ET:Zombies - Additions
11 Apr 2012, 16:27
We've welcomed the feedback and suggestions made and still continue to work on this project.
before going any further: - about mod...
Once again we require more feedback and suggestions!
What we've got since then...
Oh hai baseball bat, with animation 2 handed!
Oh hai sexiest ammopack in ET ;)
We've fixed some small bugs like the ammo pickup and Zombies getting nades.
We're introducing some new stuff (that you'll have to see soon).
Coldfort now features fog/mist!
Lean & shoot is more accurate @ seeing player models bend now. As for crouch also, oh and you can't move whilst on MG now (stupid me).
Zombies get points for kills now.
.... LOADS MORE, I just can't remember right now.
Without testing, what would you like to see?
Maybe different vision for Zombies, like RED vision?
Humans switch to Zombies after being killed
Zombies or Humans have chainsaw (model being made)
Add some special weapons (someone said invisibility for 3 seconds), maybe slime throwing, spitting acid etc...?
We MIGHT also be introducing new hitboxes (depending on Nitrox''s approval). I attached image below. Or keep same as ETPRO?:)
We've got the added stuff like hitsounds, shove with sounds, all new sounds throughout whole game etc..
We need additions, and all that stuff.
Hitboxes - uses 0 entities!!!!!!!
before going any further: - about mod...
Once again we require more feedback and suggestions!
What we've got since then...
Oh hai baseball bat, with animation 2 handed!
Oh hai sexiest ammopack in ET ;)
We've fixed some small bugs like the ammo pickup and Zombies getting nades.
We're introducing some new stuff (that you'll have to see soon).
Coldfort now features fog/mist!
Lean & shoot is more accurate @ seeing player models bend now. As for crouch also, oh and you can't move whilst on MG now (stupid me).
Zombies get points for kills now.
.... LOADS MORE, I just can't remember right now.
Without testing, what would you like to see?
Maybe different vision for Zombies, like RED vision?
Humans switch to Zombies after being killed
Zombies or Humans have chainsaw (model being made)
Add some special weapons (someone said invisibility for 3 seconds), maybe slime throwing, spitting acid etc...?
We MIGHT also be introducing new hitboxes (depending on Nitrox''s approval). I attached image below. Or keep same as ETPRO?:)
We've got the added stuff like hitsounds, shove with sounds, all new sounds throughout whole game etc..
We need additions, and all that stuff.
Hitboxes - uses 0 entities!!!!!!!
just popped in my mind, no clue if this is what you want
How about bullet penetration, aka shoot through walls?:)
Humans switch to Zombies after being killed -> AWESOME.. that could be a new playing style... 6 humans vs 6 zombies... if zombies kill a human, they become zombies.. till there is no more humans.. and vice versa.
Add some special weapons (someone said invisibility for 3 seconds), maybe slime throwing, spitting acid etc...? -> something realistic, somehow. Invisibility doesn't make sense
We're not too sure about the special weapons/abilities either, and they're the only suggestions given. We can't really find anything sensible in our own heads, hence these topics/journals. Just don't forget that ET:Z is not set in a certain time (like WW2) and we can use any weaponry you ask for. Zombies are dead and walk, anything is possible in this game I guess lol.
Also different zombie classes like left4dead.
Something like "Rage" skill = faster and less damage for some seconds.
We're planning different classes like there is for the Human sides so each class has it's perks.
Things like this take time and will require A LOT of testing by all of you here.
Good skill suggestion, we'll see about it!