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How do you stand on introducing brightskins into ET?

[ ] Never
[ ] r_ambientscale 3 (default 0.5, models are somewhat brighter)
[ ] CPMA Style

would level the field a bit if everybody had brightskins and not only the hackers :)
Depends which kind of brightskins :)

Personally r_ambientscale 1 would be pretty nice, it makes shit more visible... !
[ ] wtf are you talking about?
pix, plz.
pls do us a favour and take ctf screenshot with some blue and red team players that looks good not somthing with that shit(use default for exapmple) config from dm, this screen really sucks...
The q3 bit? who the fuck uses red and blue skins in quake3 ctf? NOONE, thats who.
r_ambientscale would be the best compromise

i would hate to see CPMA style brightskins in ET
r_ambientscale, better than brightskins for game like et
abmient scale 5 is max(no difference between 5 and 1000), however there are other things that are affected by ambient scale such as health ana ammo packs,, not to mention radars (on radar) that glow like insane @ ambientscale 5. Imo blue and red bright skins like clown made (but he made green and purple versions) are the best option, of you dont like them, turn them off :)
r_ambientscale is the best solution
r_ambientscale imo
CPMA Style !!!
think the game should stay as it is tbh
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