Dear cf,
So it's nothing new but I'm too newschool to know and a bit curious why some players think RTCW > ET. I remember that when I was 9 year old I played MP demo of RTCW but that was long time ago and I started playing ET around 2008 so have no clue about why ET sucks comparing to RTCW. I have too shitty computer to run RTCW smoothly so can't try to compare them by myself.
I'd just like to know your opinions. Have a nice day :)

image: 241209_christmas_lin-ketong_001
It's faster, more dynamic
When ET came out, RTCW > ET. Over time hitboxes got fixed (etpro), XP got removed and good maps for competition were created.

+ firerate
+ finished game
+ cdkeys
- only two second spawnshield
- you can be pushed back even with spawnshield active
- no antilag
- old inaccurate hitboxes (headhitbox, going up ladders etc)

+ the fixed the respawnsystem
+ better netcode / antilag
+ free game
- no cdkey = cheaters

I never played RTCW competetivly, but from watching WTV and ETTV I have to say RTCW firerate might be faster, but in the end ET has more Actions Per Minute due to the constant selfkill and rushes. The second big difference is that in RTCW the objective lies in between axis and allies. In ET, the objective is behind the axis respawn.

I see ET as a natural evolution of RTCW. Firerate got lowered because of improving PC gear (more fps, optical mice etc) just like Quake had to lower the railgun and shaft damage. The respawnsystem was broken and it got fixed in ET.
I have yet to see one RTCW player admit the respawnsystem is fucked up. I played vs merlinator and friends on beach once and all they did was airstrike / nade spam us back into the bunker while we spawned :'( Also RTCW hitboxes arent accurate, why else did they fix ETmain hitboxes.
its just opinion ;)

RtCW hitboxes are more accurate, because they are smaller (the size of the head) but they have their issues when crouching / ladders, ET ones are from memory Rtcw Hitxboxes cubed, in size - also have their bugs where you can get a body shot when only seeing the head of someone - neither are perfect, both have their flaws.

Netcode is an interesting thing, anti lag itself is not a great feature, RtCW actually has it but its always turned off. Again, its opinion, but 100 ping stable being the ideal doesnt mean anti lag is good it just means the netcode is broken in a different area (:D). Spawnshield in RtCW is 2.5 secs ;P but yea, it can be hard to adjust - unlike ET where Axis can spawn flag @ supply and be shooting bottom of the stairs with spawn shield on - again its not fixed in ET its just not perfect in either.

The main differences between ET and RtCW are small but make the games quite different.

Higher Firerate
Higher Spread
No Fall Off Damage (Its worth shooting people halfway across the map)
Cannot shoot accurately standing up long range
Panzers are useful all the time
Less Stages (meaning games can still be won until around 0:30 left on the clock, resulting in intense games more often)
Defences more about holding positions (always have LT / Fop for ammo)
Spawn times mean teams can be caught with "bad spawns" (generally 30/30 spawns)
Most maps have doc runs for main objective by players, which leads to more doc saves etc.
All maps are original maps and work competitively (it helps that RtCW was a final release here, though)

Lower Firerate
Lower Spread
Fall Off Damage (its not worth shooting people halfway across the map)
Can shoot accurately standing up long range
Rifles are useful all the time
More Stages (meaning games can be over with 3:00 left on the clock, sometimes more - not as consistently intense)
Defences more about pushing out on spawn (rarely have LT / Fop for ammo)
Spawn times mean teams can be caught with "bad spawns" upto 2 of every 3 spawns max (generally 30/20 spawns)
Most maps have escorts for main objective, which is less dramatic
Most Maps built for Public play (some have been since adapted for competitive)

I think the above can be seen as 100% accurate, and its opinion on which is better due to those. In my opinion between the games I prefer RtCW graphics and gun sounds over ET, but as everyone destroys graphics for competitive play this means little other then fragmovies and ET has since had a HD pack made and released.

Although I played RtCW a lot, lot longer, I remember games and situations being more heart clenching then ET where it is rare to see such amazing saves like Dignitas @ CiC7, it is quite common place for this sort of stuff in RtCW which imo makes it more enjoyable to play and especially to watch, ET I find absolutely boring as hell without shoutcast :(
afaik spread is the same, I remember bani having to repeat it hundred times, its only faster firerate, not more spread.

nice counterarguements :)
Im pretty sure the spread is different, you can just sprint around like a loon in ET while hitting everything, not going to happen for you in RTCW though :P
I guarantee 100% that rtcw spread is higher, ET has very little spread RtCW after the first 2-3 bullets has a lot.

This is why you see a lot of players in RtCW crouching when they shoot because it lowers the spread.
the spread might be close to the same, but RTCW has more spread, might be faster because of the higher firerate yes, but still youll need more luck to shoot someone long range on rtcw than ET
rtcw hitboxes are far better.
they are just different, I dont know why either would "suck"..
RtCW can be a bit problematic because of no antilag though
Well lets make this simply easy to understand ...
... ET is RtCW retarded brother (adopted aswell)
Yea, that's why I'm asking. Imo ET is a great game and when I had a working computer back then I had a blast playing it. But I never really played RtCW and you guys always say ET is "his retarded brother"... care to explain? :P
The hole concept of the game, ET is just not as exciting as RtCW is. Gameplay is way better than ET. Just cant explain why the game is better ...
to generalise it is just slower all-round compared to RtCW. (stages, rate of fire, map times etc) its opinion if this is better or worse.
also movement is bit different, but not sure if there are hitsounds?
panzer, grenades etc.. exploding radius is bigger and takes mord damage i think
movement different? maybe no pmove fixed so the jump height might vary a little bit, but it cant really be that much of a difference?
Its is bit different from ET, better in that case.
how is it different? I only played RTCW pub (efterlyst, telenet and cmdr keen server), only started to play more serious when ET go released.
quite hard to tell, not that smooth or sth..
should have played osp:D
No hitsounds, one of the hardest adjustments imo
in RTCW movement/brains is more important than in ET...
movement maybe but being a smart player is important equally in probably every game.
Waarom speelt ge dan rtcw als ge daarvoor brains nodig hebt :DDD
zegt de bandwerker.
lol, ik werk al lang ni meer aan den band :DDD da was een interimke voor een paar weken :DDD
movement is so much better!!!!!
ET got hitboxes
this is the best pro
I guess many people started with RTCW, got good in it. Then ET came so, reason one to hate ET: many people/clans switched to ET. Reason two: they mastered RTCW, but could not master ET. So they just spread this "RTCW>>>ET", however it's not an objective opinion, it just comes from their feelings.

Didn't play much RTCW though, but main differences i noticed: you can't pickup enemy's weapon, maps are not so open (more corridors), no hitsounds, too strong panzer, stronger sniper, no landmine, no riflenade, faster movement, faster firerate.

Although still rtcw > et
use to play rtcw imo i think it is better than ET, but not by alot.
Panzers and higher fire rate help create more exiciting moments, you got to shoot like 10hs to get a fast 4 man in ET.

Other than that the games both have positive and negatives, dependning what mood im in can prefer either one. However overall I prefer RTCW due to the nostalgia.
Frostbite has a flag, not a CP !!
Not this shit again :XD
Personally for me its the ET scene which makes the game unbearable as its 98% total retards who should be hanged from their balls to a truck backpipe and then dragged around siberia.
I think someone listed the reason for that as a 'pro' for ET sipperi. It's free / antilag. This attracts the audience we don't like.
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