ET Video Stream vs ETTV?

Just wondering what you all prefer?

As its kinda related to what im doing for CoD4 atm and trying to push our streams as much as possible. Someone is currently developing CoDTV but i think its going to hurt CoD4 more than help it.

Now with TosspoT streaming tonight

Do you prefer to watch the video stream or ETTV?

Side note, make sure you tune in tonight, the more viewers on a stream the better and i do mean it... chuck it in your xfire status, put it on twitter should be going live in like...30mins? Deserves a hell of alot of viewers.

related image.

image: 15p4ch5
ETTV, quality + you can decide yourself what to watch.
ETTV, quality + mAus
I prefer ettv. My internet is shit and streams look awful and lag like shit for me!
ETTV definitely
however streams are good for non-ETplayers
What would make you watch a stream over ETTV?
personally, probably nothing :P
really? even tho it helps ET in the bigger picture?
yeah, just prefer having it actually ingame, even if its a really good quality stream, i still dont think its the same, and its not exactly hard to sync up the shoutcast but that might just be me, also if u get bored of following the shoutcaster u can just spec whoever
what about leaving the video stream in the background + ETTV?
yeah that could work but i wouldnt wanna be hearing hitsounds etc in the background, only the shoutcaster :P
haha good point sync it up proper... nP ;P get stereo sound O_O
why do u think CoDTV would hurt the game btw?
well to get the metrics (figures) we need to approach sponsors etc we need to show we can get viewers (lets say who once a hour see a advert) and without a influence on our market (gamers watching the advert) via that route we have no influence on possible commercial value so why would sponsors be bothered? (they wouldn't be) .

Point being, big streams > big following > better commercial value > more interest etcetc.

So lets say in this game TosspoT somehow got 500 viewers, showed a couple of ads itd look good for ET to still say we can get this many viewers watching your adverts two times a hour etc...for x amount of dorra.


if CoDTV takes away lets say 30% of our viewers , we lose money and it hurts the sport in general as its value becomes less to sponsorship etc.

SIDE NOTE look how much someone like TSM Dyrus makes off streaming all day ;D the guy turns down lans because itd be against his financial interests to not stream for a whole weekend even if he won the event.
Parent get paid for streaming!? didn't know that, wouldn't have asked that question other wise ;D i wouldn't mind codtv tho personally (obviously different from my pov) cos im pretty new to cod4 and wouldn't mind learning a thing or two by speccing some of the top players :)
you can do that by watching the live stream! or the players do the game-play videos
will start watching whenever i see one up next! gl with it all anyhoo
not having ET installed
Being on the wifes mac. But thats pretty rare!
cor' how youv settled down! :P
stream cuz i dont have to sync up
Stream if and ONLY if it offers a decent quality.
Sadly, none of the streamers atm (even tosspot) can offer that for ET.
really? ive always found own3d have a fairly good stream quality even if the streamer isnt going all out. What quality do you generally look for, examples would be awesome.
ET streams haven't even got a HD option. dno if it's something for premium users or not
hmm im shocked the stream isnt at the whole partner level where you can select it
It's hard to beat ETTV, just because of the quality+freedom of whom to watch you get with it!

But having the stream open for the shoutcast+watching ETTV yourself is how I would do it, considering I wanted to listen to a shoutcast :p
i get the freedom i guess thats the awesome part of it all.
/tvchat off
ETTV, always
Okay it seems people really do prefer ETTV for the freedom etc but i gotta say streaming games is literally the biggest way forward for eSports in general, would you be interested if i got prizes/give-aways for hitting a certain number of viewers etc?
To get viewers up, prizes would be the best thing. But it's hard, because if the prizes disappear so will the viewer peak.

I would watch streams just for the support, or even have it open for the numbers.
That's not a bad idea but imo it won't be that efficient since ET community isn't as big as it used to be (and other players just don't give a damn about old games with ugly graphics :<).
ettv all the way because of chatting and high quality
what if own3d has a better chat feature?
shoutcast, chatting, poland filter, high quality :) would be perfect
ETTV > stream imho
But it really depends... sometimes I'm too lazy to turn up ET to just watch a match and usually I do other stuffs during that so stream is quite handy in that way. And ofcourse non-ET players can watch it. On other hand my internet is shitty and streams are always lagging for me :<. It has its pros and cons I suppose.
Well do me a favour tonight tune in and lets see how many viewers we can get, spam zee link about as really it does help ET
Can you make things clear on how it really affects ET's health? What could be the concrete outcome of a high stream viewerk peak?
I'm watching the stream since I'm somehow too lazy to watch it ingame and the quality is okay!
anexis mAus come on!
awesome stuff btw keep this up ladies and gents 200viewers is amazing...

get that link spammed about, tweet it, put it in your xfire, facebook WHO KNOWS EVERYWHERE
ettv whit /tvchat off
I prefer a stream if there is a shoutcast, you dont need to sync it yourself. And ET runs like shit on my netbook so a stream is always nice if I'm too lazy to turn on the PC.

But ETTV allows you to use better / prefered graphic settings.
Prefer the stream, easy and convenient to just have to click one link to get a decent quality match up with Tosspot's ever amazing shoutcast.
A stream with a good caster is preferable to ETTV, makes a lot less of a headache with syncing up the stream and etc.

ETTV has ~30 sec delay
Tosspots Video Stream has ~1:30 delay
ETTV has exactly 60 seconds delay
Can't agree with that, since radio is live, right? And I have to sync it about 20-30 sec normally..
radio isnt live, its also delayed.

and the 60s delay is not a matter of opinion, its a fact :p
def connect(self, server, pass1, pass2, chainLeader = False):
if self.stype == 'tv':
ok, didn't know that.
with streams, preferably with shoutcast, so i can still do other things, and even when im in another tab i still hear whats happening thanks to the shoutcaster
stream, definitely.
Liked stream more today becoz it had a decent quali + nice caster only annyoing things are the commecial brakes ( 30 sec on the map , allies took the obj = COMMERCIAL BRAKE WATTA FACK = end , obj secrured :D) ...

Coz today ive watched ET stream with some friends they dont even know ET that much but they liked it coz of the quali+caster! :)

Thanks Toss!
a stream with a good quality, shoutcaster + commentator who knows a lot about the game. somehow never liked tosspot's comments about what teams do wrong etc, he should just stick to the thing he does and knows the best... shoutcasting!
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