Nothing I can do about it either, stuck with this until things are changed. I live in a brand new 3 story house with brand new phone lines (built 2011) and this is the shit I get.
Purely because I live 2miles away from town.
My last place was a drug den with violence so moved... I got 100Mb there for £15 less.
I live here in the middle of where it used to be just field. Last year I had my house built here, this is a no good area for 3G or 4G. I struggle to even get a signal on my phone 80% of the time. I know as people next to me used a dongle & had to order internet as it was useless.
had the same shit (<100 kb/s) for about 12 years and then 2 years ago, my provider replaced the prehistoric copper cables by fibre optic cables. Didnt have any internet issues ever since although i live in the woods, 10 km from the next city
That's the thing, it's not like I live in the middle of nowhere. Next to me is a school, and 1,375 homes, all of which get the same shitty speed.
1 straight road (less than 1 mile). infact it's 0.6mi, 2mins drive and they get 100Mb, that is where the nearest cabinet is located.
Apparently to do it, they would need £126,000.00. This is not the only trouble... BUT there's infrastructure in the way.... seriously?
This is the road... seriously... a problem with infrastructure? The path already has the line there, you can clearly see that I'm posting this now, they can use the exact same manhole, which would require 1 days work to extend it to a new box there. If they did 1,375 homes would get 100Mb for less than we pay for < 1Mb...
I'm going to sue them soon, as in the UK anything below 2Mb is not broadband, yet they charge me & class it as that.
moins bien puisque avec rien que de la fibre tu n'aura pas de problèmes de vitesse pendant les heures de pointes et l'upload peut aller beaucoup plus haut.
Ouai mais ça reste sûrement mieux (et même sûrement moins cher) que le vieux VDSL2 de merde que je me tape chez belgacom
e: tu payes combien toi pour ta connexion de malade chez telenet ?
Oui ça reste meilleur que le vdsl2 pour le moment mais une fois que belgacom fera ses travaux pour la vectorisation les vitesses pourront être plus proche de la fibre optique que le cable. Pour le prix de ma connexion c'est 69,95€ juste pour internet.
Telekom DSL Comfort 6000 oder sowas nennt sich das. Vertrag läuft aus im Oktober (3 Jahre alt).
Ich wurde damals durch einen netten Telekom Mitarbeiter quasi gezwungen zu denen zu wechseln, da er seltsamerweise 4x nicht kam und so Arcor nicht schalten konnte. :-))
Ne, war damals nen relativ normaler Preis (würde heute noch TV oder so dabei kriegen). Telekom 40 Euro, die Drittanbieter um die 25-30 Euro. Arcor wären 30 Euro halt gewesen. Da aber die Telekom damals wie heute auf den Leitungen sitzt und sie erst freischalten muss für die Drittanbieter, können die natürlich lustige Spielchen spielen. Ist vllt heut etwas humaner das Ganze, aber vor 3 Jahren war das deren Masche Kunden zu ködern ;-)
Mal gucken wohin es mich nach dem Studium verschlägt, vllt ergibt sich was günstigeres :-)
nah man, don't even have cable in my house :(. the houses next to me do, though. moving out soon but if i would want a cable here i'd have to pay ca 5000$
Plus only 20% of UK is covered by it. They do not upgrade areas any more, and haven't done since NTL owned Virgin Media. Virgin Media are the only company that supplies it (apart from Small World Media, which are for the fields like Yorkshire).
I agree, really takes the piss when you see in RU they get 200Mb for 90% less the price of my 0.02Mb.
I'm talking about Virgin Media. The FTTC is not spreading out either, it is from the old street cabinet. The only cable changed is from the cabinet to the property, hence FTTC.
I live in a brand new house with brand new boxes, and it's not here. (I get 0.02Mb) but apparently that's acceptable.
I am a local broadband champion & it is my duty to make sure we get it ASAP.
BT Infinity is only available in streets where they're close'ish to the exchange (which is pointless as they get a decent speed anyway).
I live 2.1Miles away from our exchange, my sister 200M, she gets BT Infinity.
The telephone exchange was enabled months back now, but they haven't touched anywhere outside of 400M, and won't this year at least.
First of all, it's not from an 'OLD' cabinet, they're replaced, or an additional one is placed beside it. FTT'C'.
There is no limit for distance, give it time.
It takes time to fit the roads from outside of the exchange, think of how much work has to be done. I don't have FTTC, but my mother (2 streets down) does, because we use different exchanges, that shows the distance does not matter as she is also on the 'border' of the exchange range.
We have 2 exchanges and the one I'm connected to is enabled for BT Infinity, the other one is also connected for Infinity.
Also, it's not just Infinity many companies do the FTTC, and sorry I was meant to say the new box is linked to the old box, and it's a smaller cab, quite diddy tbh.
I'm not on the outter distance of the exchange (there's another 2 miles to go), so distance is a key here (as you can see by looking at the current street cabinet #'s connected). I have the current rollout plan (which apparently you can't get as I've asked so many times over the phone). I managed to acquire it from a friend who knows an Open Reach guy. My cabinet and the ones leading to the exchange have no plans for an upgrade in 2012. The only ones are within around 400M (going by my knowledge of the area).
paying like 30 EUR with digibox:D getting rolled hardcore by the company, but mom refuses to go with me to change everything for some reason (phone incl i think)
20€ - Obviously it's the upload speed I am paying for.
Upload: 5 Mbit/s
€ 52 per month (TV and phone included)
television 17,50
so I guess it comes for nothing
also, free calling to people with the same isp
Even in Kazakhstan they get better internet.
No wonder we're behind Brazil now in the economy. Spend more on ways to put the price of everything up, give less in return... and we still lose out?
paying 40euros a month FML
£37 + £15 per month for line rental.
Only thing I can get.
Purely because I live 2miles away from town.
My last place was a drug den with violence so moved... I got 100Mb there for £15 less.
1 straight road (less than 1 mile). infact it's 0.6mi, 2mins drive and they get 100Mb, that is where the nearest cabinet is located.
Apparently to do it, they would need £126,000.00. This is not the only trouble... BUT there's infrastructure in the way.... seriously?
This is the road... seriously... a problem with infrastructure? The path already has the line there, you can clearly see that I'm posting this now, they can use the exact same manhole, which would require 1 days work to extend it to a new box there. If they did 1,375 homes would get 100Mb for less than we pay for < 1Mb...
I'm going to sue them soon, as in the UK anything below 2Mb is not broadband, yet they charge me & class it as that.
~100euros/month (Phone & TV included)
e: tu payes combien toi pour ta connexion de malade chez telenet ?
18€ per month...
40 €
110€/month tv+phone included
had this for years already, around 12€
TV & Phone included
40 Euro incl. telephoni
Ich wurde damals durch einen netten Telekom Mitarbeiter quasi gezwungen zu denen zu wechseln, da er seltsamerweise 4x nicht kam und so Arcor nicht schalten konnte. :-))
wurdest damals aber gut abgezogen :D
Mal gucken wohin es mich nach dem Studium verschlägt, vllt ergibt sich was günstigeres :-)
also 40€
20-30 EURish
24,90€ :E
Comes with the rent, so basically free.
Dunno how much it costs. :D
Don't know how much the old granny gives for this shit but there is something wrong :D
but then they busted me, and now it's only 20mbit for 11euro :(
~40E per month
but got weak signal from router now(im 3 floors under router :P) normally on PC got over 90 but still got better upload speed than u :P
costs 15-20 euros for net TV with all hd mediabox shit including C+ and HBO and free telephone
I agree, really takes the piss when you see in RU they get 200Mb for 90% less the price of my 0.02Mb.
20€ (10€ net + 10€ phone/line)
Expecting to get atleast 50mb in next months...optical fiber is here, they just need to set up a box in my street...
Apparently we're not worth it, they're just lazy CUNTS.
Makes me sick of the UK tbh.
Over the last 2 or 3 years it has spread a lot (FTTC) under openreach brand name 'Infinity'.
I live in a brand new house with brand new boxes, and it's not here. (I get 0.02Mb) but apparently that's acceptable.
I am a local broadband champion & it is my duty to make sure we get it ASAP.
BT Infinity is only available in streets where they're close'ish to the exchange (which is pointless as they get a decent speed anyway).
I live 2.1Miles away from our exchange, my sister 200M, she gets BT Infinity.
The telephone exchange was enabled months back now, but they haven't touched anywhere outside of 400M, and won't this year at least.
There is no limit for distance, give it time.
It takes time to fit the roads from outside of the exchange, think of how much work has to be done. I don't have FTTC, but my mother (2 streets down) does, because we use different exchanges, that shows the distance does not matter as she is also on the 'border' of the exchange range.
Also, it's not just Infinity many companies do the FTTC, and sorry I was meant to say the new box is linked to the old box, and it's a smaller cab, quite diddy tbh.
I'm not on the outter distance of the exchange (there's another 2 miles to go), so distance is a key here (as you can see by looking at the current street cabinet #'s connected). I have the current rollout plan (which apparently you can't get as I've asked so many times over the phone). I managed to acquire it from a friend who knows an Open Reach guy. My cabinet and the ones leading to the exchange have no plans for an upgrade in 2012. The only ones are within around 400M (going by my knowledge of the area).
Shitest ping ever
18€ per month, including two digital TV's and a phone that we're not using.
Could have gone for a lot less for the same download, but I need the nice upload. Also explains why I'm so god damn hittable.
From another country
around 30 euros for this shit ! (not at my home)
around 30€/month
5€. decent speed right now but in 1h it will be like 0,1mbs
+- 17 euro
z takim uploadem to mialbym stream 1020p :XD
Inside Latvia
Outside Latvia
USA, lol
~ 25 USD
Sky TV + Phone too, god knows what my parents pay for shit
My phone is faster @ 4MB -.^
55 euro, fml!
Upload: 5 Mbit/s
€ 52 per month (TV and phone included)
paying like 30 EUR with digibox:D getting rolled hardcore by the company, but mom refuses to go with me to change everything for some reason (phone incl i think)
încludes phone 34,99€
48 euros, tv and phone included
50€ ( 250 NIS ) also phone and tv included.
TBH,I can get 100MBIT connection for 50€ , but without the tv and the phone.
My speed results is
Download speed-25.067Mbps
Upload speed-8.456Mbps
For my data plan,I pay 45euros.