New Nike advert is shit

Usually love these adverts but this is terrible.
Needs better commentators like TosspoT.
why exactly is it shit? (apart from that it's way too long and have some poor digital-made actions) i think its a fun and good one :P
because it doesn't feature any british players
Probably because it has too much dutch in it.
if it aint dutch, it aint much! ;-)
If is aint UK, it be gay
ye shit commercial :D
its shit and you just made me watch it!
its good, just be open minded
Liked it :)
i liked it
heyy my boy ronaldo and lebron james? wtf lol
the rabona between the legs that neymar did looked quite nice
i find it good :)
Liked it and easy message they send....!
I hate football but I thought the advert was pretty good! :D
maybe not shit, just nothing special
why is France in it? lol
Well except for FranceLaurent White I still wonder
maybe becoz they are sponsored by Nike ?
It's quite cool, nothing special
Not a single woman. Weird.
not weird, just:
image: tumblr_m0xmh6rCEq1qbnggp
It was pretty good :D
Chicharito and Neymar! Awesome commercial!
Too much digital parts! :/
reminds me of the berlin / düsseldorf game lately :P
hehe neymar
Good that there arent any Brits. Or at least I didnt recognize any of those bastards.
Don't like it either .....
fu its awesome
is that ronaldo with that just too smal shirt? typically gay :D
are u coming to lan?
best one was the one with cantona!
i've never seen an add that i've liked, but this one rules!
and now even TosspoT makes the mighty youtube journals :D
I love that French top!
looks like düsseldorf vs hertha without bengal fire xD
Cristiano is funny :D
There's no black and white shirted guys. the netherlands is just OP
Seen C. Ronalod, stop watching it.
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