ET is turning into CS
3 Jan 2007, 10:33
also, having pb sit on their ass and not detect nexus for like a month already is killing ET.
also, having pb sit on their ass and not detect nexus for like a month already is killing ET.
a lot of cheaters and only a few good clans :<
need the old times!!!!
but now i went to sleep, gn
Alis sucked, og det er sandheden!
btw was is an frost_final anders?
du greifst ne burg an, sprengst 2 mauern ( einmal um das tor aufzumachen und einmal um den cp zu baun = neuer spawn ).
dann musst du im inneren der burg das objective klauen, das zum truck bringen un den heimfahren.
sieht lustig aus und arni kann bestimmt auch ne spring verison draus machen :D
more and more tournaments with prizemoney ( 2006: ec, esl.ips, cpc #2, qcon ) and more coverage ( gtv, giga1 / giga2 ).
The only thing we need now is more stable and serious clans.
And new maps, for example.
yes its being over run by cheats
yes too many poles play it :)
yes the net code is fucked
yes the crouch hit box is STILL fucked
yes we all still love ET
its a shame the kids are ruining the game :(
Otherwise I agree with you!
lo btw nizou :)
thanks very much to punkbuster and clanbase admins which made all this possible
Everything change. The question is only if its for better or worse.
From all aspects.
That means 1 out of 4 hits = HEADSHOT!
It's remarkable nowadays how many -nonames- are owning in pracs (especially 3o3)
When you check yawn you see a noname that never was in a clan or something, a guy with +100 various nicks that owns you with 50hs out of 200hits... I'm sorry but i don't think that's skill :(
I'm getting hax from various persons and when I ask them how they get it, they simply say: Google my friend!
I send them to PB and they reply: "We're aware of it!"
That's just bullshit because nexuz & crushr releases are still undetectable.
Less whine!!!
PB isn't actually even doing anything :<
The strange thing is that we need more competition...yes, idle lost in 5on5 but they still rule the competition..i want more of u say it...idolclans again ! like dignitas, parodia, roistot, saevus...
seeing clans like that make u want 2 get better with REAL skill not just stupid hax
AND we need hitsounds on nades fo sho