Pros and Cons of .pl LAN

Some discussion already out there about the idea of holding a Lan even in PolandPoland

To help you with making your decision here is list of pros and cons of such lan

-Expensive travel
Eventhough you can always find some cheap flight tickets, the distance to lan is an important factor. Enschede's biggest advantage was fact that it was in car distance for most of the players
-If you come by car, it might get stolen
Can happen to you in Enschede to but more likely to happen in Poland

Pros (one big, one small):
-Everything is cheaper
Compare to Europe everything is cheap as hell. Some examples:
pack of cigs:3 euro tops
beer in pub:1-2 euro (depending on pub, happy hours and all that crap)
beer in store:less than 1 euro (and before anyone says shit, you can get decent beer, really decent!)
1h with kurwa:25 euro (info unconfirmed, need Jinosta to confirm)
Don't have prices on accomodation yet but they are at least 50% cheaper than in NL. Even less if you go to hostels who are quite nice actually and can get room for whole team.
-chance to meet some bigmouth internet polaks
quite clear, no need to elaborate on that :P, just can say that there are small chances of meeting me there as the time doesn't suit me well
-Krakow is quite beautiful
Since people there didn't fight with germans during WW2 (instasurender and shit) the city itself is quite beautiful with lots of old building and shit. Also quite a lot of clubs/pubs there and all near citycenter so go enjoy them ;) (ladies dig the UK accent hint hint R0SS)

Hope this will help you make up your mind and come to Poland for lovely lan.
Its Poland with Polaks
It's on Monday & Tuesday... Right at the week
I think you looked at calendar badly?
QuotePros and Cons

it's too soon, same thing made phx fail
it's poland
Quote1h with kurwa:25 euro (info unconfirmed, need Jinosta to confirm)

image: happy-i-see-what-you-did-there-%28clean%29
and they're expensive one. U can find some nice RUS/UA for like 10-15 Euro :)
Quote-If you come by car, it might get stolen

go for it r0ss
tldr cba to delete for walloftextspam
Quote by Robertjust can say that there are small chances of meeting me there as the time doesn't suit me well
Doesn't matter, still Poland
y u keep coming back here?
Quote1h with kurwa:25 euro (info unconfirmed, need Jinosta to confirm)
Cunt, in French btw
Ahha, didn't think about that ^^
drinking drinking and more drinking -.-
malta got similar prices.. bitch please :)
Well about cars there is a big chance to get a whole parking in place for players where your car won't be stolen :D
Beers sometimes are even cheaper than 1 euro in clubs :>>
I was trying to give average prices ;)
Krakow is a really lovely place, lots of stuff to do and see, party wise also great, even met a random ET player during one of my nights out there! And yeah, everything is dirt cheap.
If it woudnt so far away from Berlin i would come ... and a ET Lan in PL isnt that bad imo if it would be made by good organized people .. we allready saw ET.PL lans which doesnt even get finished played OFFLINE... thats also a point , i would trust more in a guy like TosspoT , Seanza , Simon , Krosan & Co , nothing against the polish people its nice of them but ... well , not rly trustworthy? :X

Also if the lan would had some nice coverage it would look more professional :)

And commends like , we got PC which get 76 -TILL- 125 FPS sounds like cheapcrap PC :X ( nothing against you guys! )

I still wish all the best and GL , would like to come to these event since Poland is cheap&nice ... but 700 KM are damn much :/
Quote76 -TILL- 125 FPS sounds like cheapcrap PC

Then what would you call my pc which cannot even reach 70fps on supply? 8)
Without even talking about 20-40max fps on gr :) :D
pros : lan
cons : .pl
Cons: radiation
Quoteladies dig the UK accent hint hint R0SS

Cons: Poland
cars get smashed in Netherlands Enschede too... its just like Poland
but .pl lan cheaper!
CONS: only dirt roads in poland, which are horrible to drive over... even in warschau the roads are shit as hell.

E: ok i'll be nice and add a PRO: If you drink the whole fridge in some brothel (cuz you can't find a decent hotel) with a bunch of mates, you get a free striptease.
The roads are quite good there, all paid with EU money.
hmmm i've been there 2 years ago and they were really shit :/
I'm coming for you Robert :o)
the fact that the pl lan is 1 month after the et masters lan, makes it almost impossible that any eu teams will attend there, im sure if the lan would be 3-5 month later, alot of eu teams would go.

EDiT: just for you stray, i know its to "revive the pl scene" but my comment belongs to non polish players/team. u no understand?!?
This is not ET only lan, with ET being just addition, if this is a success just with .pl teams and maybe 1-2 eu teams then it can turn into cyclical event :)
i know, im just saying what needs to happen before ppl going there
hostels are 6€ per night

milf hot(really, not that i know, but the guy at hostel was searching in a public pc right outside the bar[happy hour 0.5L is 1€]) kurwa is 15€-25€
great place - but would prefer if it was in Gdansk. Would be easier to get there and Gdansk is just an amazing city
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