Best Youtube Ever?

So much to love in this video...unless you're a Bayern fan :D

Oh man do I have a hangover
so this is back from the club journal?
inb4 razzahrage
fenton was better ;d
1:27 real man comes in
low+, not even 100% naked
im not a Bayern fan... still Bayern would have deserved it more
haha nice one congrats :D
Okay, cool
One life one love one club <3
Totally undeserved
dortmund deserved it
love u cuz u like et,dota2&dortmund :)
So bad to see that boring defensive English football wins something. Just makes me sad for football :(
So bad to see that boring defensive English football wins something. Just makes me sad for football :(
most undeserved win ever in a champions league final, and probably also of whole football history
Those bayern fans whining about how defensive chelsea played should travel a few years in time and see their own team playing defensive with players not half as good as theris.

If I wouldnt live in munich I would have went out to shout "chelsea" whole day :p
i dont whine how defensive they played, they can play however they want

doesnt change the fact it was undeserved and unhumanly lucky
bayern won titles that way more than once
every title from 1990 to 2002 :)
your team is bad and you should feel bad
lowest cl winner ever
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