omg mAus omg!

ok now I got your attention :{D

I got a problem with my home hosted server!

My mates can connect to it thru my external IP but it somehow doesn't appear in the list :(

I guess u nerds have knowledges about servers and shit so pl0x help me and in return, I'll edit with some nice chicks :{D

shoutout to France rasHOMOn
set sv_master1 ""
set sv_master2 ""
set sv_master3 ""
set sv_master4 ""
set sv_master5 ""
I got this atm

Quoteset sv_master1 ""
set sv_master2 ""
set sv_master3 ""
set sv_master4 ""
set sv_master5 ""
set sv_master6 ""
set sv_master7 "

I think it's good enough but still not working :(
I don't know. Maybe ports/firewall/antivirus.

Is it tzac? Check this command if it's 0
Quoteac_sv_blockqueries - if > 0, server won't reply to status queries (reduces DDOS risk)
open the ports
Ouvre les portes

Merde alors! :D
on va le braquer :x
Who is that.
Doctor Who(2005) series first season actor
ouvre le port que t'utilise pour ton serveur en udp et tcp dans ta box et ton parefeu.
come on :(

mAus or gtfo ":D"
Faut regarder dans la partie LAN de la liste de serveur si tu es chez belgacom, j'avais ça avant normalement tu devrais voir le nom de ton serveur avec marqué à côté [UDP]
mAus or gtfo
LOLLLLEEEEDD almost you got me :$ x azatej
flikker op wnb azatej homo
verklaar je nader?
u such a dumbfucked faker :XD when i asked u for the old dmd lineup on public u didnt even know it tho it was "azatej's" team :XD aswell u couldnt tell me where aza is from.. so just stop fanboying ... please!

ps: you look like a homo OBVIOUSLY!!!
ga jou geen dingen over me leven vertellen gekkie :)
im not even dutch u faking moron :D
drive the connections to the proper computer

i.e. redirect the ports
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