Carpal tunnel syndrom

So, gud bay Gainz.
Hard to play with this shit, can hardly move my wrist.

Cia lan:(
that sucks
I had been diagnosed with this almost year and a half ago, it was in stage where I couldnt sleep without pain killers and I couldnt feel 3 of my fingers. Had 2 surgeries and it still doesnt feel right, so treat it as soon as you can otherwise you are going to be fucked up for the rest of your life...
what were the first signs of it? just real hard pain in your wrist/palm?
no, cts doesnt hurt wrist and palm nerves are the last to be affected.
At first, you feel tingling in first three fingers (thumb+pointer+middle finger + inner side of ring finger). As it develops tingling may become a burning sensation which can be extremely "painfull", its not pain as it gets, its just you cant feel anything but you are sensing like your fingers are in flame. By "you cant feel anything" I mean your senses are recessed, for example I could put affected fingers onto pot with boiling water without feeling a thing. The wrist itself doesnt hurt and palm is nothing compared to fingers (nerves in palm are affected as well, but not even close to be as annoying as when you finger ones are pressed by CTS).
stop wanking!
tunnel syndrom and swanidius :)
:( I'm getting carpal tunnel syndrome from SC2 :(((
It does hurt, and it's really annoying
shut up pussy, man up! :)
Haha yep :D
Hon later?
hon whenever man :)
Msg me tomorrow, you have the day off right?
yesterday was my day off. friday is my next day off but its 4.20 so im gonna be smoking all day with ppl. just hmu, u have my number! :)
Most of you can probably solve this by proper ergonomics.

several years ago my right (dominant; mouse) hand got so bad i couldn't turn a doorknob or start a car, etc. i took an extended break from gaming, educated myself on ergonomics, made the adjustments and forced myself to get used to it. as a sloucher i found it very uncomfortable at first but my hand eventually recovered without medical help.
Bitches don't stretch. Bitches cry.
just dont play all day
dont die testi! :<
QuoteZo treedt het op tijdens de zwangerschap en in de overgang maar minder vaak voorkomend ook bij een te langzaam werkende schildklier (hypothyreoïdie) en overproductie van groeihormoon (acromegalie).

- Zwanger
- Overgang
- Langzame schildklier
- Steroiden (hmmmm mr gym)
your onto me!
so this means i cant play with u anymore :((?
Wrist wraps? What for do you need the wrist movement anyways unless you don't count training forearms?
ping pong
also, i use wrist movement for aiming :<
Yes but as he was talking about 'gains' i assume he is talking about doing stuff at gym, u nerd kri:p
looks bad, man
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