lucid dreams #2

some days ago this journal was posted and i kept following the evolution on 9gag on this subject.

Today image: 3434656_460s has been uploaded.

Eventhough i'm aware of the fact that your body cant be overtaken, i perceive all these theories as somewhat frightening.

What do you think of this? Where do you think do these phenomenons come from?
stfu already with this Lucy dreams ffs XD

just finished with painting! ffs 8hours of str8 painting, i feel dead XD


room got cold im sure i had lights on cuz i was just lying on my bed sudenly lights went off my pc was on & connected to ts3, i heard the speakers go "user has joined ur channel" the room was completly dark, then i felt like smthn is there then i saw silhouette of 4 smaller guys standing in my room, werry close to me i was frozen solid of the "fear" but ofc i could move didntk now what the fuck is happening, dunno how long i stared at the fuck do i know what wtf, then i felt like some1 stabed me with something in my stomack, felt scared as shit dont remember what happend after :D

that inspired me to watch a (url) []

still dont know what the fuck was going on, just remember be4 i fell asleep is, well the light bolt just "crashed/died" but in the morning i treid turning the lights on, and the lights turned on..... but i never turned my lights off, i was in my bed with my eyes opend and the doors locked.
please do not post here, no one cares about your ffs 8hour str8 painting feeling dead thing XD
i painted the whole house in 8hours. HAUS... WHOLE HAUS

macho bitch pancho head hancho

and when that thing stabbed me i was like, fuck do i care im going to sleep fuck off shadow ppl XD COME AT ME BRA
Had sleep paralysis some time ago, I remember that a shadowy thingy tried to possess my soul and dragged me back to my bed, every time I tried to escape. It was scary as fuck. :D
ive seen that image too. But thats not the point. Everywhere around the world people experience sleep paralysis and see this scary shadow people. I just wonder how a scientist would explain that (ideally some kind of neurologist)
I have strong mind, can control everything, np4me
That is basically the story line behind 'Insidious'

I would like to try it..but yeah..
just human brain screwing with people :p obe? Fuck me, maybe im a mage and i should be at Hogwarts now :O OMG U MUGOLS DONT UNDERSTAND! I CAN FLY AROUND OUT OF MY BODY AND WATCH LADIES TAKING SHOWERS!!!!111

i have no idea why people get so excited about lucid dreaming. Just another form of dreaming, known for ages and used in psychiatry as a form of overcoming fears (one of the forms ofc). U are in total control of lucid dream so u guys just had a nightmare or just didnt realize u could either change it or finish it with waking up (which u also can do alone).

Stop this bullshit already -.-
you could also just have skipped that journal instead of wasting some minutes to write a rage comment

edit: dude, i was awake and could only move my eyes, the rest of my body was paralysed
how do you explain me then? i wasnt sleeping :D
during an OBE , just follow back the silver cord to your body
this sleep paralysis thing is quite amusing , got a kick out of it few nights ago when it happined moment after i closed my eyes , so i was aware of my surroundings and stuff but couldn't move an inch. After 4 times in a row , i decided im gonna be awake few more hours.

Be aware of the old hag tho :D
STOP POSTING THIS SHIT DUDE, now that we are aware that this can happen

HOW CAN WE PREVENT IT and what is the explanantion ?

this is scary as fuck .......stop it already
hmm just dont do OBE, dunno
It has worked for me only once, I was in some dark room and saw 4 doors around me.
It was one really fucking creepy room and right before I was about to open the door infront of me I woke up :)
u prolly picked the right one! im sure if u picked the other one on ur right,u would have ben dead !
interesting tale chap
We use only about 5-20% of our brain naturally, right? What do you expect to have with the other ~80%? I believe we can control it (at least a certain part, a little more %'s) without any drugs and things like lucid dreams happen. All basic things you need to train your brain are: meditation, some kind of philosphy knowledge and perhaps mathematics.
Well, I meant than we don't use maximum % of brain cells which are capable of thinking, writing etc, do we? I've just found an interesting conversation about this on polish forum but it's quite long + the link you gave me... I'll have my lecture for today's night
Bullshit too :/
Lol the last paragraph is utter bullshit :D
That's a pretty cynical way to review a ghost story.
You can say what you want, but as it turns out I've had a similar experience a couple years back.

A couple of my buddies were hosting a movienight and we were all invited to sleep over. I'm not sure exactly how many movies we watched but it must have been around 4 or 5 in a single night. As it was getting late, around 5:15 am, me & my mates were falling asleep. I was sitting at the left of the sofa, with Mark & Kristof sitting at the right of me. You know that feeling when it's hard to keep your eyes open, but you still want to keep watching the movie. As my eyelids closed for a couple split seconds, I kept managing to stay awake still to keep following the story. I still remember exactly what scene it was. We were watching Jackie Brown, the scene where Samuel L Jackson tells the blondie to pick up the phone as to which she picked it up said "Hello" and right after "It's for you". Anyways, back to what happened. So I was trying time after time to keep my eyes open. I remember looking at the digital clock right under the dvd-player. It said 5:24 am. My eyes fell down again as a couple times before. And then something very fucking weird happened. When I opened my eyes seconds later the room was pitchblack. All I could see was a couple lights of the dvd-player beneath the television and the clock, showing exactly 5:25 am. My first thought was the power went off, but then I noticed I couldn't move my arms or legs. I could only turn my head around and then I saw something I will never ever forget. Mark & Kristof were sitting straight up watching the black television with a bright light coming out of their eyes. It scared the shit out of me. I don't think I was ever that afraid in my entire life. I was sitting there, paralysed, scared as fuck and couldn't think of anything else than what the fuck is going on. I noticed the clock as it switched to 5:26 am. Just a minute has gone by but it felt like hours. And exactly when the clock switched to 26, all lights were on and the telephony scene was continuing as if nothing happened. I looked at my mates and they were sleeping just like they were two minutes earlier. I jumped off the sofa and started freaking out. That night I stayed awake, and the next night as well. I just couldn't grasp what the fuck happened. I kept telling myself it was just a dream. And that probably was all it was. But what I still can't figure out, after all these years, is how that the movie continued the exact same scene two minutes later like it hadn't continued a second. If it really was a dream, why didn't I miss out 2 minutes of the movie I was watching? And why the fuck did my mates' eyes lit up?
fucked up story bro.
The fuck gast, is echt wel gek :D:D
Had that tons of times, probably one of the reasons I sleep as little as possible these days
say no to drugs
best dream I ever had felt like I was getting a blowjobbed (had a wet dream obviously) but it FELT real. Like an actual mouth going over it. True story actually

in before family related gay "jokes"
and then you wake up and you're like fuuuuuuuuu because you jizzed in your pants and didnt even feel the orgasm
I was like: how do I enhance this kind of dreaming and how do I get this more often in the future
get the book "the art of dreaming" from carlos castaneda.
makes me think of incidious..
still never wanna experience it, its to scary for me :(
tried lucid dreaming. takes too much preparation and time so fuck it and do lsd
The day I can't move, is the day I sign myself into Shady Acres retirement home.
jep, wie der ganze kram hier
hattest du schonmal ne schlafparalyse und dabei eine ähnliche erfahrung gemacht? Es ist nämlich einfach zu sagen, dass wachträume, OBE usw bullshit sind, aber wenn man erst einmal selbst eine solche situation durchlebt hat, sieht man das ganze mit ein wenig anderen augen
keine paralyse, aber ähnliches
this stuff is more "real" then most people think imo.
I think its possible, that when you go out of your physical body you can go to all kinds of places and also to some very dark ones where some dark beeings live. (ofc you can also go to the enlightned spheres, but i guess thats more difficult in these times.)
i once had a near death experience with some etnities or whatever talking to me reading my thoughts and i was scared as hell.
In the end i was alone is some space and my "thought-body" was just a ball and i couldent move anymore. I cant explain everything about it here it would take too long.This was a real profund experience that i havent really understood yet, although it was almost 3 years ago
I think that the Cosmos is multidimensional, and that there are many beeings/entities living in these "higher" Dimensions (=higher frequencys, less matter). I believe that there are many Forces trying to manipulate or inspirate us "humans".
So be aware on what you focus your conciousness, because where Attention goes Energy flows.
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