Young Gun

Presenting a 6on1 situation on Adlernest at the transmitter, do you think i secured the docs 6v1 ?

Note: This is a testclip, i got a new GFX card, way better then my last one, i was eager to test it
in movie editing, cause we all agree i need some practice before i publish my own Movie... so i was experimenting with diff image settings and diff effects, was a quick litle project
took me roughly an hour to finish it.

Note#2: from the begining i was trying to perfectly sync everything with the music, but after some problems in image-et with cametrace i had to shorten and edit the scenes, i mad, so it ended up a bit ... disorganized

P.S. i have done this before, its my first time in a 6on6 game tho

seareal young gun - in the field of thunder 6v1

download link: Better quality

hyperspeed download link coming soon ( need to get ftp login ) [being shit, upload complete, file nowhere to be found..]

Bonus "seareal rapes the shit and the fuck out of glitz" ;

Song for; hators

mwa mwa
inb4 people get maad as fuark
2late u fail sir : D

e: Olol frop u so early
vs low-? :D
who in that video is med+ ?
didn't see a single player who's over med.
i have no idea what vidoe u have ben looking at :D
tell me who's over med then?

edit: watched it again, saw 2 guys without tags and a bunch of polaks at transmitter who have no headphones or are playing with music on. not even slightly worth a clip.
butchji is

e: perfect timing = skill a.k.a 6v1 and didnt stand a chance.
Who cares?
what effects did you use for the young gun video?
contrast,colour curves,light,news print,glint,blur

e: Rly nice combo, had to format my pc 22times the last month so i lost everyhting i had in vegas, but i mixed this one together in a few mins looked awesome, could be used to make a better quality then this, pretty sure.

e2: But i still dont get it why the brightness is so low on youtube/own3d
aah nice.
i like the editing :D

good job man !
was way more awesome be4 the cam trace fuckd up almsot every single sync :<

also i think i had sharpen on in virtual dub, so my motion blur just died XD cant rly notice it on the vid, or its just me cuz i was awake allnight, alot of noobish errors but was 2 lazy to fix it :P

thnx! il do better : >
lol well looks good.
i dont even know how to edit a nice vid -_-
so. good on ya :D
its like photoshop, the first time u open it its like, what the fuck so manny pannels, but after while... its easy :) the hardest part for me now is choosing the right music XD

u can make a werry decent movie with xfire in minutes tbh : ) (Dunno about fraps, sound was buged there everytime i tried it)

e: Thanks again, i really appreciate it!
yeah, haha so true.

i'll give it a go one of these days.
no problem :D

cheers. off to bed! (midnight shifts suuuuux)
yeah me2 woke up 9in the morning went shoping for paint with my mom & then i was paiting the whole day, painted her whole house XD so tired but still managed to pull a all nighter xD

sleep well,, and if u need any help with editing just send me a pm : )

haha, rapes the shit fuck out of glitz :DDD

our first pracc with 3 players that aren't even in glitz lineup a month ago

EDIT: Btw, nice not playing agaisnt us like a bunch of scared lows, even agreed to come to your server and play. But no.
ppl on ts said, no not glitz, take finlantic6 instead

yeah, sure :D
why r u crying like a litle bitch?
i saw ur pictures, ur like a man and a half :D comon what the hell bigguy
i just don't like how ego you went after some god damn praccs
some? we'r playing together for more then 6months 99% wins in offies.
1) the video ends before you bring in the obj... who says you rly did the obj? ^^

2) you said you "raped" the shit out of glitz... you didnt even shoot, you just sneaked around: 1 medic was healing the fops: so theres 2 guys not shooting at you

then the other medic at trans died, thus the other medic went to heal him => 2 more guys not shooting at you

and how did that medic die? right. it wasnt you, it was your team => YOU DIDNT OWN SHIT by yourself, nor did you RAPE glitz

6v1 my ass

prove me wrong mothafuckaa
"Presenting a 6on1 situation on Adlernest at the transmitter, do you think i secured the docs 6v1 ?"

yeah about glitz, forever helpd me once, i did hold the cp back for atleast 3spawns, cant remebmer but im sure its more then 3, Alone.
ok ^^ doesnt rly matter to me what happened ^^ i dislike those glitzies anway
i dont know them, so i cant hate them :P
I just had to read that last line in a Hank Moody voice :DD
never heard him saying that
He has said it during the whole time Californication has been on
dont remember him saying that
well you are an idiot then
You really are a stupid fellow :D
that was my intention :d
i rushed when my team selfkilled : )))) cant u see theyr healing themselfs and reloading ? :D
need moviemaker to make some clips of real rape :)
real b rapin' em 4 real
fucking bad edit, fuck all you who say "nice editing"

+ song is fucking gay
seareal rapes the shit and the fuck out of glitz

???? are u allright? where did u rape shit out of glitz??
get ur facts straight!
Im not quite sure if this was worth staying up all night

me and friends call people doing this kinda shit by word "nerds"
You sir, are a complete moron. And congratz on your 99% of winnings, guess you made a lot of money. Peace hombre.
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