bulking up

whats good crossfire?

long time no gym journals passed around here. So i decided to make one.

Im bulking up and almost hittin 100 kgs. Might get in a little cut for the summer.

This is only my first year of training so im not as shredded yet.

I think my stats arent impressive for most of you guys, but im still making progress in strenght so thats good :D .

Share your tips, or progress if you want

Also want to share this youtube channel with you guys.
its pretty informative and funny.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/PhysiquesOfGreatness/videos


image: DaisyMarie02
Still don't know why she got those hideous fake knockers.
i like tits man, and tbh this boobjob aint bad. But thats only my opinion.
Just look her up before she got the surgery, she had a great (dare I say perfect) rack already.
Can't agree more Frop :)
Post stats and before/after pic please :)

Busy with gaining strength atm, dont think Im going to cut for the summer. Im just focusing on getting stronger, going to bulk in the winter, will start cutting next year
Die in your sleep, whlile dreamin 'bout getting stronger :Dd .. fuckin shithole !!
hello Mr random
how about u get the fuck out
halts maul fotze ?!
I nearly hit 90kg, have to cut some too. Or hit the 100kg, fast.
Fuck bulking, forever lean.
ik moet bulken G , anders niks leans aan.
wat is je username op dbb?
ik dacht ff dat je vast wel fotos daar had
mensen die onzeker zijn hebben dat wss wel
ja of bigi boys die willen clippen. maar kan wel handig zijn om progressie bij te houden.
dat hoeft niet op internet ;d
leugens Atietje_ :)
hmm true ;p Toen wist ik nog nergens wat vanaf en moest ik alles daar vrage x)
Fuck dieting, forever bulk.
Fuck yeah! :D
What was your starting weight?

For now I'm dieting for the summer, of course :P
I'll start bulking up somewhere near August or September.
Kuulostaa aika hullulta elää koko kesä jollain dieettisapuskalla.

Itsehän syön grillin antimia ja kebabbia ja kerään vaivalla poltetut rasvat takas varmaan 3 viikossa.
Joo oli vähän huonosti selitetty. Kesäkuun alkuun saakka tarkotus vaan diettaa ja kesä menee sitten tietty vapaammin, syksyllä sitten sitä bulkkia.
92,93 kg, training for 7 months now
just did 80 kg benchpress 10 reps today, 3 sets and mastered all :>
nice, for how long have you been training?
I started training serious (trainings routine + protein sups) at 24.3.2012, back then I was already 1 year at gym but without any knowledge of muslces, sups and all that stuff.. My weight is 70,2 kg atm, gaining constantly the last months.. If I take a look back at 2011 when I registered at gym, I was at 59 kg at 1,83m height (today 1,85m)

e: I guess most comes from motivation, and inb4 you are asking, yes, Im one of these zyzz admirers as well :p
thats kinda my story, I was just like him by the age of 16-17, now I'm 18 years old and finally put on some mass.. although it's not as much as zyzz had, but I also want to stay without steroids and all that shit :/ but yea, I'm using his training routine, just did some small changes with the dates and exchanged 2-3 exercises :>
Just follow strict nutrition and training routine and you'll have the same results ;). Most of the guys actually don't have it that's why they don't achieve their goals.
That's why I started checking my kcal intake so I could cut it down without feeling hunger. Later doing the same with bulking though it will be more expensive. :D
Squatting 6 times a week and my daily max is around 150kg

Bench press narrow grip 3x102,5kg

Deadlift 1x210kg
Cutting down the fat is fun. Lost 3kg with 2 weeks, getting some extra speed and power in rugby! ;D
3kg with 2 weeks? no wonder why you have that triangle :O
It's just the beginning, it will go down slower (expecting 0,5kg up to 1kg/week) from now on.
You seem to be really jealous with the triangle shit.
actually i couldn't careless, just wanted to tease. it's always the person who's most important, not some meaningless actions online. never really had a problem to play with those people, as long they were cool n stuff.
I bet it felt good for you then, though I actually didn't care about your response at all. :D
I know some awesome polish players, including Polandska who actually doesn't care either. :)
yeah we're very understanding when it comes to that. am sure he wouldn't mind to borrow you his girlfriend as well XD
The thing is that he doesn't have one. :D
I heard eating a lot help! :)

How tall are you? Unless you are really tall or want to start powerlifting I wouldnt go over 100kg.. youll regret it when the summer comes if you ! :p
Eating correctly helps. Eating a lot will just make you fat.
Depends how you define "correctly" and/or "a lot" :-P

If by "correctly" you mean hitting your p/f macros (and preferably micros) every day then it surely does help.
If by "a lot" you mean reaching your TDEE and exceeding it slightly for gaining that will probably contribute as well.

However if you define "a lot" simply by portion sizes or weight of your plate then your statement can be extremely inaccurate and misleading :-)

[/definition nazi] :-P
Fu. ;D By correctly I just mean eating healthy and from there you can go by losing or gaining weight. But eating is just one part of it, everything else (training, sleeping, fluids) counts in as well.
im 192cm and i got some fat, wich i might wanna cut b4 summer!
eating is liek 60%
Crossfire 3.2, A "hey im a fucking ugly nerd so i hope i can attract girls with my big bisheps mussles because else i will never ever get laid" Community
aka AlexL 3.2 or AlexL.nu

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