TZAC based lag

So, I have awful lag when using TZAC at the moment. If I run et.exe on more than one core then my lag stops (Yes I know ET isn't multithreaded, but I assume TZAC injects into the process?).

Is there a way I can keep ET running on multiple cores when I'm using TZAC? At the moment I keep minimising ET to change the affinity :$.

Youtube to complete journal:
No chick, no answer.
I don't stoop to these lows.
Who needs chick when u get a tune like that one?
waarom ben jij zo'n geile klitter :$
I agree with perfo
image: 140011-1920x1200

Take that chick so you guys can finaly help this poor fella here.
You the man.
Music <3 :)
get a decent computer with tzac i don't have any kind of lags
I have a decent computer.
then get a decent connection :p

maybe clean ur hdd or stuff like this.
Connection won't affect the amount of CPU used by anything coded remotely competently.
tzac sucks
no1 cares about it anymore
QuoteIs there a way I can keep ET running on multiple cores when I'm using TZAC?

image: pbprior1
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image: et-sa
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hrrr, dein drecks AV' .. da is nur ne tonne illegaler stuff located .. ansonstn "CLEAR"
ETUL made by anias!!!
I have the exact same problem
I suggest doing what a couple of people have mentioned, seems to work!
so do I, is it like pb would do screenshots all the time...?! every 3 - 4 secs little laggs..
PB Prior is the best one so far as hiEronymous already said since you can choose which processes you want to force and it's continuously checking the process.
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