2012 - action movie year?

ok, so i was looking at a lot of trailers for upcoming 2012 films, and holy crap, there is so many great films coming out this year....sorry for the you tube links frop :<

Prometheus - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHcHYisZFLU

Battleship - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YatZXieJsL4

Wrath of the titans - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQckuXV6DRA&feature=related

The Hobbit - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0k3kHtyoqc

The avengers - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOrNdBpGMv8

The amazing spiderman - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL8ctUN1ZSI&feature=relmfu

The dark knight rises - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GokKUqLcvD8&feature=related

MIB3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyaFEBI_L24&feature=youtu.be

GI joe 2 (hmmm) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXCqJDpTuVQ

And every year needs a film by george lucas about flying negro's saving WW2.

woooooo, i missed the bourne legacy, looks good!
Idd, quite like the fact they're going in another direction + Edward Norton makes every movie a thousand times better!
I fail to see how you can judge a good movie by a trailer, more than half the trailers that are shown pretty much sum up the whole movie.
don't you dare to speak about The Hobbit
usually id agree, but in these films cases, they have real directors, great casts (for action films), huge budgets, and are followups for films im already a huge fan of.

If any of these movies suck, ill be suprised. (except GI joe 2, the rocks a knob, but ill watch it anyway :P )
Mkay, Now give my bio private password.
The rock's a nob??
no, he's a knob.
Shut your whore mouth kev, dont fuck with dwayne
But... he's the rock.
really looking forward to the avengers :)
nice list kev m8
batman&MIB3 gonna be awesome!
cant wait to see battleship
seems like u dont know what an action movie is
ok smart arse, what movie genre would you put these movies under?

horror? comedy? romance? crime?

sorry for being a clueless cunt ...

well the hobbit is not really an action movie. Its rather fantasy

e: prometheus looks more like horror - sci fi
with shitloads of action it it too, yes. you cant pidgeonhole every film under one type of movie. ie; if its scifi, theres no action. if its action theres no comedy in it. you cant have a horror film with a lovescene in it.

sweeping generalisations of "ACTION MOVIES" covers MOST of the films there id say, buttbh, i dont care what the fuck type of film they are, i just wanna see them....
ok lets agree that this whole discussion is hairsplitting. I am really looking forward to watch all of these films and i actually dont care under what genre you can classify them
most of them are action tbh, no idea what he is on about, Hobbit and Prometheus are the only ones that the other aspects could eclipse the action.

Looking forward to how they do Prometheus, I like how they haven't shown an Alien yet as I guess they thought people would get put off thinking its an Alien vs. Predator style sequel (poor) rather then a remake of the original.
cant wait for prometheus tbh, it looks like theyve done it really atmospherically and got the whole alien feel back in to it....
theres not even one of them that is truely an action movie. most of them are sci-fi or fantasy

id call "die hard" and action movie for example..
so you class an action movie as one with bruce willis or arnie in it? nice. like i thought...im wasting my time replying.
nice try.. failed tho

but hf watching the action movie the hobbit :)
Battleship looks ridiculous
looks good haha :D
ofc, statham is in it :D
i was like what is this until the bear ran in :DD
haha yeah :D

fuck you thunder, you can suck my dick! :D
Since when do teddies take hits from a bong? :X
only shit movies getting released these days
Cant wait for the Hobbit!!!
Prometheus is not action movie
who gives a shit lol.
no way, this is really happening? first time I saw like some trailer, I thought it was a clear joke :D
yeah its crazy, but im really lookin forward to it :)
the expendables 2?
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