best way of learning/studying

Sup boys and girls
since i am going to give 3 very important exams in 2 months(i mean after).
I want to know how should i split my time, like what is the best amd easiest way of studying.
How should i combine the time that i wont get tired or bored and loose my mood ?

Thanks in advice :-)
cant post motivation cos of phone. :D
turha ja epähauska kommentti, pystyt parempaan
Im sory dude m8 :( :S
08:00 wake up
08:45 Gym
12:00 Eat&study
13:00 Gym
15:30 Study
17:00 ET
18:00 Eat
18:30 free time
et not free time wat
Almost the same schedule I use
Depends on the matter.
The best way to study the stuff I have to know is by practicing.

If its a lot of reading then I suggest you to do it in small parts. Like studying 30 minutes then chill.
Also changing the subjects helps.

Good luck!
should try the reading part , thanks :)
regarding the changing of subjects: the supposedly distinct subject are set to require a different "way of thinking" (e.g. maths vs. languages)
read my first line.
One of the best way I learned from was doing old exams, read some and practice with others.
yep , i do too

i work previous years maths exams for example,thats the only way i usually do but i want to know how much time should i work before a break and how much should the break last so i get a higher randament
For just information exams:
do whatever you like untill 2 days before the exam, read the important stuff (you can filter out useless information once you figure out what teachers find valuable info and with a bit of common sense), take plenty of sleep. Read it again an hour or so before the exam -> get a reasonable grade and repeat if succesfull

for practical exams (maths and stuff):
practice it a couple of times so you remember how to do it, get plenty of sleep, get a reasonable grade and repeat if succesfull.

doing it the student way but it works so far
Quoteget a reasonable grade and repeat if succesfull

you're doing something wrong there
me too. works fine, although my GPA kinda suffers, but well u can't have both
havn't failed a single subject yet and getting 6/10 or 7/10 (some 8/10) with only 2 hours of effort so I'm fine with the way it goes for now
I don't know, I failed 4th year of primary school.
Very funny and constructive comment, nice :)
Thanks man, you're a beautiful human being. :)
Oh, how kind :>>
Oh, stop with the flattering. ;)
force yourself to learn every day
FULL FORCE EVERY DAY if u dont wanna become a random bum
Stay awake the night before the exam.
Walk in your room while reading the synthesis you got from an older uni fellows.
Go to bed at 5.
Wake up at 7.
DO NOT fall asleep at 7 (happened to me in January, never been so stressed and thanks to my roommates for waking me up).
Sit an your exam.
Eat a dürüm.
Le 15 what, il se passe quoi le 15?
Putain tu sais même plus ce que tu dis quoi
Quote by DiNgAu plus tard je rentre le 15 au soir, si madame part 10 jours elle sera pas encore là :p
J'rentre jeudi j'pense, mais j'bois des bières avec mes camarades jeudi vendredi et samedi. Dimanche ouais pourquoi pas.
Go go Mykonos + Delirium + rolling zhe bitches at Celtica + eating french fries at 3 am with all the drunken bastards near the Bourse
+ fucking UN
i always plan to start learning 1 or even 2 months before the exams.. suddenly i always start 1 week before.
so its like
-waking up
-learn on way to uni
-learn in spare time @uni/school, if lectures sux, learn in lectures
-learn on way home
-learn a bit when come home
-learn a bit again
-play lol
take pics with your mobilephone of the synthesis of an older uni student. check during exam. Get 18/20. Do not repeat in june (teachers were suspicious)

to succceed you have to be atleast conctentrated in half the lessons during the year so that you atleast know what it all goes about;..
best method is:
nah, it must be broken. shutting it off isnt enough since its too easy to press one button
learning, studying, working 24/7!
elc <33333

hab btw gestern deine lanzarote-karte zu gesicht bekommen :----D
i so jelly. thanks bra & talk to you soon bro. hope it wuz nice thur.
Have a beer before going to bed. Helps you relax and shut down for the night. There's no point in dwelling over what you learned all day and not getting any sleep.
pay attention in class and actually learn the material, so that you won't have to invest hours and hours re-learning everything when exam time rolls around

take notes, even if you throw them away as soon as class is over.. writing shit down helps you remember it

then, simply spend a few hours reviewing the material you've already learned, and you win
a few hours reviewing material... wtf is wrong with you
10 mins max man
u're a fucking idiot. this is reserved only for stupid people
9-12 learning
12-13 lunch
13-19 learning
19-24 reset your head (smoke a splif preferably)
- take several hours for complex stuff (to get the big picture).
- I always wrote a short review during I was learning. ofc about the stuff I was learning at this time. brings a lot if you have to learn several courses, because like this, you can repeat the learned stuff before the exam.
(Did this in university, but needs a lot of time. I calculated 1 week per course per semester)
- If its not university, then learning everyday 2-4 hours is totally enough, if you know how to focus.

e: btw, sleep enough - the learned stuff will stay better in your head
Wake up 8pm the last night and study through the night (motivation at the max), take the exam in the morning, drink and game the rest of the day, goto sleep at a reasonable time, repeat. Works great with theoretical exams, for me. short term memory stronk
Its hard for me to understand how this would work, if you had 200 pages to read and asked questions from. I guess you have to be really talented in assimilating @ courses. (I am but I still read a lot)
Well, i am studying physics, so i dont have all that much material that i need to have read through (max has been 30 a4 pages of terminology), its mostly simply about getting your head behind the definitions and logic. You just need to understand what are the most fundamental and important bits and study them well; the rest is moderately easily derivable mathematically and/or by logic purely. I can usually use a handwritten A4 page of formulae and constants while doing tests and exams, so i actually hardly ever have to work much on memorization. The 12 hours right before the exam im just most motivated to make everything make sense to me (stand and deliver or fail hard :{P). Using whatever studying 'techniques' is just beating around the bush in my eyes.
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