Crossfire Skill Rating Tournament ?

yo guys/grls
Yesterday night while i was searching forum avi posts i saw GirljZE's comment
Quote GirljZE on 24/04/12, 20:58:42 PM | Report | Reply

tbh i don't know what my real skill is, cause there's no way to calculate it :/
And if i'd base my skill on oppo's "skill", as there is more skillfaker than overraters, that's hard to be right.

But i assume taking myself as a low+/med-

and i got to the conclusion that he is right and we all know that, we all have been thinking at least few times how can we determine our skil ? Not by a graphic or xp/kills/headshots per minute etc..

So I come with the ideea of organising a tournament maybe twice a year which is going to have a scale. Every single team/guy is starting from low rating ,inclusive top tier guys we got now . Its going to last few weeks ... like an OC or EC season :D all competitive active formats are going to be played like 1v1/3on3 or 6on6.Every team is going to play against all the other teams and score points for wining/draw or losing.

e.g 40-50 points med+/high
30-40 points med/med+
20-30 points med-/med
10-20 points low+
and everything below 10 points is going to be low.
dont really know now if this should be the right values :)

Each player can be rated for individiual skill, 3on3 skill and 6on6 skill.
So this is going to be a better system for players searching for team or teams searching for players. The top teams wont have to pick now only top guys who are trusted.

By organising it twice everybody can see his/their progress/regress /stagnation.
In my opinion it should be called Crossfire Skill Rating Tournament and hosted by Crossfire.

feel free to leave ur opinions in one or more comments.
Give goods or bads..

thanks for reading :)
this should revive ET at least for few moments :D
imo, doing a tryout is still the best way to prove skill individually
against what skills ?

fake skills pretending to be med- or even higher but in reality they suck ?
i know what you mean, but the team itself knows how good or bad the oppo was and in my opinion, brainless people are not higher than low+/med-
ur right with the brainless thing , but what u said about teams is true only for med and higher.
gather 1 year aim/game/acc/hs/time stats

know your skill
ill give u a 10 for effort, so is that good? or does that mean you're low+? guess we'll never know!
Some time ago it went like this

Being a member;
under one year = low
under two years = lowmed
around three years = med (med+ if know guys at friend-list)
over four years = skilled

Should be adjusted again.
please, i know people who are playing for 7 years and are still low:p

Wasn't that serious with that rating... Or maybe I just lack maus & mystic from buddy-list.
I am as shit as you can get and I play for around 6 years already
well ive been reading this thorougly,

and i came to the conclusion that u need to go out of your house for once.
do u mind staying off my bussiness ?
and im getting 15 soon ;)
go drink your milk boy
nothing wrong with milk.
I am high, don't care about the others.
stop smoking weed then
this is by far the best journal today!!
i hope tosspot & co. gonna see this and comment ;)
Everyone on crossfire is med+ so your point is invalid
nobody will want to determine his skill, because everyone knows who would make a fair opponent. So its kinda useless
gor ut point but not everyone knows....
true that, I think its a fantastic idea, but I don't see the use of it, people will know against what skill they can play and which skill is too high.
yea, but they have to take it serious, to focus.
not just like "fuck that shit" im taking panzerfaust on not needed to frag and get full... like in a fun war/pub
or trying to act like u dont care and the team is losing cos one guy...

if the lower tier could get's going to be a giant step forward for this game.
Skill is overrated anyway.
mad cuz low?
Yes wery upset
idd :) you just gotta be retarded like this domi prick...

luv joe
Idd, act like a total retard and people will know you! No skil required!
nice describing AL1 in a mocking way..prick!!
cant determine individual skill by someones 3o3/6o6/1o1-team's performance
what u mean ?
the player will get different or same skill for each format :)

oh and the team will be rated,and from there one if one players leaves his team where he played the tournament u can make an ideea about what he can do ( kinda used now too )

someone could be med but playing with lows, and therefor having to play vs low+ (or something) -- that doesnt mean that guy is low+.. neither does it mean his teammates are low+
Almost everyone knows everyone now-adays, they know how to play, what they can handle and what they cant handle.
so true man, 2on2 is the only way ;-)
;) my point exactly
Everyone basically knows his skill, the difference is wether ur ego is too big to let you admit what your real skill is or that you overrate yourselve.
Luckily underrating oneselves is barely ever done so you don't have to really worry about that.

Personally i know that my skill is low and on rare occasions low+

done :)

PS: Idea is good but never going to work, if you want all teams to play vs eachother. fe. Anexis will never bother to play vs the lowest of the lowest.
u could be right.
i could be wrong ^^
it could also be something for medish or lower guys..
the top guys dont need to prove themselves,but i see here already some good points that are going to be very difficult to counterattack :D
2 years and shotting like a boss
Basing your skill off that of your opponents still works, just in the aggregate.

One "med" opponent may be skillfaking, but four in a row likely wouldn't -- if you get held in spawn by one "low+" scrim, but can compete in six others, then that probably means you're low+ and that one scrim was skillfaking.
Totally agree!
im high skilled no reason to prove it in some shitty cup, come at me
Most crossfire users think that spamming on CF and getting their name anywhere where it's visible increases their skill and fame. It does increase the fame but it's likely the negative kind. You could practically asslick your way up to playing OC premier or even EC while being a lot lower than those who deserve to be at that level. Just knowing the right people and a few compliments here & there and you've got yourself a lot closer to the top.

I'm not saying I'm good or anything but it does feel good when some random guys with 2-3 year old cf accounts go mad and start saying stuff like "who the fuck are you?" "from zero to hero" etc.
why we have to do this? years ago there was a scala like this:

playing EC= high
playing OC prem= med+
playing OC div. 2= med
and so on ......
but also that is kinda bullshit since shitload of ppl are playing below their skill. Much people aren't even getting a chance to proof theirselves..
that's what i want to say too.
u know...all med- max guys play with their same nationality guys
even if they are very low he keeeps playing with them, he is stagnating, not doing perfomations or progress because of them,because he thinks he cant compete. but when he gets into a real team and atmosphere where nobody is being happy for backraping you knowing you are better than him or something everything is changed for him into this game :) got little personal expierence on this too:DDD
im low and proud of it!
Few days ago bashed xenja and friends in 3o3, playing just 1.5 year ;x
one of the most irrelevant posts ive ever seen.
QuoteNow, when you know all tutorial stuff, it’s time to get skills! You want to know what skill you have?- have a look on that skillometer:

0-39 xp per 15 mins map -> you are low, sorry ;(
40-79 xp -> low+
80-119 xp-> med.
120-159 xp -> med.+
160-199 xp -> high
200-239 xp -> high +
240 and more -> you should be banned cause of cheats

It doesn’t really matter at what server you have collected your experience points or what weapon have you used: just look at your xp- it will tell you all. Also, you can pay attention on your accuracy sometimes: if you have low acc on whole map, just leave and join team 1 minute before map ending, take pf and kill someone- your nick will be displayed on award list on ‘highest acc’ position. Then write in pub chat: ‘wtf only 100% acc, at 150 fps i should have more ;<’ You will show then you have good pc and you are fine aimer.

From Homer's journal way back when
so im med+/high because all i do is sit behind a medic/fop, shoot few bullets here and there, give health and revive? Gonna play ec next season
I think if you read the end of the post, you can tell Homer is being sarcastic. :P
500 xp on oasis in 2k4 np.
xp = skill
There is no possible formula dictating skill.
i can consider my skill from low- to med+ . This shit real happen.
just adjust your searching scale.

search med get low+
search high get med-
search aimbot get med
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