people hears my ingame sound

as the topic says, really annoying..

they are hearing everything that's happening on my computer, which means that i can't listen to porn sounds while playing(actually this sucks hard)

i got an headset its new since christmas. its called "Razer Barracuda HP-1 Gaming Headphones"

hey computergeeks out there, help kthxbye
they're hearing themselves 2 times n stuff when im pushing down the talk button
rofl, what a waste of money
it was expencive yes
get a good soundcard
integrated soundcard on asus mainboard?
Is it happeneing with TS? I used to have this probelm i hadnt even got a mic/headset and i would join TS to listen and everyone could hear all my in game sounds was really weird
this is ventrilo.
integrated soundcard on asus mainboard?
why dont u reply to me? :o
buy new mic / FORMAT c"!
i won't buy a new mic becuase i just got this one
ouwe belg :D:D
recording options of your soundcard and select "mic" .. (right now it's probably on "wave mix" or "what you hear" or whatever the fuck it's called)
Hi buddy. :D
hi mate! wanna do a quick 3on3?
ofc! ip pw?
sorry the other guy doesnt wanna play anymore :(( im off spaming other community sites cya
check ur windows sound settings and mute ur mic! Worked for me.

image: this64953c92
windows in german! hahaha
Whats so special? Don't you have windows in bulgarian?
uncheck Micboost (20db) from your sound settings
use push to talk
Just do : Test Hardware

Configuration Panel --> Sound & Audio --> Speech --> Test Hardware

I have the same problem, every day when I start my pc I have to do Test Hardware :< After that my mic works fine.

( ps, I don't know the exact names of the configuration panel in english )
Try sending me your headseat ... I'll give you back fixed.
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