Hello, I would to go to Rome with my girlfriend, I already made a list of all the monuments that we would like to visit.

I would like to know if someone who live there or if you already visited Rome could inform me about the price of taxi, train, a good restaurant and others interesting things to do :D

Normaly we will book an hotel in the center of the city around the vatican .. if that can help you.

Gracias !
underground has 2 shit lines only afaik. But if it's sunny you can do pretty much everything by foot cause Rome isn't that big!
Rome is fucking huge!
Quote by daisyIt's easy to get around on foot

Quote by GonzowDoable by foot

Quote by FropMost of the popular stuff is doable by foot

If he wants to do the classic tourist it's defeinitely doable by foot ;)
It is doable my foot but that doesn't mean it's a small city
no comprendo
Its really expensive I think. But such an amazing city, have fun!
Romania Stevji is the man you need, or also Columbia n0cs but he knows only discos lololol
Trastevere is a nice medieval neighbourhood, filled with good restaurants :)

It's easy to get around on foot, but would recommend public transport for longer distances. The prices and information of public transport are easy to find with GOOGLE.

Also, it's a quite cheap city, atleast for a Finn! :)
Doable by foot, although went clubbing outside the city once on a hitched ride, guys bounced and we were left to walk back to our hostel, took fucking forever and I fell asleep in some sort of garden once. So I guess think about clubbing etc. beforehand, not when you've already had a couple shots.
I read to myself what couple of shots do to you and then I realized :

QuoteFlag: United Kingdom

Now it makes perfect sense :D
Most of the popular stuff is doable by foot, the rest with public transportation (regular European pricing as far as I know). You pass by plenty of restaurants, bars and other stuff when you're walking around, so just pick one you like. As far as interesting stuff goes, pick up a city map at your hotel. All the other events are probably broadly advertised on posters everywhere (not even counting all the young people handing out party flyers to tourists).
Have you already booked?

I liked Rome, but I do not plan to go back there first in Italy. Check out Florence too if you haven't, absolutely amazing city.
not yet tomorow maybe, well yeaahhh florence is nice too, well i like the city in the game assassin screed now irl i dont know how it looks like ^^ but Rome i will certenly do it one time in my life too
oh putain.........
Mate, i live in rome ! just talk on irc or pvt message or facebook if u have and i will tell you all you need :)
Way too crowded. Feel like a bunch of sardines in a box.
J'y ai été y a quelques mois, le TAXI depuis l'aéroport coute 20 euros ( pour vous deux) jusqu'à votre hôtel, après franchement tu peux prendre bus/métro ou marcher c'est pas cher du tout.

Au niveau restaurant les prix sont variables mais à deux tu t'en sors pour entre 25 et 40 euros en général. A savoir, en Italie dans les restaurant classique, tu as un premier plat de résistance et un deuxième, généralement une pizza en premier et une pièce de viande en deuxième.

Place sympa à aller voir bah les sites classiques de rome. Le collisé est super impressionant. C'est une ville qui mélange l’antique et le neuf, et plutôt bien mixée. Sinon je te conseillerais d'aller du côté de la fontaine de Trevi c'est vachement beau.

Côté nouveautés, tu as un nouveau centre commercial et lieu de design sur la périphérie, tu peux prendre le train/taxi pour y aller environ 5 euros de transport.

Moi j'étais dans un hôtel pas loin de la gare routière donc bien centré pour aller où tu veux 30 euros la nuit avec petit déjeuner ( beaucoup d'indiens tiennent les hôtels dans le centre). Le bus est à 1 euros et quelques le ticket à la journée.

Le Vatican est à voir aussi, il y a pas mal d'attente mais c'est super impressionnant, vas-y en matinée car l'après-midi c'est trop blindé.

Je te conseille de regarder sur le site de la ville de Rome pour la semaine ou tu y es, y a pas mal d'activités etc donc si t'es dans une période de fête ou carnaval ça bouge beaucoup le soir aussi.

Après selon la durée de ton voyage, tu peux aussi bouger dans d'autre villes, nous on a été à Venise après, très couteux mais excellent.

Have fun
Why visit Rome if you can play Assassins Creed zlol
Been to Rome aswell, it's really nice! Restaurants in the centre weren't that expensive, if you're eating for 2 it's probably like 50e. I wouldn't go inside the colosseum tho if i were you, i had to wait for 2,5 hours in line and it wasn't really worth the 2,5 hours:p
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