beck from da klub

LAAAAAAAAL GUIS:D I Am SOO dRANkç!!!!!!!!!!!!!! right noow:DD first time i drank mach alochol:D

I realized I wasted so mach time :d playink games and goofing around, this night has opened my eyes:D

is unbelievably!!!!!!!!:DDDDDDD I had like so mach dranks today xddddddd party all nightt!!! drank all nighttt:d!!!! best day of my life perhaps:dDDDDDDDD

this girl gave me phone number:DD lmFAOooo she was hotttttt!!!!!!! I told her I send her text message later:D hahah mannnnnn my night was wicked sick:D

I feelink kinda dsick naw thojugh so I go drink lots of water for make alcohol go away:d haahah tomorrow I will have my first hangover?,?? perhaps yes hahah:d but right now I very happy:D hahaha

how was your night?? gief me good songk for party at home cause its very late alrdy :D!

dude -,- u are to be having english write problems..
u maked so mutch mistakes xD
ur kidding right?
i'm not an kid anymore... 17 age -> almost real man/adult OK?
with that pic of yours, I'd say you're pretty far from it
You're kidding, right?
why on earth would I ?
Looking at your face I wouldn't have such a big mouth
Are you kidding me?

It's nothing surprising with you not know who that face is, cause it's not very famous outside Norway.
Now replace Norway by Belgium and you have an answer to your question.
How was your night playing LoL friend?
Sup3r said he dressed up with a wig, and pretended to be a girl and gave you a fake number
QuoteBEck From DA Klub:D (3 comments)
Posted by AL1 on Sunday 8th April 2012, 00:38

Posted by AL1 on Sunday 8th April 2012, 00:38

Quote Sunday 8th April 2012, 00:38

Quote 00:38

sending her a text message? What are u pussy or something?
I will be when I eat hers !! xDD
party all nightt!!! drank all nighttt:d!

Posted by AL1 on Saturday 7th April 2012, 23:38

sad sad. very sad. coke ftw.
coke is so overrated imo
are u talking about coca cola coke or dope coke?
mm coca cola :D:D:D why?
ah lol.... well nvm what i said then :X
back from the club and it's 0:38? seems legit
ye cause that's the part that seems fishy..
You were home all evening, got nothing etc. Pf.
7/10, rather decent :) the most I liked the drunklish

You come back from club even before i arrive to club, epic!

was club for friend from basketball team age 14-17 :)
France beck from da club ?
lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol über lololololololololololololol
poor guy,first time in a club huh?
you srsly are the saddest guy i've ever seen in the webz... go to your +30 partys and eat some fishy pussys or hang yourself in the basement -.-'
me saddest life or him ?
rethorical question?
if u wanna talk to guys older than u i suggest u start with your parents and tell them about your first night in the club haha,how drank u was haha, and how a girl gave u her phone number haha.

your mama gonna be like:omg ,honey my boy finnally getting his 1st gf

your daddy gonna be like :son get a condom

this journal is now about teens and their first girl experience.
You just get the fuck out of this journal u subhuman faggot
u just get the fuck out of this world u stupid kiddo.go have a chat with that girl u took number from and if u score let us know ok?

p.s. nerd
i was crying whole night
achievement of my clubbing night : 2bj's (while i was on Methylon) from 2 fucking drunk sluts and they even didn't know how to do it right... -.-' + hangover
sick man! awesome
isn't as awesome as it sounds... :///
because you are a moron
she was hotttttt!!!!!!!
first time i drank mach alochol
:DDD noob
Posted by AL1 on Saturday 7th April 2012, 23:38

So many of these "a wild new world appears" journals it makes me laugh. Naturally the first thing these people do it come share they mindblowing story on crossfire.
saw 100 awesome chicks this weekend, tho i was with mine.. np
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