players who I never heard of before, it would be the same in like 2007 and 2008. :) same attitude I mean. maybe a different one from the better players.. but it's not like it was the best available captains. look at deztro & rizla's fail ;P
Well that cup seems to be good but after that drop outs some of the backup pool players were ridiculus.. I though I have real low/med- players but some of the backup players are even med+ and stuff... I also saw some backups playing which are better than the captain :D If there will be another cup, make sure you get ppl as admins who know the community very well and who know how good a player is, cause this made no fun at all ...
Happend because of the heat of the moment part.
What mental said

+ I still think that It should be week end.
it was a really good cup afaik, brilliant idea, wp kinsler
I have to admit you had me there for a second with the "in no way I'm trying to make drama here". Apart from that I think you should give it another try.
Come on bro, you are doing an amazing jobs. There were like 30 teams in the beginning I noticed on Gamestv, I don't think I've seen so many players for while. Don't give up because one little tourney. Learn from what happened this time and make sure it doesn't happen again! :)
How the fuck is Frop related to this
Lies, you flamed simon and asslicked frop

gg ipod.. gg...
get more admins, set up rules->less work, give it a try :)
I personnally had great fun with Team Snuble, even though I was potentially the worst player in the tournament. I would be sad to see this go down the dumps because of the heavy workload on you and would be willing to help out the next time if that would make you keep this alive.
nah, u were amazing :_)
u did a good job :)
and maybe u did learn a bit :)
QuoteI apologized to the people for this already and I can't do more about it so you have to live with that, my bad.


Well, you guys did good work, it's the players who fucked this up
Great cup so far for me.

I understand it hasnt been so enjoyable for those teams whos captains/players dropped out
Nice cup, just get more people to help you out
the only thing that i saw wasnt that great was admins allowing picking random players if some signed up didnt show up. Some teams ended with 4 really skilled players which kinda kills the idea. But thats cause there were too many things to handle by too few admins i suppose :)
good job simon . remember you can always rely on me if you need any help! :)
yeah great job with gtv!
I think you should give this one another shot. If needed I can help you out.
The idea was good, and the effort was even better.

Everything has its disadvantages, so don't let it get to you too much

Good job overall!
I am sorry that I had to drop out. Yesterday I was really sick and couldn't play. Also I decided to prac with my team instead of playing this tourney since we are playing really bad at the moment:(
what the fuck are u signing up for then if u decide to prac with ur team instead :D:D?

-stupid people
Promens team already dropped out afaik so I couldn't have attended any of those games anyway. :D
sad to see it's not gonna go on for a next season, it's actualy a great idea, a rly great one, i have to say i enjoyed our games yesterday, good atmosphere, a few mistakes but rly enjoyable.

Good job, no one is perfect, got my support as admin/ref if u need someone for any new tournament.
Simon - Communitymember of the Year.
Simon - Thanks for all your effort and hardwork, I had a top night. After 5 years away from 6 on 6, last night reminded me of how much I still love the game. Cheers fella :)
Why the fuck do you act like such a faggot sometimes? Seriously man
he's not being a faggot.. it's a lot of work and when you are getting hundreds of private messages filled with complaints when he was just trying to put in an honest effort, well I can understand why he doesn't want to do 1 more season.

the reason why my CDT is easier to handle is because I already had some communication with every player almost and at least there's some respect from highskilled scene because they played lots of cups over the years, some of them even hosted them and therefore know what effort it takes to sit there for days answering PMs even before the match starts. plus I only had 8 teams in my cup, this was 32!!!!!!! jesus fuck I couldn't even imagine the amount of complaints there could be.. and it's not like there is some gtv tickets system where you can fix each problem one by one, you gotta snwer hundreds of PMs on IRC :D
problem is probably that he actually cares what people like robaciek think and/or say/post about his cup, once you ignore the retards and bullshit journals like the one from the unforgiven guy (who signed up for a cup when unable to play) I suppose it becomes a lot less harsh, sure you'll have a tough time answering all the private messages but hey what do you expect when you host a cup for such a big amount of players.. maybe he took too much hay on his fork or whatever that expression should be in English.
hay on his fork xD too much food on his plate or something, but yeah I guess it's true. I did the same at some point recently.. can't remember what it was but I was just thinking: why do I even try. it's true though after you get past the regular complaints e.g. Robert and such writing journals, it's easy going, but still the amount of spam can be overwhelming =P

Simon is a good admin and puts in a lot of effort, this project was too much for his first time hosting a competition. I could say the same the first time I made CDT tbh :] when bad stuff starts to happen all you wanna do is make it right but you can't :D
food on his plate seems oK, anyway, it's just about assigning value to what you think is important, I don't really get how "Simon" cares that much about a couple of people whining. If you watch the journal about ccdt captains pretty much every community player playing seems happy and to be having fun, captains haven't been complaining either.. the cup is a great success, ignore the bullshit from robert & unforgiven and all is good.. sure you get a lot of pms, that's what you get when you host a cup for 32 teams.
Come on bro, you are doing an amazing jobs. There were like 30 teams in the beginning I noticed on Gamestv, I don't think I've seen so many players for while. Don't give up because one little tourney. Learn from what happened this time and make sure it doesn't happen again! :)

but like an idiot i replied that to frop
this comment was directed to frop
shut up kiddie, you have no idea how much work it is to run anything similar to this and in the heat of the moment with over 20people messaging you at the same time being a "faggot" is the only way to keep your cool
head of the moment

and don't call me a kiddie
I can smash your ugly face off
lol go ahead and try it, but dont cry afterwards
and stop acting like a mentally challenged
I'm sure I'm a lot bigger than you, and a lot faster than you. So please shut the fuck up....
If thats you on your profile picture then nope.
Yes it is me, and that picture is 2-3 years old.
i actually enjoyed that cup ( even more than the usual draft cup) and would be disappointed if that was the last time this cup has taken place
See it on the bright sight, around 130 players had a good time with this tournament!
the idea and your job was rly rly good !

just one thing was a bit bad ... the backup players but yeah was the first time and admins can learn from it.

i hope even if u said it u will give up after this cup .. u wont do it ...
many enjoed it a lot !!

may i give u a suggestion i made up:

maybe gor for example 3 pools :

-first pool high skillers ( captains)
-2nd pool med skillers and
-3rd pool low skiller

same goes for the backup players ... so if one drops out of pool 2 u add a backup player from same pool

just get more admins to have less work?

keep this up pls !

ps.: next time gimme better captains to carry me :pp just jokin :))
Yeah, snuble was a shitty team captain. Gives me the most defensive postitions and laughs at me for having 3,5k damage after two maps ;)

And potter what the hell. Giving live feed of the Bayern Munich match and having his mind set on his LoL prac that night. I shouldn't complain though, I had dinner during the last map.
yeah was fun :))
just ban the people dropping out for the next 3 cups
NO, FOR THE NEXT 4 CUPS, and any other cf related cups like cdt!
e: unless they have a valid excuse
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