Betting tips for soccer

I got some good tips if you wanna make some extra money the upcoming days :)

First of all, to everyone that wants to bet on the champions league:
Barcelona vs. Chelsea

Facts: Let's face it, Chelsea were lucky to win the first game. But they made the right strategy, they took out Messi most of the time (Although that fucking gnome got pass 2-3 other guys sometimes, but still) The way to fuck up Barcelona is to take out Messi, and Chelsea obviously know how to do that.
Chelsea did play with the reserve team against Arsenal to be fully prepared to the game at Camp Nou. And the bookmakers believes that Barca will win easily.
So there is NO reason at all to bet on Barcelona, it's a waste of money.
Barcelonas defence is pure shit. It's easy for Chelsea to get some good chances with Drogba and Mata, so therefore I would advice people to bet on Chelsea.

TIP: Either you should do X2 or just a clear 2. Betting on a Chelsea win will give you the money 10 times back, so its worth a shot. A good bet aswell would be saying that Chelsea will pass on to the final, that gives 2,75 times your money back :) Chelsea just have to score ONE goal at Camp Nou, then Barcelona has to make 3 goals and I do not believe they will do that against a very good defence standing team as Chelsea.

Next game: Real Madrid vs. Bayern München.

Facts: First game ended 2-1 in favor of Bayern. A late goal made them win that game and they have the advantage so far. The important thing to remember is that Real scored at Allianz Arena. Real Madrid did aswell make a really amazing performance against Barcelona in El Classico saturday, defeating them 2:1 at Camp Nou. No red cards, coach keeping his head cold - Perfect ! Bayern made a comeback against Bremen, perhaps a bit lucky? Well they got the win.

TIP: I do not believe, although the bookmakers believes a lot in Real, that it would be worth saying Bayern to win. Real will smash them totally. If I should advice a good bet, I would say bet on Ronaldo scoring 1-2 goals. I don't really see any other good bets in that game. If you have believe in Bayern, it's still worth a shot. I just don't see it tbh.

Now for some other good games which I will make more shorter)

Aston Villa vs. Bolton
TIP: Bolton or less then 2,5 goals.
Reason: Bolton is fighting to survive against going down to Championship. Bolton is not a bad team at all. Aston Villa played a boring game against Sunderland, and Bendtner got his goal cancelled caused offside (Which prolly wasn't) so kinda lucky they got away with a draw. So I have believe in Bolton.

Normaly I do not like betting on italian matches because it's like a cointoss, but I do believe in this one as my last advice:

Atalanta vs. Chievo
TIP: Chievo, perhaps do a X2
Reason: In short terms: Chievo have made some impressive result this season, and they are good shape with only 1 lost game in the 5 pervious matches (Pretty impressive for a middle team in Serie A...) Atalanta has not much playing for.. They do have homefield advantage, but in italian soccer that dosent have much to say :D So its a risky bet, but I have high believe in it :)

Good luck to the ones that follows :)
cracks me up everytime
dat is een arm
Een elleboog*
hij wijst niet naar ze elleboog imo :p
En dat is een enkel
image: derpsg
you k now tath you are alive when you smell the puke going straight bacl from your stomac

i t wells so good
thats great u know less and less people now taht feling

i dont care abuot getting my hand wet becuase of gamng i just want to live the life

yeah im livinh the live this is what a samuel says
Ta gueule, fais pas genre
C'est certain que c'est pas avec des petits comme toi que je serais dans un état pareil

Fin d'année tu te ramènes au TD délibés avec madame. Ca va party hard woooohowoohoowoohowohoowohowohwow j'en peux déjà plus
10/05, I know already, t'inquiète
C'est en juin, poulet. Fin juin. Saisi va :D
lolwut, on parle pas de la même alors
Ah non du tout. Le 10/05 c'est le dernier.. mais y'aura que des cassos' vu qu'on est en examens la semaine d'après.
Y'aura que le fond du panier ace/acs.. les moches les rousses et les grosses..
inb4 United States of AmericaYMCA'Marcus gettin mad about soccer/football shit
LOL, I was actually about to post until I saw yours xD
magmus joint
Its not a fuckin "joint" anymoar , its art !!!
thought the same :DD
thats gonna taste like shit after you smoked the half of it
a lot of green in there
believing that chelsea will beat barcelona and bayern getting smashed by real madrid

srsly...never heard bigger crap :'D
Bayern will win, hopefully chelsea will as well =)
You only say that because ur from Germany :) Bayern will get smashed hardly tomorrow.
ur reasoning is pure bullshit, lol.
You know nothing
yoU DIDN'T say where to make my money!!!
France France doing it right once again! The only country that has kept the same spelling of the word "football"!
En même temps Piedballon...
Fouteballe, it should be!
In pt we use the word "football" more than "futebol" tbh!
Ah! Not forever alone anymore^^
haha nice one :D
fin jalkapallo.
Barcelona - Chelsea (or draw)
Real Madrid - Bayern Munich
Aston Villa - Bolton Wanderers
Atalanta Bergame - Chievo Verone (or draw)
bet on barcelona
bet on real madrid
Got 75€ for barca agains friend. 24hpoker gives 10,50 odds for chelsea, going to invest 10€ there and hope that they won't draw...
Estonian press says that barca lost 3 games in a row 9 years ago!
Wouldn't bet unless you follow Spanish and English leagues closely
Lol I do. Why would I advice about smt I didn't know shit about?
I don't watch and don't care about English football, but either your analysis is very simplified or is just bad. A bet on Chelsea is a waste of money or if you just want to amke the game more exciting. A better bet is for example over 2,5 or even over 3,5 for obvious reasons. You can just bet every time against Barcelona every time because of the odds. But good luck regardless.
edit: just looked that over 2,5 is only ~1,55...Well, books are sharp and big games are always harder to predict. Guess over 2,5 is not that good but still
First of all: As you see, Bolton won 2-1.

Second of all, Chelsea was worth a shot when it gives 10-12 times back. It ended 2-2, and I did advice people to bet that Chelsea would quali to the final. and they did.

So I might not write 10 pages of analasis because I know people is not gonna read it here.
But I make like 100 euros profit each day on betting, so I'm not just saying stuff.
Like I said, I don't follow English football, but Aston Villa seems like a weakish team. And I'm not talking about 10 pages, but this seemed a bit too simplistic
So guess we were both right, good luck in the future
Well, would you EVER read it if I did a complete analasis of the game? It's just about taking the important points out that will confince you :) U2.
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