I regret the day...

that I met AL1..I'd just like to point that out to all y'all :)

What is the day you regret the most in your life? please keep this journal serious :)

friendly greetings

This I regret most

You have € 10000 on NED
You lost
Then you have a very happy life if that is your biggest loss:) good job
Just don't feel like sharing personal events on the internet
In the end we are all humans anyway :) go ahead and share them son, you shall not be judged :)
I regret the day when i've become addicted to ET.
used to be addicted in the early year of et
999 al the time, 250 mb datalimit, playing on siberian servers and no fucks were given
true e-warrior
agree, nothing worse than those damn traffic limitations. Impossible to play on servers with 8+ players once traffic limit was exceeded
I adore the day I met you... it was the day i realised someone had a tougher & shittier life than me :) x
the day that my friend forced me to install et on my computer..

i was 15 back then :|
ending friendship with one of my best friends..
Care to elaborate buddy? What happened? Who was in the wrong ? :) We are here to help you son :) x
nah its ok :D both of us had the fault but i think i overreacted :x
Remember that it is never too late to reconstruct something that used to be a true friendship :) If he really was one of your best friends, admitting you overreacted should be a very easy bridge to cross :)

dr. SuP3R_ out
its a she xD i dont rly know if it was true friendship tho..
Then be a real man :) not a wo-man :)
The day i went to help a girl in our school who has ever since kept stalking me
dude. i learned that life lesson too.
Don't comfort random crying girls.

seriously, LEAVE THEM BE.
well she wasnt crying, but she was looking fucking sick, i went and asked if shes okay and helped her to our school nurse. After that she has been spamming me at fb with random questions like "what sigarettes u and ur friends smoke, what do u and ur friends think of me" etc. Deleted her at fb after she started to get, what i thought, was horny. Np if she had been good looking, but no, looks like a fucking muppet
7 days ago: the day when there were two women in my life. the one i already have for 3 years and the new one.
So which one did u pick? Whats the reason you allowed a new woman to enter your life? Where did the previous girl come short?
she went to skiing holiday. i was alone, the new (freaking hot) one was alone, too. so we decided to meet and to kill the time. one thing came to another one, simsalabim, i was in her :D
now she fell in love, for me its excitement but nothing more. and my girl hasn't recognized anythin yet - thanks god. actually don´t know what to do because meeting the new one is great. dunno, we will see...
i regret the day when i trolled u.

p.s. on the other hand if what i said would have been true,after u said the things u said in public about me,i would have probably killed you at the lan
I am romanian-31yearold-murderer-proof :)
u are plain stupid,can t be upset on a kiddo who try to make a serious journal after a big failure one.but your comments actually shows where your brain is...at a very low level.wish u nothing but fast grow up cause otherwise u will have big problems in your life,i mean u will realise some things when maybe it will be to late.
god have mercy on you anyway
pull ur shit together and stop crying over something, god ur being such a girl :P a real mature man doesnt give a fuck about what anybody says, so stop tellin people to grow up and grow up urself ;p
why u feel to reply to me?reply to sup3r pls :)
And BTW I adore the way you insist on saying you supposedly trolled me :) because I was pretty certain I trolled the shit out of you and you actually thought you were having a genuine serious conversation with me while infact I was getting information about your personal life to later abuse them in journals such as the one from yesterday :)

pretty stupid for a murderer, guess you killed him in a moment of pure rage abusing the bare hands god gave to you solely to do right, not to take away an innocents man life :)

keep it up :)
now is to late for you to try to revive little bit of the situation but fact is u look like a jack ass and no matter what u say gonna make u look better.i could say anything from yea i killed one man or 10 men,maybe i was part of a bomb terrorist act or i could say watch your ass i will hunt u down at the lan and stab u down with a knife and after this the newspapers will publish your tragic destiny,i could say all that,but difference between me and you is that i know where to stop with a joke that maybe was not so good,and u don t.and between u and me ,there is no kiddo like u that could troll me,i just read amused the things u and others say to me and thinkin and hopin my kid will not be that much of an imbecile when he will be a teen.
Let it all out :)


A 31 year old romanian freak "trolling a kid" and the "kid" is the "jackass"? :XD
is simple:i knew u are a bitch,so bitches needs to be rolled.i have been mocked by so many here,who are half my age,so why would this not go on both sides?that smiley at the end is so childish btw,and u need to understand that my jokes are sometimes freak cause i got much more imagination to troll some1 ,than what u ppl use here:ussually engrish,gypsi and stuff like that.dont worry man,is not first or last time some1 will play on your cunt ass.maybe when u ll stop be such a little cunt and try be a man ,cause u almost what 20?..u gonna be more respected ,cause i m pretty sure beside some nerds here,no1 outside really respect your ass
U were trolling me cause you thought I was a bitch? hmm..if I remember correctly you were fanboying a 20 year old sooooo damn hard :D I even thought you were kinda .. ehmm how to say this in a friendly manner ... freaky^^
what?wait now is time for me to say nice engrish,u make 0 sense what so ever.thaught u said smt about fanboy?what u are my fanboy or what?o jesus...
I weap for mankind...
image: boy
imagine your ego...to bad mankind dont give a fuck on you
Hey that's not a bad sentence for a braincripple like you :) I can only see 4 mistakes :) keep improving buddy
braincripple who managed to troll the shit out of you
4 mistakes maybe...but u are like 400 more ,i m still surprised u reply to me
Are you by any chance a Tsjernobyl-child?
are you by any chance crazy?i believe i m actually talking with a crazy teen.gosh ,how is your parents handle you?
Quotehow is your parents handle you?

u couldn t find a better image to represent yourself.when i look at you i see that little girl so innocent so pure so ...naive
you think that is funny?
Like the Pokemon Trainers on Nugget Bridge, I regret nothing.
i regret the day when Sup3r and Al1 fucked each others asses for the very first time
Now that's a day I'll never ever regret ;) xoxoxo
i dont regret anything. everything is a lesson somehow, also (particulary) the bad experiences.
I regret only 1 thing, that I never fnished what i started.Back in school around 10th 11th grade I had a class sister ( she was very good looking and single ) so I asked her out few times, she rejected not in a bad way, but was shy.

I should have but more effort and pressure on her to go out finally, she was interested but was affraid.And me stupid never finished what I started.So every thing felt a bit apart, whe talked in school and after school, but never touched the subject.

Now she is married with my good friends older brother and has 2 wonderful kids.
The only thing I regret is the 1 last step to finish:(
why you wherent there earlier man? such a fantastic plan:(
regret the day i agreed to move to ireland shuda stayed in lithuania
eating kebab in netherlands when i went to lan. jesus christ i could have fueled the plane ride home with all my fuckin shit, i never shit my brains out at 15000 miles so much before!
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