Sticked - Cube

What happened?

Sticked 1 - 0 The Cube

I want to understand why potty's so mad at frogs.

Nice name change

image: tumblr_m1o1ruD4w31qzy9ouo1_500
Potty was such a nice man and now he hates me cos of some retarded frenchies ! :(
Just take the loss on the chin and move on, forfeits... not cool!
Scarzy has been part of the cube lineup for over a month now but they forgot to add him to CB, so they added him quite recently before the match started. so when sticked lost the match they complained about scarzy being added so recently to CB and claimed a forfeit :] pretty gay move (I'd MAYBE have done the same if the player was actually a merc taken to carry them, but it wasn't, Scarzy is their 6th and they seem to just be desperate for a win.. 8]).

disappointed in em anyway, hope they get knocked out of the groups for this childish behaviour. (actually thought e.g. Provok was against this kind of bullshit but I was wrong)
Quote so they added him quite recently before the match started

Quote April 29 22:11 Added member(s) Scarzy

Match started at 21:30. They didn't ask us to play with a merc + they tried to hide it to us by saying he was allowed (when skynet asked them). Now tell me who's the lamest team.

The CUBE just had to take a wildcard if they weren't 6 for the match, they wanted to play with a merc, which is not allowed by CB rules (we lost like 3 times becuz of that so we aren't cool anymore about the rules).
yeah accept Scarzy isn't a merc he's been a member of their LAN team since like February and he already played in other cups with them. you're a fucking joke so don't try to justify your actions by calling a member of their lineup since before OC was made a "merc" :D go speak to your teammate Snatix.
He aint a merc you fucktard
u did F3 so u agreed. case closed.
No rules in OC 6v6 say that, just take a look :)

+ We asked them if he was allowed to play, potty said yes so we didn't check. Liers won np, totally normal to lie, play with merc, insult CB admins.
Dealt with CB enough to know, that ppl who don't have players added, or have added 12 players during the playoff stage (when 2 players is max to add during playoffs) never lose.
ye this is a privilege when you are known, don't follow rules -> win anyway
I changed the name again + added a small dscription to clear things up.

But sticked should of been in the 3rd/4th division if they are going to swim around looking for reasons to get a win! Have fun getting raped by humm3l and the poles!
Already explained to you my POV..
were you playing? I'm even more disappointed then.. 8[
snatix is actually OK. He said he thought his team were lame for doing it!
Yeah i was. I feel pretty bad atm. You can ask the logs to potty if you want!
it's cool I believe you :) I'd feel bad too surrounded by such desperation.
u play with upload, your argument is invalid
whatever saddo :)
Potty that's stupid changing the name (as funny as it is!)

Sticked, not sure why you've done this. You didn't deserve the win from start to finish, we beasted the living shit out of you on both maps and simply taking a forfeit win is unfair to the absoloute max (I think the same thing happened with supski last season or something similar at least which was also unfair) Wish the admins saw some kind of sense and put these idiots in a lower division / even put the game as a draw.... Because they CLEARLY didn't deserve the win as I've said...

Oh well :(
You know the name change is needed to get us kicked out of CB so they dont get a win! :D
like we give a flying fuck bro :-)
Well you clearly do! :D
potential OC winner has dropped out, not good :b
I don't see you as a cunt btw, you are actually helpful. Honestly move to ESL because you don't decerve the flame being a CB admin... whereas most of the others do!
hehe I'm not CB admin actually, just a "pro referee" 8-) btw 2 forfeits = kick from the cup, so give up one more game and you will be deleted = sticked won't get this win :P
Golo could just watch our demos and see how unbelievable this decision is, also they didn't have their CB nicks so surely we can bullshit our way to victory as well!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P
Thanks for the info! I am glad they won't get anything from this then. To play OC only 3 matches and get raped all 3 must be pretty upsetting though :DDDD
its a shame tbh, ET admin should just make a bit of an obvious decision. they probably broke more rules in that game then us (swapping players mid round, wrong nicks etc) we just didnt care - we wanted to play a game and have a laugh. Ive never forced a forfeit result in the entire time I have gamed and thats quite a while.. and a lot of games :D
I did the same thing in ESL 5v5 premier 2011 when we got a forfeit loss after storming some random team =] how can you have motivation when people just take forfeits after your efforts to play the match well =P
rules are rules
apply for 1st division
not good enough
act like douches
win by forfeit
finishing oc
didn't play but ranked well

image: 233-goofy-son-i-am-disappoint
So we should shut the fuck up and let you play with a merc ? Rules are rules, you lied to us by saying he was allowed to play and you added him to your team on CB right after the match (~22:30).

Skynet asked you if Scarzy was allowed to play during the match, potty said yes. Not my fault if you guys can't ask us before the match if you can play with a merc.

You tried to do it in our back, you lost. We are just following rules since we got trolled by those "rules" about 10 times.
Your roll and electro attack always beat me in SF2 :-(
It's not a fucking merc and you know it, you just pretend like you don't see/know who is their 6th. Fucking pathetic French glory (victory) hunters, fuck off fuck off fuck off
I don't care if he's a merc or not, he wasn't on the CB team so it's a lose, that's the rules, why The CUBE can pass through rules and not others clans in lower leagues ?

Oh yeah they are known so they don't have to follow rules, true. No point making teams @ CB if you can play with people not registered there.
Scarzy make too many headshot in game, he make big win, but sticked not happy at big hs win becase Scarzy is dick.
hf playing IRC games
I guess they will play LAN :)
hf with that 4-0 lose!
we will see man :)
Biggest ET drama 2k12 so far? I would understand if the Cube took somebody who actually isnt a member of the clan, but United KingdomScarzy has been a member of the Cube for a long time (and i think u know it too). Imo kinda lame from Sticked, not exactly what ET needs at its current state.
cb changing their rules again?
thought readying up meant you were fucked
it's ESL, the league where you can add a player 1sec before match, with nice rules etc... :D
isnt this bullshit about a cb match
I said that the "readying up blabla..." is from ESL rules
same happened several times at cb
I thought that once you all ready-up, you automaticly agree with the CB rosters and shit?
[CB]t4Mj • Once the match starts, neither clan can complain that the other clan is using a player with a different nickname or who hasn't been in the clan for 24 hours. A clan may make a claim of freelancers if their opponent uses a player who has the wrong GUID registered or is an unregistered player, or uses a substitute who is breaking the above rule, or a player changes their name into an unrecognisable nickname during the match.

I searched that rule on CB OC 6v6 rules, didn't find it. Then I typed it into Google and I found some rules on CoD4, CoD2 :D
Well, they should make that a rule for ET aswell. It just shows how much of a fucking pussy someone is after they lost a game when they got completely steamrolled.
we didn't get steamrolled, didn't play for weeks and still managed to play well (lost bremen for 15secs :D)
Well, you still lost. I think you should deal with it and don;t act like a bitch and try to win on a faggot way
They should make a rule. People who want a forfeit after getting fucked in the arse should get free anal reconstruction free from the clanbase crew!
or let both of the teams fight it out on lan

with weapons

the team that wanted the forfeit win wont get weapons

fight till the death
They are french, the only weapon they will have is a white flag!
i havent read yo shizzle except this
y u fuckin mean @ us? :SSS
y u fuckin mean @ us? :SSS
commence a y avoir de moins en moins de français avec un QI supérieur à 55 sur ET!
jsuis a 57 np4me
t'es en dessous toi tête de con
C'est pas toi le mec qui a joué avec un etbot durant de longues années ? Ouvre plus jamais ta bouche stp
tu dois bien te gourrer de mec donc un gros ferme ta gueule s'impose à toi jeune mongol
non, t'es juste une merde

mais ça ne change rien au fait que tu dois fermer ta gueule hehe
Je crois que provok ne t'aime pas :$
mouai c'est pas nouveau !
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