PL vs FIN today

As long as I'm manager of Team Poland in current Nations Cup [ ], need to make clear about today match vs Finland.

image: game32185

Poland won't prolly play today, lest & Lukey aren't there because of easter and they went to family for this time + dialer 'kicked' zMk, hunter and fanatic (he just made PolagZ from Team Poland without telling anyone, so yeah, >> stexx as well. check ClanBase log when site is going to work, now 503 error -_-). Really sorry Finns for so bad e-sportmanship, but what we can do about dialer's ego? =) In 99% he will forfeit and not gonna use backups. Even after forfeiting this match, Poland gets third place in Nations Cup XV. Deserved? I don't think so :D

krein and dailer scum of polak scene hehe

greetz Gregor
why he kicked those guys?imo finland should also give this match away for sportmanship and make it a draw :D
too much ego (same story backstabbing tMoe for TAG in last EC with his mate Krein). but funny story is that he had opinion about stexx like he is braindead, he doesnt know how to paly 6on6 but hey, lets see he is going to lan with him
idk what to say bout this,few occasions i talked to dialer he looked like a very nice fellow,he even helped me with something.maybe there s more there than we know :P
What I said yesterday: nerds.
im avi, ohhhhh wait... :DD
oh poor pawel :*
too much alcohol for pawel to perform :(
thanks for the pocal guys :P
hukkbro! do you exist?!?!?!
ja pierdole zal -.-
Sounds like you are doing a good job as a manager
i think PolandBloOdje is avi to play today
sad story
niektorym to juz ladnie jebie na mozg po 8 latach codziennego grania w gre komputerowa
are avi!
Get polish people who are proud to play evn if they get no chance... this way is wrong! finish what you began!
always knew krein was scum but dialer too oh no :(
I am not quite following, they made a team to EC etc, what does that have to do with NC?
changed current NC lineup with polagz
=), what does your name mean?
grzesiek=gregory :U
Poland Hennessy avi
shoutouts to Poland sw1ruz, who said that top8 is max what team poland can achieve with such a lineup :D

lol i had nothing to do with that, i already told them i aint gonna play that game and what dialer is doing is his idea not mine. I'm not avi today and neither is lesti from what I know so how come we gonna play this game?

Not my problem and to be honest not yours aswell. Stop talking shit cause you dont know whats going on. Suprising how some people started acting when pl lans stopped.
I belive u.
czyli zamierzasz pobic pare osob na pl lanie?
stwierdzam tylko jak jest.
o w kurwe jebane to czas sie zaczac bac, :( Krein przez Ciebie nie przyjade juz nigdy na zaden event:(
no elvis ja pamietam jak koszulke zdjales i dialera chciales zabic :D
co za roznica? ci ktorzy najwiecej plumkali online i tak nawet nei przyjezdzali - a jesli nawet sie juz przyciagneli to i tak udawali uprzejmych, ze swiadomoscia ze w razie wu kucaja pierwsi XD poza jakimis pojedynczymi przypadkami to nie pamietam zeby ktos z kims ruszyl na powaznie.

po prostu wiekszosc nie potrafi sie odezwac, widac to nie tylko online czy w polskich rapach. nie ma co polemizowac z dziecmi czy wyczesami, ktorzy nie swieca nawet w starej gierce. wiadomo, ze nie mam tu na mysli Grzegorza, ktory lubi podraznic scenowy lowend takimi journalami z nutka dramaturgii.
wow, you needed quite some time to realise some ppl are trash
this is for real or what?
ET serious business.. maybe for poland?
did u read it ?
not like they were gonna win anyway..
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