my new chill track

It's not rly good mixed/mastered yet but let me know what you think?! would like to get some feedback what I could make better in it since it's not ready yet.

Anyway if my sister likes it she will do some vocals on it :-)

have a nice day!

image: Nuclear_Facepalm_Poster_by_Nianden

just stop it you
gtfo stupid nerd, im making it coz it's fun and I want to improve.
im not stupid nerd :(
you are, but anyway im off to gym.. will read comments later! bye! :)
gtfo fat nerd
nice ownage dunZy m8
standing near by the equipment doesn't count as working out.
saying you are going to the gym doesn't count as working out.
leave him away Matias! ..he was always acting like a retard.

i found it pretty nice, its listenable bcoz you are maintaining the same tone (tiny one for exp.) from the begin till the end... keep doing like this mate and don't look back to the "whiners" songs will improve you mate, keep practising!
haha :p

thanks for the comment m8!
I think this is nice :) good job
its ok , but a bit boring. or im not in a mood for this music
I see you asking for feedback every now and then... IMO you should do what you feel, what's deep in your heart... Learn from your influence/idol and try to achive what's in your imagination. That's how the best tracks are made (maybe it's a matter of genre?).
Rafek my favorite Pole (:
I always do that, I don't really have any idols... but influences ye. Still want to have my own style :>

I ask for feedback because when you have been making a track for 2 days in a row you become deaf to it, it sounds like its perfect when its nothing near it.
Just because of the low amount of your experience (I suppose) I think that 2 days of making a track is definitely too much. I mean everything starts to mingle and just as you said you become deaf and don't know where to put your hands in. Either take less amount of time for producing a track or have a break of 1 day and come back with a fresh mind and a new idea how to finnish it. By the way, meditation is good for creativity and so is weed.
ye should do like 2-4 hours per day, and have a day off.. and make different tracks at a time.

I use weed pretty much :D
no shit you use weed pretty much stonerfriend

I also wanted to recommend you to listen to some other genres and take a look at the made tracks technically to improve your creativity and style. And yet again, emotions > technique! I guess I spoke too much anyway so I'm out of here wishing you a good luck in making music and what's the most important... fun!
haha you must smoke a lot :DD

you seem like a rly nice guy, thanks for your comments! :))
Decided to upload my random bass-making test from 2007/2008:
its so short, but nothing wrong with it. make some more stuff!
What rafek said. Personally I don't really like the sound of the drum kit (weak hi-hat, too much echo/reverb on the snare, awkward and slightly too loud bass). I don't know if you have any friends who play drums, but it would be kind of cool if it sounded more like an actual drummer (both technique and play style) even though it's electronic. Or, even better, actually record live drums for your track.
Am I a nerd :o?
you got some good points there sir! thx
Not bad, you will improve.
Anyway, the one up to me named Frop is nerd.
I've liked most of your stuff you have linked here.

Looking forward to hear more after some time
Better luck next time
pics from ur sister?
listened once, thought it was rubbish

now listened it for the third time, kinda catchy:D lovin the piano part

its maybe because the melody isnt as simple as in most of the mainstream tracks.
dont like the music style..
nice Netherlands Testi but didnt like, good luck with the next project matiasm8 :)
Matias I have connection in the DJ's scene :-). The first begin it's like a tetris game with background music. You have to make your own tunes :-)
I have no idea what u just said :o
Mean your begin of your number in your journal. The begin of your song is a little bit poor.
ye I dont like the beginning either. dont get the "you have to make your own tunes" -part ? :o
Sorry for my bad english, but do you make your own sounds? Or do you just copy it from a program? What kind of program do you use.
yeh I make my own sounds, I use mostly massive to make them.

for drums I use samples but I edit them to sound a lot different and better.

for this song I just used sytrys' grand piano, but edited it a lot too so it doesnt sound same at all.
yeh I make these songs on FL but dont rly use it's sounds coz they suck like hell.
His sister is fucking sexy aswell
chill track.. must listen instantly!
could be cool in a clothing store or a loungebar as background music:)
:D or in elevator
not bad, keep practising and you could be good
2.18 to 3.10, clip either side of that, work with it and you will have something really nice I think.
Gj mate...i already told you what sounds bad to me :)
hmm sry, really liked that "voca me" a lot more. found this one to be quite monotone :/
maybe because of the drums having the same ryth over and over again over some time and the piano having two consecutive but short parts? (just my first impression. didn't find it exactly chilling, just...well... boring, but maybe thats just me. wonder how you'd insert vocals into that one tbh. or would you make a different song in that case?)
want this to be pretty monotone, but will change drums etc. a bit.

I dunno about the vocals, maybe just gonna sample some voices in some parts. will see :>
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