GooD morning(?)journal

Hello there everyone.

How is your saturday morning/late night?

I've been drinking whole night myself! Not much tho, mostly chillin' and drinkin' beer

Today is barbecue day!

I got some chicken, more chicken and some sausages, loads of beer and good company :-)

Sad story of this sunny saturday morning(LoL):
Yesterday I was about to start my push to 2k elo finally but image: OMU5W.

Anyway its going to be a supergreat weekend! Weather is supposed to be great or atleast good for next 3 days and I'm gonna be partyin' hard (cu Thomm)

image: BBYOT


Now playing?

Post a picture of yourself being drunk alone at 10am taking retarded mirror photos of yourself
Also any 'being drunk' related pictures are accepted
image: iQ3z3
Just about to leave to work, have to keep the store open for 4 hours.

After that, may-celebration starts and won't stop till tuesday. Are you coming to tynskän-työntö?
how is "tynskän-työntö"?? no experiences... Also asked my friends about it. After quick google search we were like "oooooh that thing"
Nice event with free alcohol and good company. Will join the group from centrum, shall hang around there until they come, drinking at the tori and maybe going to terassi too.
Today and tomorrow I will possibly be hanging around lapo puutarha aka siirtolapuutarha @äimärautio barbecue party sausagefest.

Terassi sounds good too, maybe cu someday =))
Tomorrow big party at Otokylä, +200 people attending, got music, sauna, free sausage, titties etc. Wink wink. When are you heading to Äimärautio? I got 4h to spend after 14:00 today, sitting at Limingantulli now.
We'll get our shit to Äimärautio at about ~15.00-18.00 depends when rest of our friends wakes up. I've been more than ready to barbecue for many hours!

Free titties and sausage doesent sound bad tbh..
good morning indeed... xD
hello mr hevonen
my dad made me orange juice

its very nice

gotta love the juice!
good morning. epic day already with epic weather. got friend's bday to attend to tonight. bb
im still drunk -_-
Same here! been drunk whole morning, still drinking and cant wait for today!
I heard I'm a nerd because I do not dream about ET but browse the Internet.
Woke up, noticed that I only had slept 5 hours.. tried to feel asleep again, obviously failed so I made the breakfast
What did you make as breakfast?
Wursts and a bowl of cereals :D
my dad made me orange juice

its very nice

im waiting for my visa so i can go to singapore! pakistan is not a fun country to be in
I like Ellie :)
Only stupid nigger fag wouldnt like Ellie :')
Chilling atm, with cool music.. Drinking Jus d'orange, was a good party last night i feel quite fucked up :DDDDDDDDDDD

image: 3925156670_a5dc6dba0b
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