Saturday! What are you drinking?/doing?

Saturday night o/

Waiting my ride to FinlandOulu so i decided to make another useless journal.

First big question of the night:


image: zQqqR

jägermeister mostly drinking it "raw". Also mixing it with famous finnish energy drink Finlandes

If you are not drinking then what the fuck are you doing?

Random chick:
image: iERDw
Checking out MLG Winter all by myself :)
Came home from the movies , was watching The Hunger Games , and I have to say , it was a catchy and good film :)
im playing some ET atm, and watching real madrid in the background. will go out in 1-2 hours to hit some bears.
herbal tea
random chick <3
same here served by an irish man
Well, i was supposed to receive some friends here at my home, but 1 coupple won't be able to be here so we kinda canceled it.

So yeah, just made my dinner... and i'm eating it, might finish watching today's series.. Meanwhile i'm streaming Ultra music festival
water learning
cant drink because made too much epic dinner, would be guaranteed sleep (only got 8% danish beer), and have to study mechanics :SS
gonna fap hard soon
28 years old? You should go fuck hard soon, not fap! :D or both
na, not 28 :D
oh fake age then :( have fun either way :)
What are you talking about?
Just saying, if he really is 28 (which he already said it's not true), he should be fucking (his girlfriend or whatever), instead of staying home le fapping at a saturday night :P
watching The Voice :{D
Gonna spend the evening watching GoT. Don't really feel like going out tonight.
you son of a bitch... you stole my picture :s
Watching Eredivisie Football, gonna work on papers soon because French professors crazy, then play some games to relax.
watching boxing night
Finishing my sober month and went to a party yesterday. One sober party in the weekend is enough. Chilled with a friend the whole day. Had no mood to go clubbing sober again, so I rather stayed home.

Watching some Dota2 now.
watching, had to come upload something
I hate drinking that stuff unless I'm out. Wake up feeling like i've had a heart attack at about 6am otherwise.
chilling on ts with friends
Drinking coffee, playing some WoW. :-)
Playing et as usual, nothing special
UMF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
testing new bong + uuuuberchilling + movies + youtube
I'm with tieq in the club right now and we are drinking johnnie walker cola and becks beer ;)
big time nerd alert!
jack daniels + coke , but now its morning and my head hurts and ill head to stockholm just for fun , bb gothenburg
dnno what i have been drinking but I know it was a good night!
Was partying with my cousin.. Was pretty good :-) had a bit too much but i didnt puke ofc
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