Monitor borked?

Suddenly, something like 30 minutes ago, my monitor decided to resize it self (after flickering a bit). Now it is all screwed, since I can't make the screensize fit to the screen :(
I can in vertical size but not in horizontal size; it lacks about 2 centimeters in each side. In addition it also has made the edges look wave and bulgy :(

I tested difference resolutions and when I go into fullscreen in ET (800*600) it fits perfectly.

I have a ViewSonic E92f+ and it is about 3 years old, so if anyone has experience the same, please do tell.

I just uploaded an image of it
It's a shitty camera that I have :)
try different Hertz, 16bit/32bit etc etc. Might be some combos that work since you say it works in ET.
Hmmm... I tried that

The only resolution that really works well is 800*600, going upwards just makes it worse.

At 1280*1024, which I've been using for ages, and 60 herz I can make the screen fit, but that is just anoying to watch. When the herz goes up, it gets screwed up again.
on my monitor there are some buttons where i can customize the the displayed area.. havent you got something like this?
Sure there is, but as I said in the text it isn't possible to make adjustments so that it is perfect, like it used to be :(
shut off your pc, and plug out and plug in all the cables..
tried that :(

buy a new one? D:
invest in a new monitor
Wouldn't that be nice?

I don't have the money to buy one :-/
become a prostitute!
Buy a used one... 21" CRTs are given away practically free these days, when people are buying new TFTs. :)
I have the same problem. :(
i remember i was playing trackmania and suddenly a flame popped out from the case of my monitor:), it totally burned
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