CCDT cancelled

First of all thanks to people who supported this cup. I'm very sorry for the people that didn’t misbehave and actually participated with the right reasoning and followed the idea behind this cup.

What has killed this cup?
The egos of people willing to win so bad that they can’t even be bothered with the idea behind this cup: Higher skilled guys teaching the lower skilled guys and having fun together.

The massive drop outs, the hours put into replacing people is ridiculous, so many drop outs so many unreliable people.

I know that we as admin crew (ross/aniky/evilynn) didn't always pick the best replacement but shit like that happens. It makes me so sad to see if we allow captains to pick some backups and told them to go for low skilled guys they still only think about winning.

Perhaps the 32 teams was a bad decision and it wasn’t prepared good enough but still we as the admin crew feel that the community(also some of the captains) have let us down so bad and can’t be bothered spending even more time on this cup.

From my own side I can tell you that I easily put over 30 hours into this cup and I don’t think it’s worth it and I won’t do it again. Ohyeah thanks for the 800+ queries.

Evilynn has announced that she will try something like this again in a month, I wish her the best of luck and hope the people that were massive cunts during this tournament won't ruin it for the others, again.

Quote by Ati_either this will be fun or fail hard because of people not showing up. gl all :)
Was expected from out side as well but yeah to bad.
Players should display availablity times, e.g. Avi monday, tuesday, thursday & sunday 17-22gmt

Less teams (around 10 max)
Should choose players over other players based on availability (Pick someone who avi 4 times a week rather than 2 times a week)
>list the two options that could have happened, quote yourself when one of the inevitable happens :D
to bad :( x
It's a shame to see such a great idea not reaching its full potential. Having given this a lot of thought over the previous days, if there is ever going to be a follow up here are some suggestions.
First of all, the idea of making it open to everyone should stick. This is truly the charm of the cup, the idea of having good players play alongside weaker players for fun should stick. If this community wants to be in a good place, it should at least give the opportunity to play to everyone.
Now personally, I also quite like the idea of drafting. It adds just a little bit of excitement and strategy to the concept of playing a few fun games of ET. What I would propose for any future version of a community cup would therefore be to keep it open for everyone, be it high or lowskilled players, but reintroduce the draft element.
A possible way this could be executed is by pooling the players. Let's say we put all the rifles that sign up into one pool. The tricky part is to avoid situations in which the first pick gets the best players. In order to do this, I thought of scoring the signed up players on a scale of 1-50. A good rifle for example would be scored as being worth 30 points, whereas a relatively unknown rifle would be scored as being worth 10 points.
Each teamcaptain is then given an amount of points to spend on his team, let's say for example 50. This prevents the likelihood of there being an imbalance in teams, since those 50 points should get you at least 5 (or 6, drafting a backup?) players. You could therefore opt to get a highskilled rifle for 30 points, but this leaves you only 20 points to get your remaining players. It's a bit like fantasy football really, you have a budget to work with and try to form the best possible team with that budget.
I realize the ardeous nature of scoring every single sign up, but I believe this idea offers some potential. I really believe something like a draft cup for the ET community should be attempted again, as in its principle nature it is the best thing that ever hit crossfire. It would be a shame to let it go to waste.
I like the idea
Not your fault mate , the CCDT crew did well!
very true and sad...
was a nice cup :((( i had a lot of fun!
xperia mongol
How very fucking brilliant, the idea was brilliant to be fair, shame the end result was such a disaster.
Was a really good idea, too bad ego boys wanted to win it so badly. Nice job admisn tho! Don't give up helping community!
was a nice cup
to mutch newfag's...
first cup i didnt get knocked out from!
Anyways, was a fun cup, thanks for games team mental
thank you too :) was fun playing with you and gl in future.
du också ;)
thx for a nice cup, too bad it had to end this way.

HUGE THX to the admins, maybe you can try a smaller cup for the next time and for a longer periode of time so captains can acutally prac for 1 or 2 weeks with his teammates ;)
Unlucky tbh

Admins did nothing wrong, but it's expected with some captains.
Shitty cup, not gonna sign up any similiar to this.
Thx anyway, and GL to Evilynn ;o
gg Team s1LENT !
Germany TimeN is whining that he cant win the cup :S
luckily team s1lent still played their game, don't cancel that!
well i got nothing to complain about

silent and gross are 2 nice motherfuckers, cool to play with and the rest of the team

I got to play with em once I think, real nice guys.
Well I actually wanted to finish that before it gets canceled but apparently some teams disappeared already.

You did a good job at all but some decision were just ridiculus. Some of these captains are just a joke and shoudn't get the chance again to lead a team for getting mercs without admin permission ( such a shame to have something like that in this community same goes for the plenty amount of drop outs..)

Anyway hopefully the next edition will be better and with less teams.. this community doesn't deserve to have more than 16 teams cause most of this players here a just a shame
image: cute-sad-cat

now that my team was going to win this it gets canceled :(

It was a nice cup tho :)
I'm realy sorry for you mate Simon, you did an awesome job!
gr8 effort bro :/
but idd, why be captain, when you're not motivated + there was enough time to figure out if one is available on the matchdays..
if there will be a 2nd cup, drafting 1 or 2 backup spots for each team might help, it will possibly avoid this merc-problem
That is kinda hard to draft backups, since they won't be able to play unless someone else drops out. And still they would have to be around at those specific dates.

But we got plans for how to reduce drop-outs in next edition, if there is going to be one...
those last-minute drop-outs sure, but if there's for example players who can't play on just 1-2 days or got different plans they know about earlier..and having 7 possible players will make it more probably that you don't need extra merc's
anyway gj guys

sry that i couldnt make it today :/
image: images-i315bjuxdr

Was lot of fun, thx to team xPERIA :D
And big thanks to Simon for organising this cup, good idea but it seems that individuals ruined it, sad but thx for the effort!
haha nice pic :P

Maybe its a better idea to make it a 1-day cup on sunday, something like:
-all players join a IRC Channel.
-best 16 captains, and 16co-captains
-other players join a team
-play ODC
I think there will be less 'whine'/problems

Anyway, nice effort and idea.
Or few onedaycups with 8 teams, like in groups. Who says the players have to be the same if everyone agrees that there is a new draft on every round? Or something like that.
Isn't it quite near the end now? Seems a shame to give up now but obviously you've done more than enough. If there is another might be better to have more flexible days, or preset days (or a more clear schedule)... oh and less teams.
I am thinking of making really harsh rules for the next edition and max 16 teams (perhaps I even go with 8 only,not sure yet). I am also thinking if perhaps the better option is to make it a 1-day-cup only (its easier to keep yourself avi for only 1 evening imo)
1 day cup would be better for this kind of cup
LOL :(

team sinnu would have won that shit...even with sinnu and me :D

now my golden pocal is gone :(

fu dodging nerds!!!

in memory of Estoniasinnu, Belgiumshizzle, Franceteki, SwedenWeslann, NetherlandsBanaan, SwedenEkto R.i.p.: 20.3.2012!
You can have this one!

Didn't drop out or mess around in CCDT #1

but the #1 will be useless is guess, if its fucked up like this this time, why would they spent another shtiload of time on a 2nd one, if its pretty much wasted at the end of the day
Too bad. Well, if any teams are still willing to finish this. Let us know in the #CCDT channel. Will be prepared to finish it. Spoke to some guys as well. For instance s1lent and mental team. Theyre willing to finish.
es bleibt mehr zeit zum wichsen!
Do it again, 8 teams only. First come, first serve.
and ppl are laughing to seareal because he wants a pocal, wtf is this shit.

Good idea, good people involved, but the seareal syndrome is just too much these days...
A big thanks to the organizers for the effort, dont give up on the idea of future community draft cups with different rules, and huge shoutouts to awesome team R0SS, sqzz, cannonize, eduardyan, lendur. Had really fun playing the cup with this bad ass team!! :D
So disrespectful to the players who signed-up but who didn't get the chance to play...
How so? And how are you in the position to judge considering your benelux cup or whatever you called it this time also got cancelled halfway through?
I mean this is disrespectful from the players who didn't show up
Don't see that disrespectul in any way, there simply were not enough high skilled captains for the amount of players that signed up
Too many fucking retards in this community, can't believe they actually made you cancel it but I totally understand you. Great effort you put into this, thanks for nice games, have had a lot of fun.
For the next time, make a pool of backups, so everyone can "draft" out of the backups which are in one IRC channel at the matchdays.
sad but somehow expected...
the idea and the effort you put in there with the rest of the admin team is just great. but it was simply missplanned. 32 teams in an intended fast paced cup (=192 players + all the backups) is too much to be fully controlled by 3 or 4 admins.
reduce it to max 16.
so what should be different in future events like this?
since i havent followed the draft that much i just know that 2 "highs" were picked as captains, 4 "lows" randomly got drafted to them.
lets make it different. get 1 highskilled guy as captain ( with apllication ofc). all applying people will get ranked in a tier mode (they can judge themselves just like teams do for oc signup) so in the end there would be like 3? tiers.
a) high/skilled/known however you wanna call it
b) semi decent players med/med+ players and
c) lows/unknowns.
so in the end each team consists of players like this Cap.-a-b-c-c-c+bu or Cap.-a-b-b-c-c+bu. now the draft system... captains can just draft players from tier a) ( and maybe b) ?) - while c) is getting drafted randomly.
also add some rule that captains and a) tier players have to agree that the focus of the ccdt is about giving lows/unknowns a chance and not about winning at all. if they still decide to drop out or whine about there low teammates they will get banned from any other competition like this in the future.
and no, im not interested in taking an orga/admin spot. just sharing my thoughts.
Mant with raul for best captains!

Said b4 that we are here to learn smth and have fun, not to win it!

So punky, mant, raull, tamjee, eibbbb thanks!
expected :|
what? now i cant even put my pocal?????

+ we had the best team and didnt even have any major changes! (1 player +/-)

btw on other side i totally understand you, 2bad you couldnt finish it since you already did a lot of effort. guess u should have made it single elimination, because of 32 teams
me and squid enjoyed this

too bad we lost our gold pocal now :s
I had a great time playing it, sad to see this happen. :(
What just happened??
week end = problem solved !
High skilled players with egos?

image: ryRaG
my fault sry
With the massive amount of signups, you could've easily drawn more players to each teams, say 6 starting and 1 or 2 back-ups incase people dont show up. Just like the previous draft cup.
This way you dont have kids running around getting their friends to play.
Sad to end it like this :( personally i had lot's of fun during the 3 matches that i've played with team zak. Both cpt jelle and co cpt zadd were super nice guys and learned smth from them. thnx to the rest of the team for the fun.
well done simon mate after all.
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