

I had to reinstall my uberpc yesterday and accidentily deleted my backup HD, losing all the stuff I have been gathering over the past 10 years :'''''''(

So now I got a few Q4U:

Is there any way to recover data from a partition you just deleted. I didnt format it, just accidentaly deleted the partition when installing windows. The disk hasnt been used yet as even windows doesnt recognize it atm (no partition)

Somehow my MSN and windows registration arent working. I can do anything on the internet except that. MSN connection helper sais all is fine :'(

Well, I guess thats all atm
Here's a pic for those who didnt liek my journal:
image: ellenpo8
install another msn, i had that prob with 7.5 then i had to go to this shit live messenger and it worked
if u didnt format and u know the exact size the partition had it should be possible to just restore it by creatin a partition in the empty space (i would suggest usin some linux-livecd n cfdisk, i dont trust the windows tools in that). ofc theres a chance it wont work, so better make an image of the hdd before to have more shots :>
hi #international-night-mixes Tob!
lo n good mornin :)
I could realy use some names of apps that allow you to take images of HD's and recover partitions.
hmm, i suppose u need them for windows, im no expert there. maybe have a look at norton-ghost? else, if u use a linux-cd, try "dd" as command (dd if=/dev/hda of=diskimage bs=512).
use ontrack easyrecovery.. and use it with care ;)

kan ik windoos cd niet insteken en gewoon nieuwe partitie maken die exact even groot is? of moet ik speciaal proggy gebruiken
I know there are apps which can recover even data which is formated. But i dont know the names :(
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