2007 =)


'Cause i won't be on xfire this night, i think there will be some guys w/o rl here, i have to post my greetings in here yet...!

I wish you a happy new year

and remember, alcohol is not good for you! But like the bible says, we have to love our enemies, too!!

cu 2mrw
Happy New Year image: ugly_008
"Cause i won't be on xfire this night, i think there will be some guys w/o rl here"

only some? 90% of the community haven't got any rL! but (np)

but Happy NY 2 u!
Member For: 0 days

lolz? and such a long buddylist :/
sry "Mrs.Sherlock"
i was just wondering if its a bug, sry
lol, he just added any famous player that has posted here to his buddy list :] i checked the buddylist of perfo and wingheaven and he wasn't in there so he's just their #1 fanBoi i think
and? sry & np to noctiferia the REAL SHERLOCK is XEON! CONGRATULATIONS!

i am a Fanboy, and i like it! :)))
what does it mean being on xfire? lol xD
happy new year etc. im leaving now bye. may the alcohol be with me.
may the alcohol be with you!
thx and i have to say. alcohol was with me :D
ok nice :)))
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