Would like to contribute

I would love to try contributing in some way, writing news, doing interviews, shoutcasting(maybe in finnish?)

I am not interested in playing ET that much anymore, but I'd like to do something for this community:) My english skills aren't very good, but with help I could do something I guess. When I am at home, I find myself browsing through same journals/forum posts, so why wouldn't I do something that helps?

I'd like to get tips from old contributers, how to get started and so on?
Just start writing, if it has decent content and the English is decent people will probably like it. If you have any problems with the English just ask someone on irc from the UK or someone who speaks/writes proper English.

I would have to say a Q&A interview is the easiest to start with but browsing through gamesTV and picking the good games isn't that hard either, if you need any help with the formating or BBcodes to make up the lately much used 'team template' feel free to /q SimonKinsler on irc.

Ohw btw good luck ;)

Perhaps I can abuse your journal a bit by asking the community what they would like to see appearing on the cf frontpage?
Sounds good
tits and big cocks
sorry I think for our beloved female players it would be interesting :s
oh dear lover, here is your big cock

make some cereal's flam post!
Still waiting for Marcus' interview !

A random ;)
Thanks, and go ahead :) I'll pm you later if I need help, at the moment I have "testweek" in school but after that I am ready to contribute :)
More interviews
new fragmovies+Lan videos :D
Getting active is great and I fully enjoyed writing the columns/tutorials to do so, but it's the motivation to do so that is hard, which usually come from the community itself AFTER you've done the piece.

All of my columns (found in profile) were done by just picking a point whilst bored and elaborating on it. There are many different aspects and variables to choose from, but i personally find it easy and enjoyable to write about gaming society issues and etiquette rather than the game itself.

PS: if you'd like me to proof read anything, that could easily be done by email :)
Thanks for tips, will contact you later! :)
The easiest way to start is to do a coverage for some eye-catching match. What Simon said about interview is bollocks :P You have to do a lot of research to ask good and interesting questions and trust me, it is more time-consuming :)

So, when you do a newspost, start from preparing a structure. I will link you to my 2 newsposts:


So, what is the structure of my posts?

1. Banner (not too big, centered)
2. Introduction (basic information what about)
3. Text (including all necessary information)
4. Lineup presentation + link to GTV match + additional match info (shoutcast, stream, etc)
5. Teams' statements (not necessary, are welcome tho)
6. Players' predictions (not necessary, are welcome tho)
7. Additional links (to cuppage, to news from other ET portals)

Tips & tricks

1. Always do some research before newspost. The worst situation to you is when you make a mistake.
2. Too much flags and bold = not good
3. Try to get your own style of writing.
4. Don't write "I think that.." People don't care about your opinion, present the facts.

That's all what came up to my mind in few minutes time. Don't hesitate to reply to me if you got further questions / want to discuss my "short tutorial"
Thanks, will propably contact you too. I've always enjoyed reading news written by you :)

e. and especially your latest interview with sheep
Tell everyone that ET is dead

Repeat 6 times a week
Some different interview-styles can be seen here, http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=news&mode=item&id=7279 . Pick any.

Would like see more interviews and I have been such a lazy bastard lately. Nearly done with next one :)
keep it up!
good luck
if you become anything of that, im gonna flame you
Learning by doing.
Where do I learn to frop :d ?
kick ppl
delete comment
fallar multiples sprachen
listen hardcore metal
kick ppl Done !
delete comment
fallar multiples sprachen
listen hardcore metal Done !
you can contribute to my wallet
Interviews perhaps?
good luck man, keep it up!
interview the legendary United Kingdom Tardler
start by posting chicks in ur journal
a hot chick helps motivating the replys+gives goood mood to a post
Let me know if you need somerhing ;)
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