Barcelona - Real Madrid

Today its the day.

That we are gonna destroy Real Madrid

Give your predictions for this el clasico!

Most possible line-ups

Barcelona:Valdes; Alves, Pique, Mascherano, Puyol, Busquets, Fabregas, Xavi, Sanchez, Messi, Iniesta.

I hope they will take Fabregas out tho, and let Thiago play since fabregas is doing shit only.

Real Madrid: Casillias. Arbeloa, Ramos, Pepe, Coentrao, Alonso, Khedira, Ozil, Kaka, Ronaldo; Benzema

image: ronaldo_vs_messi_el_classico_cristiano_ronaldo


Barcelonista hasta la muerte.
would be better with fabregas out - cuenca/tello in
tello doesnt know how to play from the start.
He is pretty good tho.

but Thiago > cuenca
Thiago keeps the game running.
Why doesn't he know? He hasn't started in any match yet but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how :)

Cuenca is great for opening space in the defence. He won't pull out a game-changing action, but his positioning is making it easier for the others to infiltrate.

And Fab has been shit lately :/
well he doesnt listen to his teammates.
I dont know against who it was but messi got pretty angry at him.
Cuenca would be also great got no problems with that, he is a good player.
Ye Messi got mad cause Tello didn't assist fast enough...

The next time he got the ball he gave a near-perfect assist and all was good in the world ^^
yeah he mostly wants to score by himself in difficult situations.
No, Messi got angry because he wants all the fucking balls. If it would have been the other way around I'm pretty sure all the people would have said that it was well played.

Yes I'm from Barcelona and a Barça supporter but I say things like they are, not because it is Messi I'm going to say that he does all the things good all the times.

Messi the best, ofc.
I agree, but I don't think that Guardiola will put Thiago as a winger from the start. Cuenca -> Tello, Xavi/Iniesta -> Thiago in 2nd half.
ye that could actually be right, we will see :P
I want to watch this in HD :(. I guess that next season I'll pay for footballmatches :/
there is HD sopcast streams.
what's sopcast and how does that work? That'd be pretty sick :p. Then I could connect my laptop to tv and watch it in full quality
then -> click on Barca - Real, find sopcast stream ~2000Kbps, should be in HD, just wait few secs (always lagging at the start for like 20-30secs.
Thxs, will install it now and see how it works etc ;-).
What you could do is put 10€ on bet365 or bwin (although bwin is for madrid fags), and then you got a stream for every kind-of-big match. All barca matches are streamed on there.
You don't lose the 10€, just need it on your account.
Also, the stream is in a little window, but you gotta use your windows maginifier. Also great English commentary :)
is dat daar ni altijd in zo'n klein kaderke? kwil HD :p
Daarom dade magnifier moet gebruiken. Da's echt nog de moeite ze. En de commentaren zijn deftig engels.
Als ge HD wilt dan moede naar één of andere turkse stream kijken met de schijttaal erbij.
Sopcast is the best thing to watch streaming on your pc. Quality is so high that you can even plug your pc to your tv to watch the match (it will be a little warping tho), in your sofa, like it was tv. It changed my life ^^
just watch it at a friends house :p
That'd mean that I always have to get out if I want to watch a football game :/
Well its fun to watch a game with friends.
Ofcourse it is but I prefer to watch football with friends at my place :X
then you should pay for footballmatches now ;p
HD pfffffffffff i'm ganna watch it in 3D.

Barcelona were beaten by Chelsea, who are 6th in the Premier League. Real Madrid are 1st in the La Liga.

Real Madrid will win.

La Liga is just a sunny Scottish Premier League.
Barcelona was playing in London, its pretty hard to play vs Chelsea out.
They were also defending with 10 man all the time and we still created like 3 100% chances.
But we will see you guys in Camp Nou
Possession football doesn't always win you football matches. For example, I support NEWCASTLE UNITED. Recently we played against SWANSEA who incorporate the same boring play style as BARCELONA.

Swansea had like 75% possession at the end of that match but Newcastle won 2-0.

Chelsea do have a good chance. If their defence and midfield can contain Barcelona like they did at Stamford Bridge, I expect them to go through. Keep Messi out of the game and keep Xavi and Iniesta side passing and you can beat barca, anyone can.
Possession football doesnt make you win yeah, but it does show that you're the better team.
I found it still great that we created so many chances while you guys were defending with 10 man, but i guess we will surprise you guys in Camp Nou.
Barcelona was the whole match better than chelsea, so i guess it shouldnt be a problem at home then.
Chelsea are just going to let Barcelona pass the ball to death again and hit on the break. Cahill and EBJT gonna absorb that attack again.

The only problem with the Nou Camp is that the pitch is wider, but that shouldn't be a problem. Barcelona don't have any decent wide players.
we passed the ball all the time in london but we didnt finish the goals
maybe we will finish them now
Why would passing the ball around in defence/midfield and passing the ball back to defence whenever a player of the oposing team comes near you, make you a better team?? Explain me that one.

Every team can exchange 40 passes between their central defenders but is it exciting or does it make you a better team? Of course not.
Please :D

Everyone knows Barca have the best technical players in the world, and almost all of them win duels 80% of the time.
You just pretend not to understand
Barca gets the flow and the speed out of the games because they monopolize the ball. When was the last time you watched an end-to-end game where barca was involved? By this I mean you were at the edge of your seat, both teams constantly attacking, fast-paced, etc... like you see constantly in the EPL. Can't remember any such match. There is a total lack of tension in barca's games aswell.

They just monopolize the ball and pass it in defence/midfield utilizing only 100% safe passes till there is a gap. Only the last pass is there any risk in it. And if there is no gap - like against chelsea - they will just pass it sideways. Unbelievably boring like you saw against chelsea. It's not chelsea that is the problem, it's barca. Inter milan played like this aswell against barca, ac milan last round, man united in 2008-2009. Why do u think those teams only plaly like that against barca? Because of the way barca plays eg. the only team who only plays 100% safe balls to each other so the opposition never gets the ball. Absolutely boring to watch and that is called anti-football. If you call that exciting, you should watch some EPL matches. That's REAL football with end-to-end football, chances for both sides and a lot of tension. Not just 1 team keeping the ball for the whole match.
Then don't watch :D
I don't.

In the beginning I regularly watched barca because it was something different but after watching a few dozen games of barca I got bored of it and since then I haven't watched a game from them. Well, only if real madrid or chelsea or other teams were involved that I wanted to watch. Sadly enough, those games were every time a major dissappointment because of barca's boring play. Totally anti-football.
I can understand you perceive it that way. What I don't understand is why you seem to blame Barca for anti-football. The reason the games are played in the way you describe as boring is the way the other team tries to counter the game of Barca. Since that Iniesta goal in Chelsea - Barca, we've seen brilliant football coming from the side and thus resulting an endless stream of manitas. Those games were the trademark of Barca's style and quickly got noticed by the entire world. Imo Mourinho's Inter showcased the only way you can beat Barca, and that is with defending all out. You cannot possibly say that Mourinho's tactics in that game were great football. In contrary, I would call the bus they parked pure anti-football. It even got worse when he ended up in Madrid. He applied aggressive dirty football tricks to stop the technical domination of Xavi & co.

My point: because of the manitas Barca kept dealing out, teams have retreated to purely defensive football against Barca. Put any team against those kind of opponents, and you'll either get a game where the attacking team loses because they're shit, or in Barca's case a pretty single-sided game where they keep trying to get through the bus. And yes, that can be perceived as boring, but the anti-football is coming from the opponent's side, not Barca's.
Barca's way of football forces teams to play like this.

This is how it goes: Valdes passes to either one of the flanking defenders. These ones pass back to the central defender. Central defender passes to flanking defending players again who pass it to the flanking midfielders. Those midfield player pass it back to the defence. In the mean time they make some meters up the field without any chance of losing the ball. Then they do constantly the same. They pass the ball to the midfield players xavi/iniesta. Then they exchange some sideways passing in midfield and look for a gap. (Because barca uses only 3 defenders, they have an extra player in midfield to pass the ball around. This way they can never lose the ball.) Against organised teams there aren't any gaps so they continue the midfield passing. Whenever a player (or multiple players) of the opposing team put pressure on them they pass it back to the central defenders and/or keeper, just to not lose the ball. If that happens the whole rebuilding proces begins again till the flanking defenders are high up the pitch and they force the opposition team to sit in a 'handball-set-up' around the penalty area. When a team like man united gets the ball, they move fast up the pitch and within a few passes they can create a goal opportunity whereas barca need 10min to get that goal opportunity.

Against weak teams there will always be gaps and so they win 4-0 but against organised teams they can't find it and you see the sideways passing and passing back to defence whenever they are under pressure. Barca only plays 100% safe passes so the opposition can never win it back. Only the last ball they play deep (mostly a stiff ball over the defence OR a ball towards the flanking players who play a ball through between keeper and defence OR a pass through to one of the running infiltrating attacking midfield players in the box) has any risk in it. It's ALWAYS like this. Seeing a few matches of that is nice, seeing 100 of them and it gets massively boring. It's ALWAYS the same build-up, always the same way they score goals. Almost never you see a fast build-up where the whole team moves fast up the pitch when they are in ball control, a counter-attack or any other way of playing football. When you watch any other team, you never have the feeling that they always do the same. With barca it is all so predictable that it gets boring.

But: With the quality players they have they CAN play sometimes fast, nice football like in the games against santos. Just sad they can't do that more.
So that's anti-football? Weird. I thought football was about passing the ball and searching for goal opportunities. What you say about counterattacks is true, Barca rather kepe the ball in their midst for a while instead of setting up a lightning fast counterattack (which Real does). But in duels, Barca almost always win, and the passes are perfect. I call that great football. Even the split-passes are ingenious, and the goals are often masterpieces instead of tapins from most teams.

You blame Barca for being too good, you'd rather see matches where both teams are more equal and thus have a more balanced gamestyle. Sure that's your right to do so, but that doens't mean Barca plays shit football. They just perfectionate it.

Just as a sidenote, if you say Barca can't find any holes against top teams, how do you explain the CL final against Manu & the many many clasico wins against Real?

Edit: For the record, I'd also like to see more counterattacks from Barca, and more equal-skilled team matchups are more exciting indeed. Still I admire the football coming from Barca.
Passing the ball is normal, monopolizing the ball in the extreme = anti-football

I don't say they play shit football but it's boring. They have quality players all over the pitch and could certainly play faster, quicker football like real madrid but don't do it. Sadly enough.

Do you watch other teams (real madrid, arsenal, etc..) aswell? If so, don't you think their matches are more exciting?
One more guy blaming Barca for being too good. And if making 100% safe passes allows a team to score around 4 games per match I'd like to watch it. Inter Barca two years ago was thrilling for me and will remain one of the most thrilling match I've ever seen. End-to-end matches mean that none of the teams is able to keep the ball.
"Not able to keep the ball"? Even Swansea has the ability to keep the ball. It just means the teams have more straightforward tactics
Fizmo bro, u get me. I only lack the time of typing such stories :) I got the same opinion as yours :D!
Swansea play really good, exciting football imho.
Watching a midfielder and defender exchange about 50 passes before they even attack. EXCITING.
It's a matter of opinion as to what you find interesting.
I think we saw a different game ^^
Barca midfield dominated as usual, and that's how you get that much possesion. Xavi had about 89% pass completion.

Even Drogba was defending, is that more exciting than Barca's style?
I think your opinion differs from millions in the world for a reason :P
Chelsea let them pass the ball to death, what is the point of playing Barca at their own game?

Also, Drogba making the Barca play actors frustrated was a joy to behold. Biscuits beat at his own game man.
Comparing Swansea to Barcelona ....
They play the exact same way...?
The reason why they were defeated is that on Stamford Bridge there is a smaller field than on Nou Camp and therefore Chelsea is gonna be crushed in Spain due to this fact cause there is a bigger field on Nou camp

Field of Stamford Bridge can provide great fundament for Chelsea's defending tactics which cant be done in Barca's field.
Read my posts, I have stated this. But Barca don't have the wide players to take advantage of the wide pitch. Chelsea defensively will be fine, magic from Messi is the only way Barcelona can win.
true, they dont. But Chelsea's gonna be tired and mistakes will occur for sure = Barca wins!
damn dude.. u know absolute nothing
Hey man, I told you Madrid would win.
Visca El barca

e: Arsenal - Chelsea?
That's the one ;D
torres will score 2 goals! I believe that he can do it.
hala madrid!!
kmo ah rak marokai
Thiago is in Paris now?no?
BrazilThiago Motta =! Spain Thiago Alcantara
been waiting for this all week omg so excited gonna be amazing game of the year not as much awesome as Charleroi tho guess it means one more soul destroying day for hostil
why sperm in the poster?
legia - lech more interesting
Chelsea and Real wil take it today
Gonna be a tight fight,feels like barca gonna win again,but I truly hopes they wont and real will take this!
get real man, theres no fighting in soccer, all you see some fucking faggots crying on the ground after someone touched em. real tight pussy that is.

anyway, Messi will win cuz hes the only good soccer player out there.
Why not man? I hope mourinho wont show up for a tie just because it's good for their own interests,anyway both teams gonna bleed on the field,why wouldn't they? this is game is all about this year champs.
Barca are the only ones who's bitching all the way,good kids of soccer,team of the world,do they have fans at all? or all of them are just tourists who came to see "The best team the world has ever seen" ?
And no doubt about messi,even tho Im an Madrid fan,he's the greatest.
wnb american spotted.

p.s: too easy for Barca
what is this soccer?
what is soccer?

And in football it's the fans who fight.
i bet >8 goals on bwin

ONLY 1pkt. incoming : -)
Vamos Barca !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have new channels on TV now. Probably gonna watch it !
Visca catalunya !!!!!!!!!!
hope they both lose
image: 376649_160029047426524_100002582883674_278561_534046694_n

kk mooiboy knielt voor held
so far a good game
Epic game! Finally.... everytime i expect Real Madrid to win they end loosing, this time was different!
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